I asked 2,000 people to rate EVERY Wings of Fire ship - Here are the results.

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I FINALLY remade it!!! In addition to having the video now viewable once more, it was also really interesting to see how the results compared to last time!

And, of course, this video would not have been possible without the talent and generosity of some seriously cool creators:

===== music =====
TrackTribe -Running Errands

Ofshane - Koto San

===== Visuals =====
Calendar page turning - Leeloo Thefirst

Hat base - Image by Vectonauta on Freepik

===== Artwork =====
Official JMA character - Zephyrasoars

Clay x Peril - Meroaw

Tsunami x Riptide - Meroaw

Glory x Deathbringer - Biohazardia

Orchid x Mangrove - Mike Holmes

Fierceteeth x Strongwings - Mike Holmes

Sunny x Starflight
Sunny - Mike Holmes
Starflight - xTheDragonRebornx

Starflight x Fatespeaker - xTheDragonRebornx

Fatespeaker x Sunny - Mike Holmes

Coral x Gill - RaizaThe-Dragon

Burn x Scarlet - Mike Holmes

Morrowseer x Blister - Mike Holmes

Thorn x Stonemover
Thorn - Mike Holmes
Stonemover - Joy Ang

Thorn x Smolder
Thorn - Mike Holmes
Smolder - Biohazardia

Palm x Smolder
Palm - Joy Ang
Smolder - Biohazardia

Glacier x Blaze - Meroaw

Glacier x Jerboa III - Meroaw

Anemone x Tamarin - Meroaw

Turtle x Peril - Joy Ang

Kinkajou x Turtle - KenyaJoy

Kinkajou x Winter - Meroaw

Kinkajou x Moon - Meroaw

Moon x Qibli - KenjaJoy

Moon x Winter - Meroaw

Qibli x Winter - Ice-Galaxy

Qibli x Winter x Moon - Joy Ang

Qibli x Umber - Joy Ang

Blister x Vulture
Blister - Mike Holmes
Vulture - Queen-Clam

Snowflake x Snowfox - Biohazardia

Foeslayer x Arctic - u/JosephBiden2020

Whiteout x Thoughtful - KenjaJoy

Clearsight x Darkstalker - BlueGrass24Polly

Clearsight x Sunstreak - Biohazardia

Fathom x Indigo - KenyaJoy

Luna x Swordtail - Meroaw

Blue x Cricket - Meroaw

Jambu x Pineapple - Meroaw

Lynx x Snowfall - Biohazardia

Sky x Snowfall - Joy Ang

Leaf x Ivy - Joy Ang

Sundew x Willow - DH

Blue and Cricket official characters - Joy Ang
(character cutouts by Blue The Silkwing)
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The issue with shipping characters like Blister and Vulture, is that you are basically shipping an actual snake and vulture. They are too alike and they are going to try to deceive, manipulate, and backstab, each other because they consider each other a threat. There can be only one evil genius in this town.


Burn x Scarlet
Everyone: omg they fit together well
Lore: *throws scarlet in glory’s venom and imprisons her afterwards*


I’m so glad Mangrove and Orchid got such a fantastic rating. These two are my favorite non-protagonist romance and it’s not even a contest with the other ones. Their love story is simple, yet amazing!

When Glory meets Mangrove in Book 3, she promises him that he’ll find his lover, and this reignites his hope that he will.

When Starflight meets Orchid in Book 4, he promises her that her lover is coming to the rescue, and this gives her the strength to keep holding on long enough to see him again.

Both protagonists were present to witness their reunion. It’s just so perfect!


Fathom and indigos relationship is actually very fun but sad to read. They have such a teasing relationship and it was obvious after the whole sea wing massacre and before that they had crushes on each other. Though pearl told him to stay away from her to keep the animus line gone he was heartbroken, cause he loved but also he wanted to keep her safe and stay away from her. When he found out she had left he felt upset and lonely without her an when they reunited he was happy she alright and safe! In the end they both got their happy ending, and I loved how tui wrote and developed them it’s a relationship I just loved reading about them! So I agree with them being in S+


Bro am I glad that Whirlpool and Annenome weren't there


Turtle × Kinkajou is the one mainstream ship I have an issue with, but that's more due to my extreme hatred of the Love Spell/Potion trope rather than anything wrong with their chemistry.


I’m glad that Indigo x Fathom (Idk their ship name), Glorybringer, and Moonbli are all so high on the list because they’re my favorites :)


While I mostly love BluexCricket because I'm horribly biased in Cricket's favor in general, I also think that the instant love is part of the appeal of the couple. They're basically soulmates trope without the soul marks, and there's something really appealing about two people clicking without any personality clashes and then deciding to make it work. Plus personally I'm a major sucker for strangers being forced to immediately become ride or die for each other. Especially if they actually get along from the get-go.


I’m so glad orchid and mangrove got such a high rating! I love their relationship the way mangrove never gave up on her and she never gave up on him to come for her. They truly have such a beautiful relationship relationships like this is what people should strive for. They are my second favorite arc 1 ship behind Starspeaker


Darkstalker is like a holy text for me. Without a doubt fav book in series. Closely followed by book 15


7:36 honestly, if Moon wasn’t in the picture, I probably would’ve been rooting for Umber to give things a shot with Qibli. I think they would work pretty well together. Not as well as Moon and Qibli do of course, but pretty well.


I know this sounds like a long shot, but I think Winter and Kinkajou may work if given a shot. There is one major thing that a partner of Winter needs to have to keep the relationship from being toxic: they can’t be afraid to confront him directly when things are getting out of hand. The main reason why I think neither Moon nor Qibli would make a good partner for Winter is because they never defend themselves during the times Winter is being unfair and lets his temper get the better of him. Qibli tries to joke around the issue and act like he’s not bothered by it while Moon just simply remains quiet and anxiously waits for the yelling to end on its own. Kinkajou however has no fear of saying the hard things that Winter needs to hear to get sense back into him during the times he’s taking things too far, and I feel like Winter really appreciates the rough honesty she gives. He doesn’t seem to feel the need to put on a superior tone mask when talking to Kinkajou like he does with Moon or Qibli. He’s actually quite comfortable around her. If Winter and Kinkajou did end up getting into a romance, I would be interested to see how it played out.


4:30 - Wings of fire book 10, The darkness of dragons. Page 167.

"I would if I had known, " He said fiercely. Behind him, Thorn reached out and brushed his wing lightly with hers. Smolder kept his gaze on Onyx, but his body seemed to react subconsciously, leaning toward Thorn so their wings stayed connected.
*When did they start falling for eachother?* Qibli wondered. How had he missed it? He hadn’t been away at school for that long - but then, he hadn’t seen much of Thorn in the last few months as usual, with her royal duties keeping her busy. *Thorn and Smolder, really? I guess Sunny did tell her to go have more eggs, so there would be heirs to the SandWing throne who actually wanted to be queen.*
*But she’ll have to survive this first.*
*And she might have to kill his daughter in front of him.*


Sunlow will FOREVER be top of S tier in my mind. They are enough opposite-ish that they balance each other out but have enough similarities that make them really compatible. Also they are so freaking cute!!! One small one that might’ve been missed is Belladonna x Hemlock. (Also Sequoia x Hawthorn was somewhat implied in book 13 but idk how much people ship them)


I felt like Starspeaker deserved higher it’s definitely the best arc 1 ship to me. When reading StarFlight book the subtext of their relationship is written quite well. Fatespeaker seems to know how to being out the best in StarFlight and sees the good things in him. Fate believes in him an observes that StarFlight is a brilliant brave dragon when the others couldn’t see that. StarFlight was also there to protect fatespeaker from her horrible friends who she pretended were her friends. He was the only dragon who really showed her kindness and found her different from other night wings like him. I think they have a very well written romance and to me they are the best arc 1 ship.


why, oh why, is tau x treehopper soo underrated?? it has the forbidden love, desperate search for each other, hope, fluffiness..

i remember watching the first video last year. it's so amazing to see how much this channel has grown


The love triangle of moon, qibli, and winter never seems to stop interesting readers


The statistics have proven that having Qibli in a ship automatically makes it higher on the list 😎



Am I the only one who shipped Turtle and Peril when reading book 8, then realized Turtle liked Kinkajou, then remembered Peril likes Clay?


I am so happy to see this back! This was the first video I saw from you so I am so happy to see it back and better!
