Can You Increase Your IQ?

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#JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus
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Interesting that you talk about flouride: some good research shows that it lowers IQ.

So does lead in the water - and the government's recommendation that chloramines should be used in place of chlorine in municipal water systems is dangerous: chloramines increase the leaching of lead from old pipes. Urban children face a double dose of toxic materials in their drinking water.


Half of the country would be violently against such a proposed technology, because the research to develop it might accidentally show that there's any difference whatsoever between groups of humans in terms of IQ, and we can't have that, now can we?


Yes: More intelligence (in the individual(s)) is better than Less. No doubt. So, why do our esteemed and distinguished leaders in Washington, DC, insist in lowering the level of average intellectual achievement necessary to conduct a good Governmental activity?


What gets only hinted at in this video is that we know hundreds if not thousands of variants in our genetic code and their appropriate influence on cognitive ability.
We could raise the average g-factor of the population significantly if we gave every baby the most advantageous of these genetic variants by gene editing.


Life is hard. If you’re stupid it’s really hard!


I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i make 22k weekly. have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter... A child of God. HALLELUJAH


If we know that anywhere from 50-80% of our IQ is hereditary, then it seems the only way such a breakthrough would be possible is if we figure out how to edit the genes responsible. The mean IQ has increased over the generations, largely because food has become much more abundant and information is more readily accessible, but external interventions won't be able to compensate for the difference caused by genetic variability.


Privatizing the government schools would have much more bang for the buck if we are trying to make people smarter.


The consequences could be massive and difficult to foresee of increases in IQ. For example, the world is largely built and supported on the backs of high labor mild intelligence people. Would that work be seen as beneath most people if IQ was raised across the board? It's work that is still needed so would society through various means now force lots of very smart workforce into menial jobs, increasing frustration as a catalyst for social friction. Many many very smart disaffected strong laborers could... be a problem?


I took an IQ test on my computer. It was basically problem solving questions they gave you 45 questions and 15 minutes to do the test. I scored a 146 and i was stoned on weed so i took it two more times and scored 146 all three times. Im a professional guitarist and i truly believe it was the reason why my IQ was so high. Because learning guitar especially really technical playing make your brain think in different ways and learning Megadeth solos for example require so many ways of thinking and opens up doors in your mind that increase brain functions.


Yeah sorry I don't know who is this, but all I can hear is "It's possible, but we have no concrete ideas how to make it possible".


I had a crush on the smart girl but nobody really liked her and I think she liked me too. She's my kind of hot and a brain surgeon turned McKinsey now. Definitely my loss for now for not having the guts at the time to follow my own interests in the women I like


They're trying to find a way to create superior human beings. That's why they're trying to understand the human body on the level they're trying to.


I’m interested how Neuralink will influence the brain and IQ, it may not increase the level of critical thinking but it could make learning and retaining information more streamlined and better..


Yes. You definitely can : reach your genetic IQ potential meditation & exercise increases and sustains IQ to its maximal limit.There are various other methods to increase ones IQ This have been proven conclusively. While alcohol smoking ect is shown to lower it. Most people wont put in the work and methods it takes to sustain and raise their IQ. Certainly it can be done.


IQ is not that important compared to Common sense. It's much more important to have common sense. One can argue that high schooling translate to less common sense. Having a sophisticated vocabulary may sound like your high in IQ, but it's just your trade. A machinists/Tool maker has there own vocabulary, there just not going around bragging about there vocal related to there skills, or dropping the H bomb. I can give you example after example of PHDs that have no common sense and are frankly, therefore idiots. Like economist saying that modern economic theory is great, which is printing money and going into dept at +120% GDP is ok and doesn't create inflation. No common sense. That is why most regular people have lost respect of so called, self called, academic elite.


Assuming they actually know what happened during the “big bang” Is quite an assumption.


"If we can figure out what happened in the first nanosecond of the big bang" oh, the hubris of humans.


It follows that to increase knowledge one has to have communication to question. Is there such on w/app?


They lost me with this bullshit about knowing what happened at the first nanoseconds of this supposed "big bang".
