Season 8 Episode 23: Leadership: Breathing Oxygen into your Summer

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What mindsets and actions will help refuel you during the Summer season? Jason shares 3 important ways leaders can carve out time to care for themselves.

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Episode Summary: In this episode of the Thermostat with Jason V Barger, Jason explores how to infuse positive energy into your summer by adopting intentional mindsets. He emphasizes the importance of breathing good oxygen into your life through intentional actions and thoughts, connecting with others, and envisioning a compelling future.


[00:00:00] - Introduction and welcome [00:00:21] - The importance of stepping back to reflect [00:00:55] - Overview of the podcast and gratitude to listeners [00:01:49] - The significance of rating and sharing the podcast [00:02:35] - Entering the summer season and recommended reading [00:03:45] - Introducing the concept of breathing oxygen [00:05:01] - Statistics on human thoughts and negativity [00:06:21] - Challenges faced in recent years and the need for good oxygen [00:06:43] - Mindsets to help breathe oxygen into your summer [00:07:01] - Break and advertisement for Jason's speaking services [00:08:36] - Returning to the topic: Entering summer with intentionality [00:11:29] - Positive thinking and solutions-focused mindset [00:14:03] - Carving out time to breathe [00:15:08] - Connecting with people who give you life [00:16:34] - Visioning a compelling future [00:17:39] - Questions to ponder for the summer [00:18:33] - Recommendation to read "Breathing Oxygen" [00:19:56] - Final thoughts and encouragement to be a thermostat Key Themes:

Breathing Good Oxygen: The importance of both literal and metaphorical oxygen for our well-being and performance. Intentional Breathing: Taking intentional breaks to reset and recharge. Connecting with Others: Engaging with people who bring out the best in us. Visioning the Future: Envisioning a future that excites and motivates us. Dealing with Toxic Situations: Recognizing and minimizing negative influences. Notable Quotes:

"We need good air to breathe so that we can navigate our way through the fog." "Carving out time to breathe...brings our intention and our mind back to where we want it to be." "Connect with the people who give you life, who breathe good oxygen into you." "What excites you about the future? What would bring you joy?" "What is the toxic or unhealthy situations...that you want to get away from this summer?" Questions to Ponder:

What activities or practices would help breathe good oxygen into you this summer? Who are the people that bring out the best in you, and how can you connect with them more? What is the vision for your future that excites you, and what steps can you take to pursue it? What are the toxic or unhealthy situations or influences you want to distance yourself from? Jason Barger is a husband, father, speaker, and author who is passionate about business leadership and corporate culture. He believes that corporate culture is the "thermostat" of an organization, and that it can be used to drive performance, innovation, and engagement. The show features interviews with business leaders from a variety of industries, as well as solo episodes where Barger shares his own insights and advice.

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