What To Do When Finding A Fawn!

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During Spring to Summer the white-tailed deer gives birth to up to 2-3 babies in a cycle. Fawns can be found from May - July throughout North and south America. When a Mother Doe Has her young, she will actually leave them alone for extended periods of time, while only visiting 2-5 times a day for feeding. Though these babies are adorable, knowing when to help can be essential to their survival. In most cases it's best to leave these babies wherever they are found, but there are situations that can call for assistance.

When finding a fawn it's best to not intervene unless the fawn is exhibiting any of the issues found below.
- Is the Fawn acting abnormal, and laying on its side?
- Is the fawn crying non-stop for hours/or wandering around?
- Is the Fawn covered in fly eggs (Looks like grains of rice)?
- Is the Fawn Bleeding or has open wounds/ broken bones?

If a fawn is not showing any of these signs, finding them laying very still, alone, and quiet is completely normal. In most cases, the mother isn't far away and will be back to check on their young in due time! It is always best to check with a wildlife professional before attempting to feed or take in a baby fawn found.

Thank you to the Robinson family for giving us a call and finding help for these fawns!!

*Find the closest assistance to you using the Animal Help Now App.

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they’re all so cute 🥰 thank you all for helping these sweet innocent animals 🙏🏻❤️


This happened to me last week. Found a baby fawn in our woods. Eventually it was gone. We get a lot of wildlife here. Many sightings of deer the past few weeks. Also many nursing raccoon mothers!! All so hungry too.


I wouldn't turn a baby fawn over to any government wildlife authority as they will most likely kill it. Take it to a private sanctuary or no kill shelter to protect it's life.


Good video. I understand you want to get people to turn over the fawn to a place that takes care of animals in need but you left out that it shouldn't have cow's milk. What if someone tries feeding it. The only substitute animal is Goat milk for Deer.


Wish there was someone who cared about animals and rehabilitation in Canada.

My daughter and I found an orphaned fawn laying in the middle of a gravel road crying like crazy. We moved it into the ditch in the long grass. We went back hours later and it was still there. When we approached it, it got up and started trying to find a teat on us. We walked away and it started crying and followed us. We were certain it was orphaned, so we brought it home and called fish and wildlife like the internet said to. We got told "they would send someone out to EUTHANIZE it"

This fawn is perfectly healthy except for a bit of dehydration, I am NOT going to let someone come to our house just to kill it.

They said the same thing when we tried to get help for some baby

I guess we have another wild animal to rehabilitate ourselves.


What about wandering through my open field towards the highway about a half hr before dusk bleeping in the direction of the road? Because that's what I've got. I intervened because I didn't want it getting hit. Kept it in the area until fully dark with no sight of Mom. Now I put her in a cat carrier outside because we have lots of fox on property. Bad idea? Thought process was that mom could still smell and hear her but she's protected there too


I Have a baby deer and it keeps wandering around and every time I go outside it runs in the weeds


Thank you for taking care of these adorable baby deer. Because of you and what you do we have hope that these animals going to be okay. God bless you and your colleagues for your kindness and love for the animals.


the best thing to do is just leave it alone i find them ever day


1:43 Another lifeform I'd snap out of existence & send to hell if I had the infinity stones


Could someone explain the difference between a fawn and a baby fawn?


Baby deer are hugging objects. It's been years since I had the chance to hug any & I've been heartbroken.
