My biggest regret as a computer science major (4 things I wish I knew)

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just wanted to share my biggest regret as a computer science major, and offer advice on how to kickstart your software engineering career on the right foot as a freshman/sophomore college student.

i entered college not really knowing what i was doing, and it took me a long time to act upon what i should've done earlier in my uni career. hopefully this video can act as a guide for you, and help set yourself up for post-grad and the industry.

thanks so much to my friends jacob (msft) and sam (ex-msft ex-goog), for helping me write this video, it literally wouldn't exist without them :)

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› current sub count: 108 :D

#computerscience #computersciencemajor #softwareengineer #college #collegeadvice
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Fellow Thai-American here and had a pretty similar experience as you: majored in CS, started uni right when Covid hit, and yeah it’s tough out there 😢 You have a pretty positive outlook on life so you’re gonna great things! Hopefully you find a job soon!


What would you have changed in your approach to applying to internships in college looking back

Автор starting university this september..
Not sure if i want to switch from SWE to CS, after the first year..
