What to do if you find a turtle in the road

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You might be seeing more turtles on the road soon, according to John Ball Zoo. (April 11, 2023)
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I completely agree with the recommendations. I have come across turtles multiple times crossing rural 2-lane country roads in Texas. I have performed every step as being suggested. Make sure to stop and use your emergency lights to alert anyone that might drive by while trying to extract the turtle so they already know something is going on even if the driver can't figure out or see what you are doing at that moment. 2nd recommendation is to realize that the moment you touch/lift the turtle off the road it will believe that it has just been hit by a car so that is when it will lose three times its own weight in urine et al. If the turtle shell is more than a foot in length just accept you will get urine on you. Almost entirely all over, but majority will come from urine splash back from off the concrete/asphalt and back onto your shoes, legs, pants, to match your arms and chest area while trying to simultaneously get it to the side it was trying to get to. Quick march but cant walk quickly enough. Sit the turtle down in the same direction as it was oriented but now on the side [f the road and facing away from the road.

Warning and reminder as well: Most turtles that are under 6 inches naturally secrete Salmonella through their skin as a self-defense. Make sure after moving the turtle you do not touch your face, drink or eat anything, until you can take a shower and change clothes. Follow up after showering with disinfecting your car exterior door and interior.

Still save the turtle. It is definitely worth enduring all of this to save the turtles.

Enjoy your beautiful Michigan Spring and Summer.


Just leave them alone..go around them...
