How to pay off a 30 year home mortgage in 5-7 years

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In the above video I reveal a powerful strategy that is practically available to all, but is known and fully understood by a very few. If one takes the time to learn and implement this method of eliminating debt, one may find themselves pleasantly surprised of how quickly their home mortgage, auto loans, student loans or business loans can be completely paid off.

In the video I will demonstrate how a banking strategy can be used to pay off a 30 year home mortgage in just 5-7 years without sending double payments to the bank or changing one’s current level of income.

I start off by creating a scenario of a financial situation by taking an average household net income in the United States combined with some of the basic monthly expenses: home mortgage, minimum payment on a credit card, car payment and living expenses which include groceries, utilities, gym membership…

Once all expenses are identified and subtracted from the net monthly income it is important to understand the impact of cash flow, the difference between a loan and a line of credit, how the interest of a loan and a line of credit is calculated, and how monthly payments on a mortgage are dispersed between interest and principal paydown. To help demonstrate these differences I create tables and an amortization graph. As I go on to unveil the main differences I also identify the biggest reason why nowadays most homeowners are unable to payoff their home mortgages due to the unstrategic use of home refinancing.

By this point having had identified the difference between a loan and a line of credit I can reveal the benefits of utilizing a line of credit to pay off a home mortgage in 5-7 years. This is where I get into the banking strategy which incorporates an unaccustomed method of moving one’s entire monthly paycheck into a line of credit instead of the accustomed checkings and savings accounts. By adopting this method one can leverage a line of credit to free up cash flow, gain cash back rewards, build credit history and improve credit score, but the greatest leverage created is the thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest savings.




DISCLAIMER: I (Laura Pitkute) am not a financial advisor, real estate broker, a licensed mortgage broker, not a certified financial planner, not a licensed attorney, and not a certified public accountant, therefore please consult with a competent professional prior to engaging in any financial strategies. Not everyone will experience 100% success rate by using this strategy as it requires a commitment to keep applying this strategy over time until the desired result is achieved. I (Laura Pitkute) do not promise or guarantee any specific outcomes and/or results from the use of this strategy.
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If you are wondering how to -
1. Pay for your mortgage/student loan/car loan using a credit card?
2. What happened to the credit card interest? Or


I’ll save you 29 minutes: Pay double payments (make sure the 2nd one is to principal only). You’re welcome!


Mortgage rates are currently at an all time high since 2000(23 years) and based on statistics on inflation, we might see that number skyrocket further, a 30-year fixed rate was only 5% this time last year, so do I just keep waiting for a housing crash before buying or redirect my focus to the equity market.


You can pay this off by investing wisely, Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth. Most times, it amazes me greatly how I moved from an average lifestyle to earning over $63k per month, Utter shock is the word. I have understood a lot in the past few years that there are lots of opportunities in the financial market. The only thing is to know where to focus.


Getting a way to make income without having to leave home isn’t exactly as easy as you all think it is, talk is cheap and it’s sure easier said than done, I have my source, and I would rather stick to that, it pays well, even my stepdad quickly joined *Linux tech corps* before it’s too late


I have 2 chapter 13’s that are dismissed. The reason I have 2 is bcz I did not use an attorney. I was trying to stop an eviction, but when I went to try to add another month’s rent to the bankruptcy, but the guy filed another one. About a month later, I ended up losing my job. They are scheduled to fall off in January and March 2021. Since I’m looking to purchase a home soon but still there. I am currently enrolled in *850 Financial assessment* and I must say, I am loving it thus far. I’m doubling it up with your podcast videos and learning A LOT! Thank you. I’m ready to join the millionaire club!!!


I paid up all my mortgages in 2yrs while working with a Financial Adviser. I’m 50 and my husband 54 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no debts. We got to realize that the secret to financial freedom is making better investments.


I told my coworkers I wanted to have a mortgage paid in full before I turn 40 a couple of years ago when I turned 27. I don't think they thought I was serious and that I was living a pipe dream. I worked 4 years prior and the next 4 years on overtime hours every chance I could get, took advantage of the stock market and housing market rally during 2020 and today at the age of 33 I can pay a mortgage in full and live free. It's a nice house, it'll still give me the freedom to move to greater goals...


Yea Navy federal gave me a really high limit. I applied and was denied at first so I got a *Linux tech corps* service, and I was approved for a capital one. The limit was so small lol but I took it and worked on it. Because if that it helped my credit and I believe that’s what made me finally get approved for navy fed with such a high limit. they're still working on increasing the capital one since it was so low. All in all I’m satisfied.


I paid mine off in 4.5 years. I worked my ass off and put every dime extra towards principle. I didn’t buy new furniture, rarely ate out, drove my old paid off truck and did whatever it takes to reach my goal. My 143k house a was going to be 465k if I paid the minimum for 30 years so that was my motivation


Just paid off our home a couple of days ago in 5 years. Bought it in July 2016 and paid it off in May 2021. Such a liberating feeling. I didn't know about all these numbers she's talking about but I had one dream. And that was to be mortgage-free or in other words with no debt as soon as possible. I was extremely focused and disciplined while also living my life going on vacations. I will make a video of how I did it. It's not about how much you make, it's about how much you save. I am pumped up about teaching others how to succeed like me.


VERY well done ! I say this with 40+ years in mortgage finance & banking working with credit bureaus. Different models and parameters are used by different industries but *850 FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT* info is pretty much universal. If you're trying to max your credit scores, there is a happy medium between too many credit cards and none. Too many cards with zero balnce may actually hurt you in some cases. Even if you do not use them, you have a potential. To always pay cash & still have cards doesn't help your scores as well


Wealth is not just about finance, but health and wellness is critical especially in our black community! No need to have stuff and money if you don't have your good health? Rick Ross finally understands this truth now! What does it profit a man/woman to gain the whole world if you don't have optimum health to enjoy it all! Let change the mindset about the diet & wealth in the black community so we can all go up together! Above all things... I wish that you be in good health and prosper even as your soul prospers! God bless you brothers! and remember to use *850 FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT* for your bad credit and negative credit marks and inquiries removal


People complaining about the video’s length: she’s providing FREE help! You’re welcome to stop watching. Thank you for your videos, girl!! 🙌🏻


Presently, mortgage rates have reached their highest point since the year 2000, spanning a period of 23 years. Considering inflation trends, there's a possibility that this figure might continue to escalate. To provide context, the 30-year fixed rate was only at 5% around this same time last year. Faced with this scenario, the question arises: should I continue waiting in anticipation of a potential housing market downturn before making a purchase, or is it more prudent to shift my attention towards the equity market?


It’s beyond true that *Linux tech corps* has intriguing ROIs


I have never seen and heard about home loans and P&I explained more clearly and correctly. Not an easy thing to explain in a truthful way, and you did it perfectly. Give this person her own show, because she obviously deserves it. You can clearly see how the finishing years' payments are the only monthly mortgage payments you would ever want to find yourself at. Bravo Laura Pitko.


I'm trying to increase my capital one card to increase my credit utilization and it won't be a hard pull. I keep getting "utilization of existing credit is too low." How can I fix this? I have made this card my primary card and have always paid it off and on time. I have usually not used it because the rewards aren't as good as my other card. Also, my credit went down 8 points because it said my oldest line of credit was closed but, it wasn't. I used that card to make sure so I have no idea what is going on there. Thanks kindly for your help! Jack of *850 FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT*


So thankful your video came to me! I’ve been ignoring the constant emails, calls, postcards, texts… from my mortgage company offering lower interest rate. Now I understand what my inner voice secretly knew! I’m exactly 17 years in on my 30 yr mortgage. Thank you & God bless!


Howdy - may I suggest you make *Linux tech corps* correlating this to the United States Credit Scoring System; you know, the system where an entire nation's people are enslaved by their government over systems exactly like this? We need people who have influence to bring to light these types of correlations to get people asking and thinking or we will see ourselves slip into a tyrannical nightmare.
