Empath Vs Super Empath

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Empath vs super empath. Which one are you?

An empath and super empath can have very similar traits but with differences. A lot of people nowadays have confusion over the difference between an empath and a super empath. If you’re having trouble figuring out what the difference is, stick around.

In this video, we will discuss empath traits vs. super empath traits. Have you always been wondering how to describe yourself? Stay tuned until the end. The last point is the most powerful. Now let's get started.



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Hi, Super Empath here! And I hear Voices yeah me!
Have an Awesome Day ❤


My parents tried to beat my empathy out of me as a child. Interestingly, that is impossible, but it did make me fear and doubt my intuition for my entire life. In my 40s I got a boss that caused me to learn about narcissism, and through Gray Rocking this boss and reacquainting myself with my super powers of empathy, I began to notice my intuition being there with me the whole time, and that I was just doubting it. The signs were there from the beginning, and I didn't think I was as entitled to my intuition, as the narcissist felt entitled to theirs. I no longer try to convince people of my ideas, I now execute these ideas without seeking permission/input/support. Narcissists are not worth an empaths time.


Yes, a super-empath here! :) and proud to be one!


I didn't think I was going to like this. It is very clever. I like it.


A GENUINE Super Empath does not brag about being one, to begin with. So, all those who claim being Empaths and Super Empaths: No, you are not! Period.


Im definitely a super empath then, thanks for making me aware of this 😉 👍


I will say being a super empath, I did discover that I could break every player in huge poker tournaments and my one of my final table strategies would be to use my intuition and such to do psychological warfare instead of playing cards. I've watched how fast someone would click their mouse to check, bet, raise, and occasionally I'd feel confident enough to start calling out their hands after I folded or saying I'm gonna call them in the chat.

But there is a downside to being almost that intuitive, there's not only a big red x you wear but also flashing neon signs and air raid sirens.

To wrap this up, that would lead to many getting involved in a big hand not only when they shouldn't have been but simply just itching to take my chips. And since poker is a game of chance which you can minimize your risk, the luck part would sometimes make someone's day.

And that's when I picked up the most important lesson, to be successful, you're playing long term strategy.

Enjoyed the video and men or women, if you've got the goods, I'd recommend testing your skills out in poker. You're also very good with numbers and math and that's something on the fly you're already at a huge advantage.

I will say my last year of college, I did rough calculations. I had 250$ total investment and was sitting on a varied bankroll of anywhere from 6-8, 000$ weekly.


Im kinda un between an empath and a súper empath, but striving to be a super empath


Very informative, I care but found myself not being very tolerant of b.s.
this will require some thought.
On the issue of, di I have those bounderie skills.
I can be very obstinate


I am a highly empathic person and it has proved to be the undoing of two narcissistic bosses I have worked under.

One left for another area and the other had one complaint too many after my campaign against them and exit strategy.

If you subjugate yourself to the point you are like a puppet, you follow what they want and things go wrong and its still your fault, thats a big red flag and a wake up call.

Through no fault of my own I was made to stand in front of my staff and tell them a project failed because of me, but it wasn't me and something snapped later!

Being damaged and attacked by narcissists was something that I have tolerated all of my life, until I almost had a bipolar manic breakdown and started plotting.

Something changed in me when I watched what they were doing to others, and it triggered a fire in me.

I documented everything that they did in both cases and went on a covert attack. I messaged my partner every time something happened, so I had times and details to refer to and so could build a dossier of evidence.

When I felt I had enough to take them down, I simply stepped into the office, looked them in the eye and told them the gloves were off.

I knew what they were all about and I was going to take them down! (Not advised for the faint hearted!)

In both cases I learned from an old sailor friend. I knew they were going to try to take me down, so I developed an exit strategy before hand. He used to say, if you are going to lose a fight, hurt them as much as you can before you go down!

I just wanted to damage their reputation and plans as much as possible before I left. I did this out of empathy for others primarily, and I will admit also out of revenge.

I have characteristics that narcissists absolutely cannot stand! Most innate, but out of self love others have been developed.

I spot them easily, have firm boundaries, I dont fear them, I am not impressed by them, I shun them, I am happy and successful, I am authentic, I love truth and am not afraid to speak my mind.

My partner I met afterwards is a phycologist and has suffered at the hands of narcissists her whole life. My understanding has deepened and I now simply have zero tolerance and call them out on their shit, if it is safe and practical to do so.

I have since gone on to become an activist. I have developed skills from these situations which I have since used to set up groups to help others. This is a big silver lining and I consider narcissists to be my greatest teachers.

Although I pity them, if I see them hurting others I will shine a light on it.

Its slightly paradoxical, as I get a kick out of hurting them which seems a bit narcissistic in itself! I suppose I get alot of satisfaction out of preventing them from hurting others. We are all on the spectrum.

I have from a young age felt the feelings of others around me and feel little love or joy around narcissists. I have a powerful radar to pick them out.

I developed bipolar in school from being singled out by narcissists. I have honed my skills over the years and now like to challenge them. I enjoy the fight and the drama and the satisfaction of doing something positive. I am a bit of an adrenaline junky and a narcissists worst nightmare!

When a person hits rock bottom and has nothing to lose, it can be very dangerous for an abuser. When this person tastes success in there assault on the abuser they can gain the confidence to say NO not anymore! That's how I feel, I think I can be far more conniving than the most brutal narcissist and I like to try and beat them at their own game.


I'm a supernatural empath yes we have intuition yes we can heal yes we know we are lie to we also have other gifts you talk to spirits yes they known our name has nothing to do narcissistic what is supernatural impact gets pushed the spirit world pushes back we also command spirits to get back in bodies we also control lights


In my opinion being a empath doesn’t make you special and super gifted. Empathy is a human emotion like a sixth sense. Some people are either born with a stronger sense then other while others are more in tune with it then others. If you listen to the video a super empath is just a regular empath who have gained control over vs letting it control them. Nothing special people just growth.❤


I'm a Super Empath Xman or S.E.X.
How can I help.
Truly, I totally discourage the licensed therapy relationship because it's a relationship where people are treated like objects or seen as objects and they aren't. And when you get emotionally bonded with a licensed therapist yet it's a business relationship (licensed) then the focus is also partly that business relationship as well, OVER / at the peril of any natural emotional bond which can be extremely harmful and was for me and that wasn't mental therapy by definition at all, it was the opposite.
REAL therapy is if it was done for the rewards OF the emotional bond and friendship.
Because of this relationship, licensed therapists are VERY UNSAFE, irresponsible, unwise / foolish and as they treat people as if they are objects then that's called a psychopath which is what they are. They are what they are obedient to.
As an INJF I'm an introvert, yet I totally test also to be a 100% extrovert, so I'm an omnivert.
The way and reason why I'm an introvert is because I do go by feelings and take on many feelings. When I get over loaded I tend to walk into other rooms to be alone or to go on walks.
However I can be around people longer if we are talking about feelings. I can be around people for longer periods of time if I an one with those people or person and I really like to be as one with people. I could be with a pet or, spouse all day as long as we are as one.


I wish I can get married to my fellow super empath one day 😢


Like to see empaths as nuns and super empaths as knight templars. Both serve light but the other don't mind getting in the mud with the narcicist.


Being super empath are easily get emotionally touch.


Can you be super empath and dilling with cpsd ?


This is incorrect information. Sorry y'all.


