Awakening of the Rebellion - Imperial Fleet Attack Manaan (Ep 30)

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Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.

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Ya know, you could use the Jedi in the fleet that attacks Coruscant. Would be quite poetic to have the Jedi avenge those that fell during Order 66 and the Purge


Generals give bonuses to ground troops, admirals give bonuses to space units.


That moment when you're halfway around the world from shack, and is forced to watch his videos at midnight because you have nothing better to do at all.


Can't wait for the imperial playthtough, but a criminal syndicate game would also be brill.


I gotta see a black sun campaign. The changes make the playstyle funky and interesting so I cant wait to see how Shack plays it


"It's just been revoked!" It's 35 yrs old and still awesome! Used to watch every Lethal Weapon with my best friend every summer for a decade, classic films. We saw the 4th in...'97 and we couldn't wait to c the rest, it was like finding hidden treasure.


Both Imperial and Rebel interdictors are now on a timer. Its not indefinite for either side. And as far as I know, you cant make Jedi till you form the New Republic, and you can't do that without following the storyline missions.


Senior Captain's Log
Orbit of Polus
Week 170
[Begin Log]

Well, haven't been able to do much from my hospital bed, but things have gone well for the Fourth without me. Another couple battles were fought with Imperial forces trying to retake Iridonia, all of them Alliance victories. As for Polus, the word was that we were intended to take out a kyber crystal shipment, which happened, as well as the destruction of nearly the entire Imperial fleet in orbit.
As for the surface battle, it was quite a fight in the air. Rouge Squadron fought against numerous TIEs and TIE Strikers. No word has reached us about what happened to Wedge, apparently he got shot down, but we don't know if he's dead until there's a body. I don't know how Witton's going to take it. I've sworn to him that we'll get Wedge back.
And while the Northern fleet continues to take ground, the Southern fleet is holding the line. A massive carrier fleet under Needa, who was promoted to admiral, attacked Manaan. Admiral Talon led the counterattack and lost much of the fleet's fighters and support ships, and a couple Mon Cal cruisers. Both fleets require more ships if we are to take more worlds from the Empire and Black Sun. Half the Northern fleet's officers are arguing for the liberation of Mandalore while others call for war against the Corporate Sector, the few that aren't a part of either party are either worried about an Imperial counteroffensive, and Saurthen said there's one idiot worried about the Hapes Consortium striking out at the rest of the galaxy. I just hope I get out of this hospital bed soon, the monotony is killing me, I need action. But, I guess it can wait until "Operation Snare the Lovebirds" is done. That's all for now, Nartha out. [End Log]


"We alpha striked it so hard we almost destroyed it already. AH, GOOD." I see the Imperial side of Shack, and I love it LOL


Captain Shack, after the battle of Manaan, I urge you to build new and stronger capital ships that can match up against the imperial destroyers and to prevent further losses in mass, the MC80 Liberty would provide you with firepower necessary to destroy any capital ship of its caliber as well as powerful heavy ion cannons that can disable shields quickly, the MC80A is also a recomendation since, like the Liberty, it has 14 powerful turbolasers, 8 of them capable of striking over longer distances as well as 2 diamond boron missile launchers, deadly ordinance for anything heavily armored. Other useful ships you could build are the MC60 cruisers that are armed with Magna Pulse torpedoes that can disable any cruiser or capital ship that they strike into


i think a play-through as the mandalorian empire or the droid rebulion would be sick


Luke's fleet would benefit greatly from the 3 mon calamari ships 2 under construction the mc80 liberty, mc80 freedom, and the mc80a alliance plus the bakuran destroyers you're rebuilding maybe greatly appreciated by Luke's fleet


i know the scripted zhar mission is rough, but zhar can also make tibanna mines and is in the back line it would be good for your economy.


Rebel Diaries 30 - There are always strange things in this galaxy... and things I'll never understand. While I would agree with Princess Leia that taking Yaga Minor is going to be a major need for the Alliance... I do not think we are ready for the sieges that defeating the stations there will require. That will not be easy, and we will need more ships. Preferably some artillery ships that can take damage. Hopefully when the new stations at Mon Calamari come online, they can then provide the northern fleet with multiple representatives of these ships. They will be needed for the fight above Yaga Minor and might enable us to then build up to secure the galactic north. They will be needed... trust me, my prior raid on Yaga Minor is indicative of how well fortified that world is, possibly because of having to deal with the Black Sun for so long in that region. Though, I could see where Leia's urgency comes from, as I've seen the intelligence reports on one of the stations there either being capable of building or tending to some new dreadnaught that the Empire is working on. The threat of which still has members of the fleet fearful.

But we aren't ready yet, and thus the northern fleet has been pushed into some side campaigns to help secure the northern regions... at least from the Empire. This started with a move on Polus, which was to be weakly defended... and in orbit it was. But this is where the odd and rough things of war in this galaxy come into play. It started with an odd distortion. We took the orbit of Polus easily, the Empire only had a small force there... though one of their ships was an interdictor cruiser... that will be worrying in the future. Then, while waiting for ground forces to arrive, we had to drive a lone Star Destroyer from attempting to retake Iridonia. We managed to do so, but then while moving to prepare to move back to Polus with the ground forces, things seemed to flash and go black for a moment. When things seemed to come back... I was seeing the Star Destroyer explode as it tried to go to lightspeed and with its main hyperdrive destroyed. It was like time reversed. I talked with General Kota about this when he arrived... and he gave a gruff answer that this was likely some trick of the Emperor's. That Palpatine was a Sith Lord and was playing forces beyond any one man's comprehension... scary... that one man could have an effect on time and space in such a way. Thankfully, it didn't save his Star Destroyer or stop our ability to take Polus.

The victory on Polus though was harsh... The Empire had built up a lot of ground based air power, and while Rogue Squadron greatly thinned them... from reports that reached me, it would appear that their victory in the air was not without cost, and will mean we will have to consider operations to free Rogue Squadron from captivity somewhere... As the Empire likely did capture them. It wouldn't surprise me if they sent them to another world in the Corporate Sector. And I can see where many of the rank and file are grumbling about taking those worlds, that they've been double dealing on us, just as the Hutts were earlier in the war.

And that only adds to reports coming in on the Empire trying to cut off our forces in the core ward push with an attack on Manaan. The Imperials struck at it with a decent sized fleet with multiple Star Destroyers, led by the Avenger. I can remember its Captain... Needa... from my days with the Empire. He's not as brutal or needlessly cruel as men like Vader or Tarkin... but he's still a competent leader. He was backed up by a carrier fleet that was armed with the more advanced fighters the Empire has. Reports from Admiral Talon indicate that the southern fleet prevailed and destroyed the Avenger and most of its escorts, including nearly all its carriers, but took relatively heavy losses as well. In this... while we need reinforcements to take Yaga Minor, and likely the Corporate Sector campaign to recover our lost men and agents, they will need reinforcements just to recover from this fight and be available to hold the line or at least raid at Imperial areas in the region. I might add that the southern fleet would also need a wing of Corellian gunships and corvettes, as Leia's wing of them did quite well with Imperial fighters over Polus.

Hopefully we can move through these dangerous times... and get the strength to deal with the much bigger blows I'm sure are coming. - General Crix Madine.


That final battle was sick! I hope there are more costly battles like these.


What would be really cool is to get Home One by taking the wheel, and then making it kind of like a Fortressa, just one capital ship plus support and just doomstack after doomstack of air superiority fighters, which is where you need the most help.


I'm down for a black sun playthrough as you didn't even get far into the last one you did and the new mechanics are very fun. Plus I feel like a Empire playthrough would play out like the last one you did unless you specifically do things you normally don't do


Report to Echo Base: I honestly think that right now the priority should be consolidating the gains made these past few episodes, and be a bit more defensive while rebuilding offensive capabilities. But the next target should be the wheel as it would be big income and Ackbar.


Daily comment that you could take Rendili on the ground with no more than a snowspeeder, two rocket troops, and an x-wing squadron while taking out tech and giving yourself a massive fortress world.

Edit: after that last battle it looks like they have a level 2 space station. You could raid the planet with Han and Chewie, plus regular infiltrators, steal a walker, and go to town. There’s no outpost, so taking over an AT-AT basically means you win the fight


God I'm been in such a EoW AoR mood so much that yesterday I did a 4 hour session in my Empire Galactic conquest run and made so much progress
got all of the techs and was able to finally repel 2 massive rebel fleets that I would normally threw in the towel
