Come Follow Me - Helaman 1-6 (part 2): 'The Rock of Our Redeemer'

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Part 2 of a 2-part verse-by-verse study of Helaman 1-6, which recounts the ministry of Helaman the Second and his sons, Nephi and Lehi. Part 2 covers Helaman 3-6 and focuses on the pride cycle (including breaking out of it), building on the rock of the Redeemer, moving from darkness to light, and defeating the Gadianton robbers. Join Jared Halverson for your weekly Come Follow Me study of the Book of Mormon!

Disclaimer: The content of these videos is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System. Images used herein are intended for educational purposes alone and remain the intellectual property of their creators.
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Thank you so much for these lessons, and the insights you share. I became a member of the church in 1967 and have read the Book of Mormon many times over the years, now with your help I feel I am studying it in depth for the first time. I live on the other side of the world ( Wales GB ) but feel I am having one to one study sessions with you each week.
Please do not stop sharing these lessons when this pandemic is over I need them.


How wonderful to have a teacher like that. I really miss going to Church. I am a new convert and I love being in Gods House. Thank you so much for bringing these Study guides at this time, with all the hate that seems to be happening now.I pray that God will touch the hearts of each of us . Bless each any everyone that will keep his Commanments.


Brilliant lessons. Great help in the absence of attending Church. I look forward to every lesson and thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping with my testimony in these dark days. May Heavenly Father bless and keep you.


Me and my wife are elderly and have health issues and this truly has been inspiring to us both thank you and we pray for the people of the church and the world to temper our pride and be humble followers of Christ.


Thank you for this lesson. As I listened and wrote my notes, the thing that kept popping up for me is WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE. We choose our life, we choose our consequences, and we choose to stand in the light or in the darkness. We choose Christ or not. Thank you for strengthening my testimony each day and week with your lessons. And for reminding me of how I need to be studying, reminding me of my mission, and reminding me of what life is about.


hello. This is the best way to lear English. Studying the gospel and with the subtitles activated. Thanks for theses lessons.


Sadly it's so easy to see the pride cycle and secret combinations today. Thank you, as always, for your lessons - I always learn so much!!


Another wonderful lesson. I can't keep up and try write down everything 😂
Love the the clear explanation of the pride cycle, visual and easy to understand. Choises follow by the consequences, so hard to be prosperous and not give in to pride, but it is always possible to be humble and acknowledge why everything is good in your life. Being an immigrant from former USSR it amazes me sometimes how ungrateful some people are living in the best country in the world - USA. Especially the newer generation who hasn't seen the wars, the "fruits" of socialism, the hardship, just like young Nephites who were too young to understand the words of king Benjamin...
I am very humbled by examples of Lamanites in chapter 6, thank you for pointing it out.

And addition, huge thank you for teaching about Helaman and his decision to stay and raise his family and his sons in light of the gospel. It was the answer to my prayers! Thank you for your lessons! They are wonderful!


Thank you so much for your informative and inspiring lessons. I learn so much from them.


Oh yes. I remember when I stopped calling on God and He left me to my own strength. What a mistake.


Thank you, thank you for your wonderful teaching. I feel strengthened in my life and able to experience more from the scriptures. Life saving!


Wonderful lesson it helps me understand these latter days and what's coming. These lessons make me stronger if I listen to them


Thank you for your lessons and sharing your insight. The Lord has truly blessed us, that we have this caliber of teaching.


Good lessons to learn more about the Book of Mormon. I learn to cherish the time I spend here


This has helped me more than you know. Thank you for making the scriptures understandable. So glad I found your vidoes


I love your lessons - am handicapped and you bring me great joy in discovering ! Technology and your wisdom certainly make my heart sing. Bless you and thank you !


I really liked the parallel to the war in heaven and the sons of Pahoran. That was pretty cool.
Like the other comments I look forward to these lessons every week and love the insights you bring! Thank you for starting your channel!


I find it important that when that Lamanites in ch 5 asked what to do, they were told repent to pray UNTIL they had faith in Christ. Those prayers must have been very sincere and intense because the Lamanites did indeed receive faith in Christ. After that, knowledge came when they also were ministered to by angels. The lesson for me is that when my faith is dwindling I can pray to receive more faith.


I am thoroughly enjoying studying with you. I appreciate the readiness and ease of your knowledge and understanding which is inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to share. Kindest thanks and regards to you.


Excellent. You teach the The celestial circle. I've never heard of that since joining the church since 1985
