15 Minute Vocal Warm Up for Singers

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Great 15-minute Vocal Warmup for Singers!

Check out my new Vocal Warmups With Kathleen mobile app, now in the App Store and Google Play!
Premiere vocal warmups for singers app for both Android and iPhone!

Check out my Vocal Warmups With Kathleen mobile app, now in the App Store and Google Play!
Premiere vocal warmups for singers app!

App store for iPhone:

Google Play Store:

More information:

Exercise list:
1 Ng 5 4 3 2 123454321
2 Sah 5-1
3 huh muh muh 1234321
4 Nee Oh 132435421
5 yah yah yah 531
6 lip trill 12345432151
7 ee ay 123454321
8 preh 54321
9 hng eee 1 54321
10 fah-ee 54321
11 sirens
12 zee – ah 135831

Check out my new Warmups With Kathleen APP for iPhone! Beta version now in the App store! App for android coming soon. Learn more here:



Vocal Warmups with Kathleen Looking for vocal warmups for singing? Try one of these other favorite guided warmups or voice lessons:

Vocal Warmups with Kathleen

Enjoy! Check out the rest of my videos, and check out some of my favorite colleagues like Dr. Dan, Jacobs Vocal Academy, Madeleine Harvey, and Cheryl Porter. Be your own best singing teacher and improve your singing with this quick vocal warmup. It's best to sing daily, but it is very important to warm-up properly before a gig, rehearsal, voice lesson, or chorus rehearsal. Warm up your voice for singing alone or with others. These make great easy vocal exercises for beginners or vocal warmups for seasoned singers. Make sure to sing a little every day, and you can learn to be your own best vocal coach! Warm-up your voice alone or with others. Great vocal warmups and vocal exercises for individuals or choirs.
Рекомендации по теме

So excited for your app! Congratulations <3 <3 <3


I used 2 just do an 8 min warm up, now I do both. I feel much more warmed up. Thank u so much! ❤🎉😊


Thanks, especially for drawing our attention to stiff jaws; you showed us how to ease that tension.


Thank you! I look forward to these every week-- they are wonderfully helpful!
My Civic Chorus is starting up for the season soon-- we'll be singing Vivaldi.

Also, perfect tee shirt; I love seeing the cats.😺


As always Kathleen this is a wonderful warm up!! All your videos have been so helpful and inspiring for me. Thank you so much! I also love the t-shirt you have on today!


Love this channel so much!! Thank you for your super informative and helpful videos! You make vocal warm up more fun, i really enjoy it when I follow all your indications☺️


Hi Kathleen, Once again, thank you for your wonderfully helpful content. I think you're the best out there in YouTube land! I love the way you just get right down to work. And I also love the way you structure your lessons. Your friendly, easy-going nature makes it so pleasant to work with you. Question: after working diligently and consistently on vocal exercises and training, what are your recommendations for applying those skills to actual songs? I realize every song is different and each one would have to be considered one by one; but when working with your students, do you have any rules of thumb for going about choosing the best key for a given song and singer?
