THE MATRIX Resurrections Explained: Your WTF Questions Answered

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THE MATRIX Resurrections Explained: Your WTF Questions Answered. We breakdown The Matrix 4 and discuss the biggest questions surrounding the film. This includes, What Happened Between This And Revolutions? Why Did Some Machines Decide To Help The Humans? How Did Trinity And Neo Return? What Happened To The Old Matrix? and more.

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0:00 The Matrix Resurrections Unanswered Questions Intro
0:24 What Happened Between This And Revolutions?
2:19 How Did Trinity And Neo Return?
3:21 What Happened To The Old Matrix?
3:43 Why Is The New Matrix Better Than The Old One?
4:38 What's With The New Morpheus?
5:12 Why Is There Footage From The Matrix In The Movie?
5:47 Why Does No One Recognise Neo?
6:23 Give Me A Like Pleasssse?
6:42 Why Does Jude Want Neo To Talk To Trinity?
7:36 Why Tiffany?
8:10 Where Are The Agents?
8:52 What Is The Theme Of The Movie?
9:31 What Is The True Message?
10:40 Outro And Competition

The Matrix is back because, well everyone and everything is stuck in a loop right now and though they say making a sequel to the Matrix would be stupid in the movie, here we are. The franchise is known for asking what is the question and the fourth entry has some really big head scratchers in it.

Throughout this video we're gonna be bringing you the answers to the most asked ones whilst also trying to explain the movie so you can take something more from it on your next watch.

Now one of the first things I wanna talk about is what happened between the events of this and revolutions.

Can we, can we put a question on screen for that? Cheers.

While the original Matrix seemed like a perfect self contained movie, we got two more sequels during the almighty year of the matrix that expanded upon Neo’s story and aims to save humanity. Revolutions ended with Neo not only defeating Agent Smith but he also ended the war between humanity and the machines which brokered in a new era of peace.

But what happened after? Luckily the movie explains a good lot of it in scenes with Niobi and Bugs. We learn that as Neo mades his deal with the machines, the Sentinels retreated and the war was ended.

However this was not the end and both sides had to find a way to co-exist. The machines were unable to produce enough energy due to the amount of humans being unplugged from The Matrix and this lead them into a civil war with one another.

It was then the oracle contacted the humans for the last time to tell them that a new power was rising in the machine world which was likely The Analyst. We discover that he created a new iteration of the Matrix using Trinity and Neo. Which stopped humanity from leaving due to the misery and sorrow they brought with them.

After the Battle of Zion, Morpheus was elected high chair of the council of Zion. We know he was a true believer in Neo and once Neo completed his prophecy, he thought it was over. Ignoring the rising power threat from The Oracle proved a mistake as Niobi explained leading to the end of Zion.

Music - LAKEY INSPIRED - Arcade
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Trinity also had a different face, you can see a flash of it in the table's reflection when her and neo are sitting down having coffee together.. thats why her husband laughed when she asked if the character from the game looked like her.. but her and neo can see eachother how they really are, because she recognized him when he went back in with his now real face to try and save her


I am curious if Trinity also had a DSI and perhaps that is why her husband laughed because only she could see her resemblance to the video game character?


Neo in this movie is just Keanu Reeves. He didn’t feel like the old Neo


“A horrible and dark world still better than 2020 and 2021” 🤣🤣🤣


The red pill was the tracer pill to find their real body in the machine city. Trinity didn’t need the red pill because they already stole her body from the secret room already.


The first half felt like an extended trailer. With the scenes from old movies mixed with new and even had the same song as the trailer


I really think the most important message in this movie - the message of how ppl won’t fight to better their circumstances due to the fear of losing the few comforts they have ( strawberries in Io ) will be missed by the majority of people who see the film.
We are ALL being manipulated and we can definitely do better.


Something that I haven't heard anyone talk about yet, the city of Io is most likely named after the concept of input/output (I/O) in computing, which is the communication of information between a computer and a human (or other system). Pretty fitting for a place shared between humans and machines.


Trinity also looks different when you see her in reflections. She appears as a blonde woman.


I expected more from the movie but at the same time, given the history of all the current reboots, I'm not surprised. I miss a good story, not a rewritten one.


I feel like this whole movie was a middle finger to WB from Lana Wachowski. There are a great deal of meta references to its production and much of it can be taken as criticism toward the soulless nature of the production studio. She purposely created an expensive-yet-mediocre film in the hopes of letting the franchise die.


This movie actually ruined the original trilogy for me. Love the video, great work.


This movie had some interesting ideas, but i thought the execution was really poor, and i didnt like the inclusion of characters that felt like they didnt add to the story (Merovingian, Agent Smith, Niobe kinda ). I would have preferred a different story with new characters, either as a far future sequel, or a prequel (like previous versions of the "one" in the earlier versions of the matrix like the "nightmare" matrix).

Overall not a good movie. Some interesting ideas though.


I was especially impressed with the ageing effects on Keanu's face to make him appear in his late 30's.


Lana Wachowski basically showing us why she hates the character "Morpheus "by making fun of it


The fact that you made this movie understandable and digestible more then the actual film says a lot lol


*Who else appreciates the fact that he uploads consistently?* ☃️💕


In the first set of movies, Morpheus was what I like to call a catalyst character. In terms of the hero quest, he was the mentor of first Neo, and then the mentor of the human race. A mentor character creates change in the main character by influence, by teaching and by acting as a role model. He served all these function in the original movies first to Neo and then to the Council and his fellow humans in the second and third installment. Catalyst characters create change by intereacting with those around them. A villain for example, is a catalyst character by creating change, usually in terms of chaos that the hero has to confront. Agent Smith is a good example of a negative catalyst character that created literal chaos in the Matrix that essentially forced the Machines to work with the humans via Neo. Without Agent Smith that truce would have never happened.

The reason the first set of movies worked in terms of plot was the fact that you had the tension between the two catalyst characters, Morpheus on one side creating change in the Council and fellow humans and Agent Smith creating change within the Matrix and the Machines with Neo in the middle trying to cope with both sides. It was this tension that created the plot points that moved the movies forward.

You have none of that in this movie which is a big part of why this movie doesn't work. Morpheus creates no change in this movie in either Neo or those around him. Agent Smith is simply another character in this movie and is used as a deu ex machina in the end fight with the Analyst. The Analyst character certainly isn't a catalyst character as he is just another form of the Architect and the Architect/Analyst type of character resist change and fight against it. (The military leaders in the first movie also were fighting against change as well.) So who were the catalyst characters in this movie? No one. There was no tension between one side and the other. You had Neo stumbling through the whole movie supposedly driven by his love for Trinity, yet this love produced no transformational change in him as it did in the original Matrix.

We never see any character go through any transformational change in the movie due to the catalyst characters except for Trinity deciding she didn't like being called Tiffany and her flying at the end, which is just another deus ex machina to get them out of a problem that couldn't solve themselves. Sure in the end both Neo and Trinity were flying and snapping their god-like fingers and we saw none of that transformation on screen.

The first movie succeeded on all counts because there was constant change within the movies created by the catalyst characters. Each catalyst character had a goal they were trying to reach and this inherent conflict was what forced the Neo to deal with this rising conflict. In this movie, there was no real conflict, no real change, no real objective that any character was trying to obtain other than releasing Trinity from the pod. This movie was closer to a heist movie than an action thriller and if it had been a straight up heist movie it would have probably been better. It is sad that this movie failed on almost every point that the first movies were able to nail so well.


I do not share the seemingly bad reception of the movie, I found it entertaining and a good follow up to the franchise.

Masterfully crafted video BTW 👌🏻


I can't really determine how I feel about it yet. I enjoyed watching it. I think I could see how and why it was so meta at some points. I think it was condemning the current film system while also pointing out the problems with technology and social media today. I don't know if I'm on board with the execution of it yet. I think I need another watch
