Afghanistan withdrawal was “catastrophic failure of epic proportions”: US Foreign Affairs chair

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Speaking at a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Monday, U.S. House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul detailed a newly released follow-up report on the military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan between 2020 and 2021.

McCaul lambasted President Joe Biden and the Democratic party for its approach in fighting the Taliban, and suggested the U.S. Armed Forces’ evacuation caused a chain reaction leading to the current conflicts in Russia and Ukraine as well as the Middle East. He called the entire operation a “catastrophic failure of epic proportions.”

In response to the report, White House National Security Advisor John Kirby said the report “says little or nothing new” in comparison to the first report on the matter, published two years prior.

“We've already issued comment about the one-sided partisan nature of this report, so I'm not going to belabor that right now, but I do think a brief rundown of actual facts is important,” Kirby said.

#GlobalNews #USPolitics #Afghanistan
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They left the country and armed the enemy better than when they started. Got allot of people killed after the withdrawal too. Sad.


As someone who served there... who's being held accountable for this failure of policy? ... No one


Bush sending our Military over here was


Shame to all Americans who will vote to the one who is responsible for such disaster!!!


You get what you vote for. We are suffering the same fate because people are too intellectually deficient or lazy to perform the most basic of civil duty and vote with an informed mind.


Biden on Afghanistan: “The Buck Stops with Me.”


The US couldn't even succeed in Afghanistan...


Vote Harris as she helped and bragged about her involvement


First they failed to defeat Iran via funding Saddam Hussein, now they failed to defeat Afghanistan 😂😂 And the US still think they’re the strongest army in the world 🇦🇫 💪 ❤️ 🇮🇷


The US: The Soviet Union were bad guys because they invaded Afghanistan.
Also the US: invaded Afghanistan for 21 years.


“catastrophic failure of epic proportions” said every group that has tried to invade Afghanistan in the last thousand years or so...


The Republican party is to blame.

Which partied LIED about the entire war and the reason for starting an offensive


Leaving the "chain reaction' of subsequent events out of the analysis the evacuation of Afghanistan was completely incompetent....Kirby isn't stupid, he knows it.


During election period. It get it. Okay.


So are these people trying to say that the Ukraine situation is because of Afghanistan withdrawal, , yeah right. Gaza war because of Afghanistan withdrawal, , yeah right. It's US that caused these wars so stop trying to twist the stories. The way the US abandon Afghanistan was wrong and the US had all those years there and spent so much money and couldn't get Afghanistan as a country on there own feet because the US didn't want that. The American withdrawal simply proves they was not there for the right reasons, it does matter where there is a war around the world, there is always a group in the US that benefits from it.


Tarmac Marathon film
Pompeo sales
Blinken marketing
Bass Director
Kabul control tower to aircraft pilots: takeoff permission
director message to state translator: start recording


I don't have an opinion but this guy seems drunk or trippin' balls or something. It's like this i s an SNL skit. Lots of material here for Lorne Michaels. Great stuff


I am pretty sure this guy would have been an evangelist if he didn't find success in politics. Or a pot farmer.


Ten former Generals, Admirals, and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps issued a letter yesterday, blaming Donald Trump for the issues that led to the chaotic withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. The letter, which titled the group as 'National Security Leaders for America, ' includes Admiral Steve Abbot who was a former senior advisor to George W. Bush. These senior military officers place the blame for the withdrawal squarely on Trump, whose actions leading up to it created an impossible situation for his successor: “He repeatedly fails to take responsibility for his own role in putting service members in harm's way. Without involving the Afghan government, he and his Administration negotiated a deal with the Taliban that freed 5, 000 Taliban fighters and allowed them to return to the battlefield. Then, he left President Biden and Vice President Harris with no plans to execute a withdrawal, and with little time to do so. This chaotic approach severely hindered the Biden-Harris Administration's ability to execute the most orderly withdrawal possible and put our service members and our allies at risk.”
