Skydiving Accident Survivor-Logan

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Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Logan, a skydiver who survived a parachute failure in San Antonio, Texas.

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Logan I'm 64, growing up we had a cardboard sign that hung up on our wall and it read " I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man with no feet" your heart warming story brought back this memory. You will go far with your good heart.


"I don't have bad days anymore." Man what a simple but so profound thing to take away from such a tragic event in your life. This dude is something else. Strong isn't the word.


This dude is a beast. The fact that he’s sitting there talking and chillin 3 months later. Wow. What a fighter.


I met him today checking his AC at the house he lived at. You would never guessed this happened to him. He looked great and normal.


"I don't have bad days anymore." The young man is something special. Powerful interview.


Damn bro, I’m not complaining about nothing. If homie can sit here with this type of courage and will to tell the story after only 3 months. My problems are minuscule. You sir have made an impact on me today. God bless.


Logan, my guy, thank you for this interview. Your statement “ I no longer have bad days” hit me like a ton of bricks. I did 10 years in prison, all of my 20s. It sucked, but it changed my life and humbled me in ways I would have never gotten if I hadn’t went to prison. When my time came to finally be free I recall having so many of the same outlooks on life that you mentioned. But, when you said “ I have no bad days” it hit me. I’ve been home now almost 8 years, February 16th will mark 8 years. And in those 8 years I’ve forgot to be thankful, I’ve forgot to love every day like it can all be taken away, I forgot how blessed I am to be free, I forgot that I have so damn much to be thankful for. Now I let bad moments turn to bad days, I’m less thankful, I don’t live every day like it can be taken away. BUT, I promise you, after listening to you speak, going forward I’ll get back to living the way I should. I bet I’ll get back to loving life like I should. I bet I won’t have anymore bad days. Logan, my guy, thank you bro!!! That little boy changed your life, well you changed mine, again. Thank you!!! Good luck to you.


What I appreciate so much is that Mark let’s the people tell their own story…in their own words, with minimal interruption. It is so refreshing to listen to and see something so authentic in this world, where everything seems to be scripted, filtered and photo shopped. Thank you !


We need a follow up.
This accident was not that long ago and he has recovered more than one would think after such a catastrophic blow to the body. It would be great to see his progress.
Logan is such an inspiration.


My God, this young man just changed me forever and I am 70 years old. What a gentle, well-spoken, beautiful, humble, courageous, caring human being. I had tears welling up as I listened to his story. I wish him every bit of peace that there is. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


😭 I had spinal fusion surgery when I was younger, have pretty severe anxiety and depression, I'm not that great at my hobbies, I don't have money, or my own place, or a job, or a girlfriend... this interview made me cry and I'm still in tears. I am embarrassed by how my mind keeps pointing out all the stuff that is wrong with me. I needed to see this. I'm very grateful that you survived and are able to share this story with the world. It helps people in ways you probably couldn't imagine. Thank you.


Dude, it’s an absolute miracle you’re here to tell the story


Absolutely spellbinding. He appears remarkably intact after only three months. Best of luck to him.


3 months ago???? This is truly one of the most courageous stories I've ever heard


Thank you for giving Logan the space to share his incredible story. My cousins husband broke his neck diving into a swimming pool on Boxing Day 13 years ago - C4 complete quadriplegic. Three weeks before his 40th birthday with three children, the youngest 6 months old. We thought he would defy his diagnosis and miraculously walk, regain use of his hands, be able to feed himself. It hasn't happened but he is alive, mind sharper than most and his memory impeccable. He's a dad, a husband and still has his wicked sense of humour. Keep sharing your story Logan. Please Mark do a follow up interview with Logan. You're doing amazing Logan!!!


Being someone with chronic pain I am very impressed that he has barely or even not at all mentioned the word pain. Very strong person and it made me reflect on my own situation, I’ve learned from this.


Not only did his body heal, but his soul as well. What an inspiring story.


When you mentioned not understanding why you're still here, I wondered if part of that reason is to share your story. You've already delivered a reminder to 80, 000+ people about gratitude. Like you said, we all have something going for us. Wishing you the best ✌️


Your empathy speaks volumes young man! Only 3 months removed from this horrible accident and sharing your story with the world is amazing ! Keep sharing your story bro


This guy's empathy and self awareness really got me thinking about my own BS. We all get caught up in the few negatives in our lives and forget that our focused should be on all the positive. Thanks for the perspective bro!
