Why Millennials aren't Getting more Conservative as they Get Older

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Conventional wisdom suggests that as you get older you get more conservative - it happened to our parents and grand parents. However, new data about millennial suggests that they're actually getting less Conservative, which is a big issue for the Tories..

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Who could’ve guessed that the generation most screwed by the system have turned against it?


The youngest generation is also offered the least help economically. They are the ones most ignored and mocked by conservatives when they express the challenges they face, even blamed for not spending enough, while accused of simultaneously spending too frivolously.


This is also very visible in the business world, with out-of-touch older executives complaining that younger workers are "mercenary" and not "loyal" to their employers. The problem is that Millennials grew up as a generation where the old-time principle of getting into a company and working for them you entire career was killed by business itself. Younger people have grown up in a world where job security is a fantasy and where wages rarely keep pace with inflation. Without the security that previous generations took for granted, these younger people are daunted by the hurdles standing between them and things like home ownership and children. The political assumption for too long was to focus on rewarding older voters and expecting them to be replaced by more as people aged. But what do the Millennials have to "conserve" that would make them become more conservative?


We were taught growing up that if we go to college, get a job, and get married, then we would be able to have a home, family, and life and be stable. And now we feel that the previous generations failed in delivering on a promise they made us.


The supreme irony is that because they have concentrated wealth into the hands of the powerful then people are less likely to be able to settle down, get a house, pay OFF the mortgage and basically be in a position to become a tory voter. And I find that incredibly funny


Same is happening in the US. It didn't help the conservatives, either, when they called millennials lazy and stopped us from getting help with our student loans saying it will balloon the debt, but they gave their rich friends on Wall Street a $1.5 trillion tax cut.


In the US, the conservative answer to this issue was to suggest that young people not be allowed to vote.


People don’t get more conservative as they get older. They get more conservative as they get richer. These things usually correlate but recently are doing so less than they once did. The correlation still exists - it’s just less pronounced than it was.


Didn’t realize “wealth redistribution” meant “not selling off every public service imaginable to your Oxbridge mates”


This feels a bit like saying "why do victims of burns dislike fire?" It kept hurting us, so we stopped supporting it.


It's not just that the Tories have neglected young people. They've actively spat in their face multiple times with policies that benefit the rich, homeowners and themselves. Triple lock pension is a great example of this, whereas they had to be dragged screaming through the mud to even consider supporting everyone for their bills.

And for older Tory voters. The poorer we are, the more you will suffer in older age. If we can't live for ourselves, the quality of care for the elderly will drop too (I predict large numbers of young people may emmigrate away if trends continue).

Voting for Tories is a shot in the foot for almost everyone who isn't a millionaire, but especially damming for the young. If you care about young people and the future at all, don't vote for these monsters. 12 years of mismanagement can't be anymore proof


As an Aussie, this is already happening in Australia if you want a glimpse of it in action. The conservatives have been obliterated federally and at state level. Their voter base is dying off and their replacements are turning 18 and ready to vote. Yet they still cling to old fashioned values and even leaning more to the right. Young people are more informed about politics these days with easy access to news. The conservatives are so out of touch it's embarrassing.


"This can be fixed but requires major changes"

Considering being conservative means being fundamentally allergic to change, I don't see that working out for them.


I finished uni in 2008. Worst times. No jobs. Nothing.
It took me years to come out of financial disaster. And get somewhere in life.
Even after that, I never felt that I can really have a stable life. Always moving. Finding jobs in tough competition environment. Everyone keep saying that 'You will be redundant, if you dont learn new skills.'..Hence always learning.
Hustling and all became life. No time for anything else.

Lookin back to my parents time. They never had any of these I mentioned. My father was working for same company, till he retired. My mother was doin part time and raising kids.
Havin Family or kids. Are totally out of my reach atleast. How do society wants us to live the same way, as our parent's generation. When life became way wayyy harder for us, compared to our parents generation?


I read someone say once that normally people start out liberal, get "mugged by reality, " and then become conservative, but that millennials were mugged by reality right out of the gate.


The information that older generations are more conservative hits different when you realise poor people die substantially earlier than rich people


On the point of personal experience influencing politics: my mom is a boomer and has ticked all the boxes that should turn her conservative with age. Home ownership, check, family, check, steady well-paid job, check. Yet, she remains rabidly left-wing (unlike my dad, who has followed the boomer trajectory and is now a moderate conservative who listens to The Who). The reason? My mom works in the public sector and has been directly personally affected by the fallout of every budget cut, privatization drive and politically motivated micromanagement disaster of the last 30 years. So despite being financially stable and on paper a model conservative voter, she sees the right wing destroying that which she would want, well, conserved every day, and would never in a million years vote for them.


Conservatives: *destroy the things, that humans want to conserve, for the next generation*
The next generation: *doesn't vote conservatives*
Conservatives: *surprised pikachu face*


Makes sense. Cant vote for the party of "protect my stuff" when you don't have stuff. Interesting video thanks!


It's not just buying a house that makes you conservative, I believe. It's buying a house and seeing everyone else around you also buying houses.

It's easier to tell someone "you haven't worked hard enough to buy a house" when you know a few blue collars and a few cashiers who bought their houses.
