Forspoken Review | 'An exceptionally middling experience'

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Forspoken had so much promise and after a delay we were expecting something really special. Some parts like the parkour and the spells do feel magical. However the uncompelling story, inconsistent pacing and rough animation make this game distinctly average.

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I can't believe one of the writers on this game was Amy Hennig from Legacy of Kain and Uncharted


Absolute garbage. 2023 and we still have devs who put in the bare minimum.


This game has thousands of cringey dialogue that tells nothing. Shadow of colossus has barely any dialogue but tells 1000 meaning


While everyone is dissing this game, I'm just here waiting for someone to mod the game's protagonist swap into Agni's philosophy's model.


Yea. You don’t switch up your spells and push yourself to learn because you’re playing on normal and easy. Basically, devs need to make the game a lot harder on normal.


Can't say I'm not disappointed. I wanted this game to hit, but it does seem like everyone is in agreement that the gameplay, combat, and traversal is very very fun, but it's held back by its narrative. Eh, what can you do? (At that moment everyone who read his comment cried out in one unified voice, "YOU CAN MAKE A GOOD GAME!!! THAT WHAT THEY COULD'VE DONE!!!")

Luckily, I won't have to linger in my disappointment for too long as we have a lot on the immediate horizon to look forward to. As early as this Friday (Don't let me down Dead Space Remake).


I'm actually surprisingly seeing a lot of people enjoy this game so I wouldn't go by this review alone. I would try for yourself if you we're initially interested in it to see how you feel personally


After playing the demo, I'm not surprised by this. I downloaded it with NO knowledge of the game, but experienced in open world games. I was so incredibly bored with it from the get go. Ran really far with barely anything to do. It's interesting to see all the copium people inhale for it.


This is definitely a title you should only pick up free on PS Plus lol


I downloaded the demo a couple weeks ago, and just got around to trying it out the other night.
The game really looks gorgeous, although the gameplay/combat system is unintuitive IMO.
The Demo didn’t get into much in the way of storyline. What dialogue there was was vague on plot; there was an occasionally amusing exchange between the girl and her magic bangle thing…
From this video review and the comments here, it sounds like this game might already be a flop. That’s too bad.


I play it every day. I love it so much. I hope it become a franchise.


I've been gaming for over 4 decades and have been around for almost every original IP and release since Atari. Every year games get reamed BUT something the way Forspoken has been trashed seems 'off'. I've seen games that absolutely suck get better reviews and media. I honestly believe it's because of the first 6-8 hours of gameplay and story. Around the 5 hour mark I almost gave up and I would literally try and figure out why it wasn't clicking. From controls to gameplay it all seemed off. THEN around the 8 hour mark and customizing my buttons via the control menu... IT completely changed and now the game is freakin' fun to play. I couldn't put it down last night and can't wait to get back into it. I mean the latest sonic game has a similar vibe and open world. Same enemies throughout, same open world and empty but it's FUN. Story is bad and dialogue is horrible but I'm not in this for the story at all.. I play games for gameplay. I can bypass a story and just play the actual game and love it.

Unfortunately, the gamers in their teens to 30's don't have the reference of playing games in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. If they did, they'd appreciate a good game when they played one. Unfortunately the standards are being set by what they are seeing at this point in gaming history and that's setting the standard for games to come.... that honestly sucks.

Here's a tweak I made that made a huge difference for me. Change the trigger (shoot) button to square. Parkour / Run to R1 and Magic select to trigger. I turned up the sensitivity and smooth combat and traversal. Get past the 8 hour mark and tweak the controls... love the game now and for me is a solid 8.5/10.


I personally had a great time with the game


After watching ppl play the demo the chatter turned me off. Oh and the magical finger nails too.


Wait for the DLC. It'll be complete like FF14


Idgaf what any of these reviews say, if I like the game, I'm going to buy it, who cares what anyone else say.


I played the demo, it a good game. I'm still buying it. I'll take Forspoken over High on life.


Yeah the general opinion in reviews is really solidifying this for me. I was super excited for this one until the demo, it was just a stereotypical empty open world. Will definitely wait for a sale. DIsappointing.
