Has This Patch TRULY Saved SMITE 2?

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What are the community's thoughts on this patch and will it put SMITE 2 on a new trajectory towards greatness? Let's talk...
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I'm not even really a Graphics guy but new Smite 2 graphics look SO much better it's UNREAL


most of us haven't even seen all of this update, they specifically said that they were saving most of the things for the actual notes in 2 weeks


of course the game will improve because it was in alpha why people are surprised the game is still in work nothing is instantly done.


I was already planning to go all in on smite 2, this just confirms it


after seing the new patch i want to play smite so badly idk


I think people will like mordred's design more once we get a cardart for him. Something about those s2 god renders just make every character look so much more bland.


The thing I've learned about gamers over the decades is that they don't know what alpha means.
It's like drawing an idea on the a napkin at a bar and having someone walk up and say "that looks like shit m8"

The absolute (pre-patch) doom and gloom from the community over a PRE ALPHA is hilarious.


I hate the 1 damage type change. Thats one thing i was really looking forward to. At least we still have hybrid scaling but its not the same now.


About the mixed reception of the 1 damage type changes, I feel it was 100% the right decision. Because, people shouldn't have to go read 130+ god descriptions to find out which types of damage each god's abilities do. It should be intuitive and immediately recognizable. Would it add a lot of depth and potential build variety? Yeah sure maybe, but Smite's appeal has NEVER been its complexity, the players who want that probably play Dota and League already. They can add depth and variety in so many other ways, it does not have to be through convoluted damage scaling, or come with a sacrifice of accessibility. There are plenty of other ways for itemization to improve.

I can't even imagine trying to teach my friends smite and then having to break down every single god like "against this hunter, no no you actually build magic defense but this mage u need phys defense but their ult is magical and this assassin you need both but sometimes just 1" etc.


To answer the question, I am not back from vacation, but i can still talk about parallel universes.


Hm decent changes feel it may be best to wait for the patch notes and just future updates in general as it kinda seems to be going in a "Smite 1 Plus" direction rather than an actual "2 /Sequel" (just my opinion) but with time this could easily change.


The 'every god will only deal physical or only deal magical' is a huge W and I'm absolutely baffled that 'anyone' has anything remotely negative to say about it.

We still have the build flexibility of being able to tailor our builds with Str or Int or hybrid where the god kit is designed to do so (Neith, Chaac, etc), and tanks will still have the decisions of 'what is the enemy team comp, who is the main threat, do I want stat-heavy items or impactful active items, what situational counter items would be valuable', and so on, so the dumbing down argument just has zero merit. Splitting gods randomly into multiple damage types has no benefit other than as a weird gimmick. Build flexibility and creativity comes from the Str + Int system which is a great system, and that hasn't been changed at all.


A lot of the complaints about gods only dealing 1 damage type comes down to confusion about what that means for building items. hirez did kind of a bad job explaining it and they should have shown in game examples of what they were saying like what they did for literally every other talking point in the presentation. thats a big gameplay change and they kind of glossed over it.

like, are all god's autos still 100% STR + 20% INT? I'm pretty sure that is the case but it woulda been awesome to see it in action.

For example: crit ymir, he does magical damage with his autos and assuming you go full crit ymir in the jungle(strength items), is he going to do the same number of damage as he was doing in previous tests, but instead of physical damage its magical damage now? I'm hoping that's how it'll work.


I think they really proved they are listening and dedicated to making a great sequel . I do however wish they undo the damage type change, I think it undermines the whole point of str and int and the ability to build whatever you want .


I'll be honest, I hope they dont put TP back in. It's a crutch relic for the most forgiving role in the game, and forces the laners to pick it or lose farm to the enemy laner. It also doesnt work in the other modes and turns into a noob trap.


Honestly I really like having two relic slots.

The problem with smite 1’s relic system was that 90% of those relics were defensive.

There’s shell and med that makes your team tank, the wall that they recently added, thorns which is both defensive and offensive, etc.

My point is that when given a choice between those relics and a relic that blocks INFINITE DAMAGE, of course people are going to pick the infinite damage blocker.

Which is why I’m disappointed that aegis back.

I’m also disappointed that area ult remains unchanged when its existence facilitates the need for beads.

So what I’m trying to say is that we shouldn’t be limited to one relic slot because of two relics that could be changed/have the things that make them necessary be changed.


A problem with smite is that people can ult you and then you waste 1 of the 2 relics or the cc immunity/escape from your ult to counter a single character might be fully countered by another character building 2 relics against them or having an escape for an ult or both. Take cupid for example you can sprint out of his ult or beads his ult or ult away from his ult. I'm not saying balance smite for cupid but getting kills in lane becomes impossible if no one comes to help you secure kills so having 1 relic is smite 2 isn't necessarily a bad thing we do play the game with only 1 relic up until lvl 12. But it becomes a bad thing when the cooldown lets them ult you twice or more before it's back again or when a character has an ult for an escape + 2 relics they can build against you or your team, since it will cause them to be able to get away from multiple people perhaps a 3v1 scenario and them escaping. I do hope we get some defensive item that has aegis/beads with mediocre stats though like a magi's blessing from smite 1but you have to actively use the CC or damage immunity otherwise heavy CC or heavy nuke ability comps would be too meta if you just banned the gods with escapes the game would become build whatever you need to hit lvl 5 the fastest, use your ult maybe kill if not play safe and then ult again for a lead repeat while getting objectives use the lead to win so you'll have the same god picks in ranked with the same bans.


As a solo main, tele rune is exclusively used to maintain pressure while getting skill diffed and I'm glad its gone. Getting killed shouldn't be a reward to come back stronger with opponent at 1/2 health for no penalty


Card art and art in game change is super underrated


This patch makes me want to play the alpha, which for the other 4(I think) alphas I had no desire after the first
