Helaman 1–6 | August 26–September 1 | Scripture Study Insights | A Come Follow Me Resource

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Join Tyler Griffin and his daughters, Cambria and Jenna for this week's Come Follow Me Study.
This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
This program is intended to be used as supplementary material to the Come, Follow Me Program by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Scripture Study Insights is a Scripture Central Production.
Host: Tyler Jay Griffin
Associate Producer and Video Editor: Avery Kirk
Executive Producer: Benjamin Tyler Griffin.
Special thanks to Tyler and Kiplin Griffin for volunteering countless hours for this series.
Thanks to the generous donors of Scripture Central.
Subtitles by Amanda Pack
Timestamps by Dino Collins
0:00 Introduction - Tyler introduces his daughters Cambria and Jenna
1:12 Helaman 1 - Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni contention for the judgment seat
6:55 Coriantumr leads the Lamanite armies
14:38 Helaman 2 - Helaman leads as chief judge and Gadianton leads the band of Kishkumen
18:40 Helaman 3 - Internal map, migrations, and individual gifts
24:39 Helaman as a Christ type and thousands join the church
30:42 The pride cycle
37:52 Helaman 4 -Nephites/Lamanites 9 years pride cycle and trusting Jesus strength
43:37 Helaman 5 - Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to preaching
50:00 Griffin family scripture Helaman 5:12
55:37 Nephi and Lehi make many converts and are imprisoned, and fire encircles them
1:02:00 Aminadab asks “What shall we do?”
1:06:00 Testimonies
*Download the Gospel Learning app to begin learning through paths created specifically for you! Explore thousands of Gospel topics with the BEST videos available at your fingertips.
*This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
#ScriptureCentral #ComeFollowMe #ChurchOfJesusChristOfLatterdaySaints
This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
This program is intended to be used as supplementary material to the Come, Follow Me Program by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Scripture Study Insights is a Scripture Central Production.
Host: Tyler Jay Griffin
Associate Producer and Video Editor: Avery Kirk
Executive Producer: Benjamin Tyler Griffin.
Special thanks to Tyler and Kiplin Griffin for volunteering countless hours for this series.
Thanks to the generous donors of Scripture Central.
Subtitles by Amanda Pack
Timestamps by Dino Collins
0:00 Introduction - Tyler introduces his daughters Cambria and Jenna
1:12 Helaman 1 - Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni contention for the judgment seat
6:55 Coriantumr leads the Lamanite armies
14:38 Helaman 2 - Helaman leads as chief judge and Gadianton leads the band of Kishkumen
18:40 Helaman 3 - Internal map, migrations, and individual gifts
24:39 Helaman as a Christ type and thousands join the church
30:42 The pride cycle
37:52 Helaman 4 -Nephites/Lamanites 9 years pride cycle and trusting Jesus strength
43:37 Helaman 5 - Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to preaching
50:00 Griffin family scripture Helaman 5:12
55:37 Nephi and Lehi make many converts and are imprisoned, and fire encircles them
1:02:00 Aminadab asks “What shall we do?”
1:06:00 Testimonies
*Download the Gospel Learning app to begin learning through paths created specifically for you! Explore thousands of Gospel topics with the BEST videos available at your fingertips.
*This channel may make use of copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
#ScriptureCentral #ComeFollowMe #ChurchOfJesusChristOfLatterdaySaints