FULL - “Crossroads Guitar Duel” - Steve Vai, Ry Cooder (FREE TAB)

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Movie Intro: 0:00
Fried Chicken: 0:15
-This scene was unfortunately cut from the movie. "According to the liner notes from Steve Vai's The Elusive Light and Sound, in the original cut of the movie Crossroads, when Eugene and Willie entered the Devil's Church, Vai's character was dueling with another guitarist played by Shuggie Otis. This scene was deleted from the movie but the soundtrack cut entitled Fried Chicken is on this album with Vai and Otis doing the guitar parts."
Butler Bag: 1:51
Bad Horsie Intro: 3:02
Ry Cooder Slide Intro: 3:24
The Duel: 3:52
Final Vai Solo: 6:50
Eugene's Trick Bag: 7:28
Vai Fail: 8:53
Ry Cooder Slide Outro: 9:52

Guitars: Jackson JB 22, Fender Stratocaster U.S.A, Ibanez Jem LNG 777 30th
Amplifier: Kemper Profiler Rack. *Bogner Ecstasy Profile. Top Jimi Ecstatic Pack:

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Рекомендации по теме

Holy shit. I have owned the Steve Vai "Elusive Light and Sound" album and you hit those notes. The first time I ever saw this scene in "Crossroads", I did not believe that it was possible to play it on guitar.


The slide song on the outro has always been one of my favorite parts of that movie, when willie salutes the devil and Eugene plays a kind of laugh on the guitar. They really showcase the emotions of the instrument in this movie. Especially with feelin bad blues too. Ry Cooder is one of the best


The fact that you played Eugene’s Trick Bag on a replica “Green Meanie” means that you know what Steve played it on. Brilliant.


Finally the full duel is covered by someone. This is amazing, awesome job.


Steve should see this. Vai did a great job with the acting, nothing like him in real life.


You got the Mojo-hand, the Louisiana voodoo charm! The Winning Boys Magic! I like the facial expressions you put in there too, well played!


This is probably the greatest thing I ever saw on YouTube. Awesome brother!! Totally Awesome!! CrossRoads Is My all time favorite movie. Watched it 5 times and could watch it another 5 times.


Wonderful re-creation of a truly iconic movie scene. Your playing is incredible. Even had the jacket removal and guitar drop!


Take a bow brother!!! I've owned that scene as one of the best pieces of art to come out of that wickedness known as hollywood. So the fact that you took it serious and enjoyed it enough to teach yourself every part proves it was art. I have shown it to as many people as I could just to get them to broaden their horizons and tip their cap at the mastery on display by Vai. So, good on ya my friend that you have pulled off what I have never actually seen anyone else even dare to try, every part all at once. Blessings from our creator the Lord Jesus Christ for blessing you with the anointing to rock that scene and inspire others to aim high like you did. They will find out that they are more gifted and prepared to succeed than they ever dreamed! 🛐✝️😇🙏🖐️👏


Dude you're truely incredible and your tone is equally incredible


thank you for taking me back to my 17 year old self in 1986 - when this movie came out - and sitting here in awe of an amazing performance!!! I think for most - but certainly for me - it was my first introduction to Steve Vai! You did an AMAZING job!!!


Holy Shit, this was absolutely phenomenal... EVERY aspect of it... Hope Steve has seen it...


Crossroads is on my Top 10 best movies of all time. You put a smile on my face. Thank you from Brazil


You even did the intros!! Nobody does that!! I love this! I always loved that delta blues train intro at 3:24! Absolutely flawless!


As a Jackson guy.. you make me want that Butler model bad my friend. Sweet chops, a deserving guitar for a deserving player!


I saw this movie in 1986, pre-internet, and was always amazed by this sequence. I found the MP3s in the napster days, and I'm so glad others with more musical talent than me had the drive to recreate this. It has been one the greatest chase pieces, and both guitarists were so talented. Bravo, and thank you.


This was absolutely amazing! Who taught you to play like that? Legba? The fact that you did Macchio’s last part where he wins with a Steve Vai guitar was a brilliant touch. Were you inspired by the movie when younger? I know I was. I was 18 when that movie came out and had been playing a mere three years. One of the best guitar duels in a movie ever. You recreated it perfectly. Even down to the looks they gave each other. That’s some dedication. You will go far young man. Can’t thank you enough. The nostalgia hit me like a freight train. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Jose that was awesome!! Like Taller said when you took the jacket off that was killer. Plus the tone you got on the green Jem was spot on!!


Your playing is just as amazing as your guitar collection. That Jackson and Jem is some sick guitars.👌


Ridiculous that you don't have more subs. It's criminal
