Why are so many teachers quitting the classroom?

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Schools are facing their “greatest crisis” as one in three new teachers quit the profession within five years of qualifying.

Amid warnings that teachers are over-worked and under-paid, government data shows almost a quarter who qualified in the last five years have already quit the classroom.

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EXCLUSIVE: One in three teachers quit after just five years as schools face 'greatest crisis'

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Kids are out of control and utterly disrespectful. I taught for 32 years and I just retired and feel free. I loved teaching but it changed so much after the Pandemic!


Sub from the UK here.
Today I left at 9:20 am because of the level of verbal harassment from the kids, along with them throwing objects at me.
Mind you, I have ten years of experience in education and fifteen years in mental health care. I need money and I am in debt. But today the abuse just hit harder. I was in a mainstream school. It's years that I don't work anymore in mental health and PRUs. Nobody should put with this. And boards are busy trying to get as much as possible out funds while investing as little as possible in staff and resources.


Teaching is no longer a worthy profession!


The school I used to work at had a huge staff turnover from teachers to support staff. It wasn't the job where I was it was the managers, if your face didn't fit, they made your life hell, no they never sacked you but made sure you left and gave you a poor reference. Teaching is far too political.


I don't care about pay but the lack of support(when it comes to student behaviour) makes it not so worth it


You don't leave a company, you leave managers. I don't quit the classroom, I am going to quit toxic co-workers.


The same thing is happening in America. No one has come up with realistic solutions. You know why? It's because of how society has become: no respect from parents and their offspring. The urban setting is impossible to teach in without enormous stress. Why would anyone want this job?


All teaching staff, teaching assistants, administration, and site staff have been underrated for years. Why would you get a degree and work those hours for that pay? The large teaching trusts provide great salaries for those in charge and accomplish little else. Discipline is out the window and it makes it harder to teach. I went into teaching to help students achieve their goals and desires, and I really enjoyed the job. I also enjoyed training new teachers. However, from what it has become, I am glad I retired after 19 years in the profession. I just feel sorry for my colleagues. Good luck finding a replacement physics teacher/student teacher coordinato/mentor. Finally you are looking at those that leave the profession, what about those that don't complete training? It was a 50% failure/withdrawal rate in my day- with some deciding to leave after a day!


One year PGCE in a subject is not enough training for young teachers. They need more input on child psychology, planning and classroom discipline skills


It’s easy to remain oblivious to the big picture when teaching. First off one must be mindful of where teaching originated which was in monasteries and convents. And then the fact that in all types of schools new hire teachers serve a lengthy probationary period before being granted tenure much as if they were monastic novices, or other words, complete nobodies who can be patronized and fed shit while being kept in the dark, kind of like mushrooms. In a normal job your probationary period is over after just 90 days. When people are made to feel that they’re not really insiders it makes it far easier to quit. Monastics typically have a 90% dropout rate. Teaching of course isn’t quite as ridiculous as that but the dropout rate is easily half of that, which is not good. On a merchant freighter I once crewed on for a couple of years the officers stuck a cartoon on the captain’s door which showed a business executive speaking to a disgruntled employee with the caption beneath “would you consider staying if we paid you”?


...because you can't smash a chair over a kids head for mouthing off at you. haha


The problem is recruitment-the school should never hire teachers, this should be made through examination not based on like it or not like it that person.This has become more like family and relatives business than education.If they employ all their relatives and friends you imagine what kind of education happens in this schools .The professionalism is out of the window and if you dare to say something they point the fingers to you that you are not
professional .The schools shouldn’t be based on friendships to climb the ladder, should be based on skills and knowledge after all it’s what we do .I have worked with LSA which didn’t know basic in maths and I wonder how this people support this students.Another problem is students behaviour and again is a blaming culture that is teachers fault for students behaviour.Why this isn’t happening in other countries, you should think about this, something fundamentally is wrong here.When I started teaching maths they always blame me for students behaviour, instead supporting me.Funny enough many off them didn’t even have the knowledge to teach the subject and I wonder how they can challenge students if they can’t challenge themselves.Those with knowledge leave the classroom and those without knowledge stay in the classroom which will damage the educational systems even further.


I stopped teaching after 14 years. The school I loved to work at went from 99% English pupils in 2007 to 34% English pupils in 2021. I felt like I was in a foreign country and I was sick of hearing the word racism when the real victims of the racism at the school were the white teachers and the white pupils. Totally sickening.


all the non- British kids they have to teach that speak no English


BECAUSE parents don't support them simple that's is why the world has changed parents are to blame my poor child got in trouble at school because he/she was being horrible.
