10 Tips To Pay Off Debt FAST!

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Hi guys! Today I am sharing 10 tips that will help and encourage you to pay down your debt quickly! Please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe before you leave!

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Books mentioned and related videos:
Total Money Makeover
Rich Dad Poor Dad
How To Improve Your Finances
Fall Try-On Haul On a Budget

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Very unconventional but I moved my furniture into storage and moved into my car for three years. As painful as that was, I paid off my car and all of my credit card debt, plus I saved $50, 000 dollars. Discipline and sheer grit got me there. I was willing to make radical changes and sacrifices. Whatever you can do, do it and stick to the plan!


Learn how to tell people NO!! It took me 3 decades to finally start living this and it feels great!


I spent so many years thinking I was too smart to need a budget. But when I wrote out my first budget and looked at all my debt, I was disgusted. I was wasting so much money, and two years later, it's a huge change. I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. And now, I treat Savings and Charity as bills, not afterthoughts.


My biggest weakness is spending money on family and food. Honestly they're not always necessities but obligations. I've been a hermit for months heck years and have learned the POWER of saying no. I have paid off alot of debt but still have more to go. Encouraged reading these comments from others!!


I’m tired of the cycle of debt, so I sold my Jeep to a dealership on Tuesday. I thought and prayed about it, and it was worth it for me. I currently live with my parents and work from home, so I don’t need a personal vehicle right now. Selling the Jeep allows me to pay off my credit cards by the end of the year while saving to pay cash for a reliable used vehicle. The only debt I’ll have is student loans, and I work to get rid of those asap.


Literally strip down your expenses to the bare bones and dont enjoy life until it’s paid off haha. Maybe little rewards throughout. I’m living with my parents right now to pay things off FAST.


I agree. You will be surprised at how much money you can save just by packing your own lunch. Iam in the process of paying off a lot of major debts. I work eighty hours a week. I pack my own lunch. I do not purchase ANYTHING, unless it is a need. I also watch videos of other people that have paid off massive amounts of debt, which helps to keep me motivated. It can be done.


Sold my vehicle this weekend. My bf and I will be using just one car. 20 year old me would have jumped at the opportunity to get another vehicle.. 26 year old me wants financial freedom. I realized that I have gone into debt to impress people I don't even like, those days are now behind me. The temporary sacrifices I have to make to achieve my financial goals have really excited me and I am more motivated than ever to keep pushing through and reach my goals!


I couldn’t agree more that making the budget is the easy part. Sticking to it is where the blood, sweat, and tears come in lol, at least in the beginning.


Budget and stick to it
Decrease expenses
Get a roommate
Eat at home
Increase income
Educate yourself, on financial management, financial freedom, etc.
Debt snowball
Emergency Fund


By cooking at home I’ve saved soooo much money


One of the biggest areas I found in saving money that now goes towards paying off my student loans was my phone bill. By myself with AT&T, I was paying $72 monthly and that’s WITH a military discount. With the cost of everything rising, I had a long talk with my family and surprisingly they were on the same page with cutting costs too. One day I randomly came across a T-mobile ad for their military magenta plan. I went from paying $72 for one line to pay $100 for four lines (each family member is responsible for paying me their $25) with WAY more perks than what AT&T was offering. Also, if you/your child is a college student, their student email address can be used to receive student discounts for streaming services (for example, i pay $1.99 for Hulu and 6 months free Amazon prime)


Tip #7 is soo important.. budgeting your spending money and save for fun soo you’re not dipping into your emergency fund


I am 25 k in debt because I was a victim of online scammers now I am on my way of paying off this debt. Thank you for your information


Expanding on budgeting and having spending money ..

create seperate savings accounts for each bill/things you want

Rent, Phone Bill, Car Insurance, Vacation, ETC..

each paycheck allocate an x amount to each I had an old co worker who taught me this . He did it for everything, even Christmas presents. He would put in like 10$ a paycheck and at the end of the year he would have like 1000$ for Christmas presents so he wouldn’t stress around the holidays ..


This is so true. It took me a while to truly understand there is no way around not managing money. Luckily I’m not deep in a hole but heck yeah it hurt seeing those numbers. Pray for me and my budget. I felt this entire video. I’m changing to picking up groceries to stop me from splurging in store


First of all, that shiny wash and go is🔥. Great financial tips.


I adopted pay yourself first lately. 10% of every paycheck goes into savings. With a 1300 house payment and 6000 in savings I have a long way to go with an emergency fund.


I personally didn’t have anything till two months ago, i had to find my own way and now i can say I am proud of myself, got my credt fixed and everything planned out


😍🤩 Very practical and straight to the point. Really like it and believe this was exactly what I needed to hear and to learn!!!
