Glycemic Index

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Nutrition module.

For more information
Bell SJ, Sears B. Low-glycemic-load diets: Impact on Obesity and Chronic Diseases (2003); 43(4):357-77.

Foster-Powell, K. et al. "International Table of Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Value" (2002). AJCN 76:1, p. 5-56.

Grodner, M., Roth, S., Walkingshaw, B. (2012). Nutritional Foundations and Clinical Applications: a Nursing Approach (5th ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Leeds, A.R. "Glycemic Index and Heart Disease" (2002 July). AJCN 76:1, p. 286S-289S.

Wolever, T. The Glycemic Index: Flogging a Dead Horse? Diabetes Care (1997) 20:3, p 452-456.

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