How Do You Know If You Have A Concussion? | Ep. 3

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So you got hit in the head and now you’re wondering “How do I know if I have a concussion?”  In this video we will review the things that doctors will look for to determine if you have a concussion.

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The times in my life I have had a concussion I needed to take a week or two and just relax and rest and let my brain relax. Let the world slow down a bit and then I felt back to normal.


This was a useful video! I hit my head really hard on the handle of my freezer door while taking something out of my fridge about a week ago and immediately felt dizzy, and my head felt worse and weirder each day that passed afterward, so I saw my doctor 3 days after the incident, and he immediately dismissed my concerns and insisted I didn't have a concussion without even doing any tests. He said, condescendingly, "there's a pain scale, it goes from 1 to 10, and you definitely don't have a concussion unless your headache is at least an 8 or 9 on the pain scale." Even after I told him about the pressure in my head, nausea, and vision changes, he insisted I didn't have a concussion. I got a second opinion from another doctor the day after who listened as I explained my symptoms, asked clarifying questions, and did a thorough test, and she told me I do indeed have a concussion. Every day I feel worse and worse though, ugh, when does it get better...


Very good man and doctor, I totally respect you


What is the white flash you get when you are hit in the face? Like the flash the very moment of the hit. Is this concussion if there are none of the listed symptoms here?


Is their aan electronic device utilized reestablishing bance?


Loving the concussion content! I relied on your videos when I had my first concussion two years ago. My question to you Dr. Cam is, if you were to sustain a concussion injury, would you also have whiplash injuries alongside the concussion due to the force needed for concussion? Would it be less likely to have a concussion if the blow to the head didn’t cause a whiplash injury? Thank you for the work that you do and answering us viewer’s questions when you can!


Thank you for the list. I have the majority of the symptoms. I can't get a hold of myself is making me feel crazy. I also have speech aphasia pretty bad. I'm really scared. Your videos are helping me


I barely hit my head with a pot on my forehead trying to smell the pot is that enough force by barely hiting it


Thank you so much.
For understanding this cluster of symptoms AND sharing how to heal. You give me hope.
I will be following you and your recommendations- as best as I can. I would benefit from in patient or "in-clinic" care. I live alone in rural area. This is so challenging to deal with on my own. 64 yo, but I have a lot to do still. Meanwhile time passes and I exist. Barely.
Thanks for the help!


I had a good bump and man of the symptoms and saw my doctor and got a concussion diagnosis. But the symptoms were really mild for the first 2 days then wham! I felt like I got hit by a truck…. My question is did anyone else lose hearing also? This just happened and one of the symptoms was significant loss of hearing on one side. Has anyone experienced that? And most importantly did it go away?


Guys how do i know if is only conccusion or hemorrhage??


Sir I can’t afford concussion fix programme please help me i am a student in its peak career please help sir please


What about the abbott blood test for concussion ?


my son was hit 3ft from the boards yesterday, and his body took most of the impact, but obviously his head hit from the impact. No loss of consciousness, trainer did tests like remember 3 words, name, address, count backwards, light, etc. Went to ER after just incase, nothing found. Went to physio that deals with concussion, and said he might have a minor very mild one. We did the 22 point symptom chart, and the only ones he put as 1-2 were headache and dizziness as well as tiredness. A few hours later his headaches disappeared and his dizziness, but now certain sounds irritate him. tmw will be 48hrs, we were told to just go about his day with not too much physical activity. We are going to start him stretching and some stick handling and shooting on Wednesday. Is it too soon for him to play this weekend if he has no symptoms for 48 hrs?


I bent at the waist with my head at waist level for 20 seconds. When I stood up it immediately felt like I got hit in the head with a brick. I hour of occipital head pain and dizzy. Extreme instability walking for 3 weeks solid. 5 months later still not 100%. Neck or head injury. What do you think?


hey man love what you're doing. I took an elbow at wrestling practice yesterday, and I feel kind of buzzed today. This happens sometimes and generally goes away after a day or two. Is this causing lasting damage or is it just like a bruise? Thanks so much!


Could a concussion affect hearing such as hypercusis ?


Great videos, thanks you so much! It really helps to understand my own situation better and get peace with it as it seemed that my doctor wanted to diagnose it as a burnout while I am strongly doubting this and your videos give me proof to myself that I most likely have PCS.

I do have a question which I hope you could clarify for me: Is it possible to develop stronger pcs/concussion symptoms after a few months of the accident?

I got a ball on the side of my head during football a half year ago and was not able to work for 4 weeks wherafter I started again but looking back on it I never really felt back as normal (always kept a click/pressure around my ears and was not able to work on the same level). A month ago I was suddenly not able to work anymore and all my concussion symptoms came back stronger this time. This time everything which requires concentrating creates a heavier pressure and click in my ears and head whereas I can only stay at home.

My Docter says that he doesn't want to speak of a concussion as I didn't blackout or as I didn't faint after the accident... although I did get for a sec dizzy and was tired the days after (+ couldn't watch a screen anymore and stopped listening to music).


Iv had a concussion for nearly 3 years now after a blow to my head everyday I wake up & it’s like iv had 10 pints of beers iv got 3 young kids & it’s really effecting this coz the iv have little patience & loads screams hurt my head, iv tried things but nothing works please could I get some professional advice???


Hey Dr, I have a question. Do you have experience with hypochondriacs who thought they had a concussion? How are you able to tell apart a real concussion with the body "creating" symptoms? Thank you!
