Plastic Canvas Tardis Tutorial

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I made this design after seeing it as a cross stitch pattern. I decided I wanted to try to make it with plastic canvas. I made the pattern, then tried making it with 10 grid plastic canvas, and it didn't work out for me so I quit. Someone recently sent me a message asking for help and I realized I didn't write the pattern correctly, and he also had questions about assembly, so I decided the best way to show someone was to SHOW someone. I didn't actually sew on camera, because the video was already too long, what I did was I showed how I was going to sew them together. I figured people knew how to sew plastic canvas pieces together. I did show how I sewed the difficult parts together though.

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Twitter - @DiaryofaaGayNerd
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THIS IS AMAZING! IH MY GOD THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! I would recommend a curved needle to sew the fiddly bits together. 🤘🏻🖤


This is amazing, I've gotta make this 🥺


I may play with the size of this, but I totally gotta make it soon. I'm gonna be a vendor at Long Island Who's Con this November, so this would be a great selling item. I already designed a Tardis jewelry box out of plastic canvas, as well, and it's gigantic. (Also, I wouldn't use your pattern to make things to sell. I'd figure out my own measurements, create my own thing, because I'm not gonna sell products based on someone else's hard work.)
