What to do when mothers are jealous of their daughters

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Please watch: "RE: Dads May Suffer From Postnatal Depression"
The classic scenario of mother's being jealous of their daughters. What does a daughter do when she is faced with this situation? Simple: Take control, disconnect form your mom and start the healing process. Realize that its YOUR mom with the issues, NOT you.

I'm your women and men's Life Coach, Matty D, here to help you heal from the your childhood wounds caused by your parents.

Or if you have questions, call me: 410-449-2138

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love them from a distance. Never give them a chance. Low contact to no contact. Everytime I gave her another chance she just got worse & worse.


A jealous mother is the worst nitpicking intrusive and just acting petty and carry about anything connected to you, , ., , .,...


Thank you for this video. I have had this issue with my mother and sisters for years. I always try to forgive but I'm tired of repeating the same cycle over and over again. My mother of 6 I'm the oldest has treated me bad for a long time since I was a child. Im 34 years old now and its still going on. She got mad at me recently and blocked me than changed her number. She has never done that to my sisters and she has been angry with them in the past. I feel my mom wants me n my sisters at oddds and wants us to compete with each other. My mom has never been as happy for any if my success as she is with my sisters.


Thank God I AM FREE. I HAD TO CUT HER OFF. Truthfully, I should have done this LONG AGO.


I am really unfortunate that I have to deal with this...she never cares about my career my study and always frowns at my achievements...if people praise me because of my success or achievements she always ignores it...makes a strange face that implies that I have done nothing worth praise...


My mother is a damn mess! She's 70 and I'm 51. She picks me apart for done this since I was a kid. I recently moved. back to the area after 25yrs. With the parents getting older and starting to have health issues and being the only daughter I am concerned. She "claims" she is starting to get forgetful and needs help. She's not. Being a nurse in the geriatrics field for many years I know who's playing games. She berates me in front of family and my own children. When I confront her she "claims" she doesn't says so with a snarky grin. Age is now her new card to pull. Just last night I was helping with somethings in the yard...lifting, gardening, lawn care. My father (he just can't physically do the work like he used to) and I were talking about proper care of peach trees. She says, "What is this? Story time with Daddy, " She was so damn jealous of everyone NOT paying attention to her every every minute it passed her off. I brought it up to her later and she claimed she never said that. My father and I just shook our heads in disbelief. She also recently told told me, "Your daughters said they were taken away by CPS about 15yrs. ago." I'm like, "WHAT????!!!! THAT'S BS AND A FLAT OUT LIE!!! " I told her I would ask them if they EVER said that. Right away she said, "Maybe I was confused. There's no need to ask them." Well, I did! They were as SHOCKED as me and wanted to know why grandma would make up such a big lie! They have both told me they can are through her and know how jealous she is . They are coming to visit this August and we are planning on all confronting her then. This has been the pattern with my mother ever since I can remember. I know she gonna bawl and fake sick but I don't give a shit! The BS will stop or she will stop being such a liar.


Well, I'm 15yo and I look the way beautiful than my mother. This is why my mother is jealous of me...lol


I'm going through this now, I'm now trying to move out. People may say 23 is to old but I'm in college, and she's been like this since i was in the 6th grade. So I'm really to full time work and school. It's goinna be hard but I can stay around her too much longer, it's like she gets worse on s daily basis


I’m only 11 and my mom is jealous of how I look :(


I hate my mother I don't love her I don't like her she's always trying to control my life and I'm tired of it I want her out of my life I don't never want to see her in my life again she's a big problem


I always wondered if my mother was jealous of her daughters because she treated both my brothers like absolute gold and criticized my sister and I about everything. She never told me I was beautiful when I was out with her at times and men would stare and whistle at me she would say I do not see what they see in you and she used to compliment my cousins and friends but point out all my flaws. I grew up feeling ugly yet men just seemed to be so attracted to me and I was always so perplexed about why. I realize looking back that I did not let myself see so much about my mother. She even shaved my hair really short as a young child and I remember before she shaved it how she grew really impatient and angry that my hair was so easily knotted as it was very fine. Both my brothers have great teethe but my sister and I were never sent to the dentist so we had tons of problems with out teethe. All things I did not think about but wow not normal. Once her stupid drunk boyfriend made a dumb pass at me when I was a skinny, flat chested 13 year old and she got angry at me and called me a little bitch. I was devestated and I shoved that down for years but it was so mean! In my 30's and 40's she kept saying with such disdain... why don't you cut your hair?!!!... I have been looking back at my childhood lately and this is so obvious now but still in my heart it does not compute.


You know exactly what you are talking about. This is the worst kind of pain. Thanks for this video


My mother became hatefull and I moved clear across the country to get away. Since she remarried a much younger man and then I became her competition, where she called me out of my name and cut my school dance leotard in half so she could wear the top. To name a few things. Evil. I no longer had her in my life after adulthood.


Thank you so much for this. So many people try to explain why my mom behaves like this, but no one actually explains what to do about it.


You definitely have to feel it to heal it! People always say just “get over it”. You have to feel it to get over it.


What about a mother who has let the daughter take on responsibilities of the family; where the mother is not hatful but too immature to stop allowing the daughter to “mother” ? Since I’ve been on a journey of healing and mindfulness I am realizing the role of a parent is to ideally lead. As a youth I saw that certain things that happened in my life was due to neglect. I attempted to continue to search out Educaton, employment, and to have a stable place to live. My mother continues to hint around and relies on me to figure things out in day to day life. I am exhausted with helping in things I see she is capable of herself... I’m kinda like a crutch and I’m upset about it. I know this is a long comment but I’m thinking of minimizing my mother’s and I relationship. Because in my extreme times of need my family wasn’t there for me. 😒


A very realistic situation!, Thank you for touching on this subject because it does exist just as well as father-son relationships


My mother is 89 years old she loves my brother and leaves me out of everything. He doesn't even live in this state. I do everything for her I've done hospice care for 20 years she won't let me go anywhere near her or anyting as soon as I moved out he got rid of all my stuff. But my brother still got his room. It's very obvious that's very sad. When I do good she doesn't mention it. My father died and she got rid of all his stuff right away to. I'm not allowed to even do anything nice for his grave and if I do him call the troublemaker. She keeps me away from other relatives when they have fun. You got a big house and she had three cars but smashed one. I'm not allowed to sleep over even and I used to when my father was alive. I could even do a load of laundry. I shovel her driveway and I want the key to move the car so I can get all the snow and she freaked out. I've never done anything to her. My dad and her used to argue all the time. She was mean to him on his deathbed and I called her out on it. That's mean a helpless person needs care not vengeance. I'm all by myself now kids are all grown up. I give whatever time I had to my mother. And she just gives me these little insults like says my hair is yellow and when I did modeling he would say someone's always better than you remember that. When I sang like Barbra Streisand she said no one wants 2 Barbra Streisand's. She tears me down a lot and I go home crying. I pray for her salvation and my brother. My 10 year older than me brother. I guess my parents were going to get divorced but then she said she got pregnant with me. When my brother does anything she talks about it all day long and tell people everything but if I bring her something with roses or anything I spoil her. She's only thing full and very selfish to me. My car is breaking down. She talks different to me when she's by herself and when she talked nice on the phone I know someone's there. It's a stage. All phone calls have to be on speakerphone she's very controlling. Anything I suggest she freaks out. I don't know what else to do I I have no self esteem anymore. My heart's breaking. I'm still not over my father's death. I had to protect him. Even though other elderly people love me I need that from my own mother she doesn't see me in a way of intelligence at all she dismisses any of my feelings as if they were not nothing. She over talks me when I try to tell her something sad in my life.. very cold. I don't want my mother to die I will miss her even her attitude. She rolls her eyes at me and talks behind my back all the time I'm crying way too much


Do you have any videos based on mothers putting their boyfriends and treating them better over their children while some let these men abuse and/or control the kids as well whether as young or as adult children? If not, I really hope you make future videos about that.


What about a mother that get jealous that you hangout with your friends and then she herself says that you don’t love her and always ditch her. Even though you love her and she doesn’t believe you love her. She even goes as far as to steal my best friends smartphone and then snoop and see all the messages. This problem has been going on a lot with my best friend. I don’t know what to do anymore because she always tells me everything. I don’t know how I could help.
