Noah's Ark Comes to Life in Kentucky

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Ken Ham had the ship built to match the dimensions in the Bible, but the $100 million project hasn't been without controversy.
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100 million to build that? I wonder how much it cost Noah.


Loved it, but I didn't like how the interviewer just had a bunch of jokes.


I just visited the Ark Encounter yesterday. No matter how you believe, you have to admit that this is a very amazing exhibit! This is a must see! You can not appreciate the size of it until you are there. It can be seen from at least 2 miles away. I made a video of it.


Please, save yourself some sanity and don't scroll into the comments.


I remember when Noah had to add steel reinforcements and constant maintenance from moderate rain damage.


I thank God the creator, for raising a man like Mr. Ham who would be bold enough to proclaim truth no matter who he encounter. All praise and glory to God who's fullness is in Jesus Christ.


A problem that I'm seeing with people on here stating there was plenty of room on the ark for the animals as well as a years worth of supplies is that if you consider the volume required to hold the food compared to the volume of the ark, there is no way it could do it. Looking this all up, an elephant (assuming this might be the animal that eats the most, not counting any sauropods for those people that believe dinosaurs were on the ark) eats between 200-600 lbs of food a day so we can use the average of 400. I'm guessing Noah wasn't all about offering a lot of variety to the animals diet, so if we just settle on some kind of hay, an average 16"x18"x48" (8 cubic feet) square bale weighs around 100 lbs (square bales so it uses the available volume the most efficiently). So thats 4 bales a day for each elephant. Thats 32 cubic feet a day for food for just one elephant. Multiply by 365 days and thats 11680 cubic feet of space required. Multiply by 2 to account for the other elephant and we have 23, 360 cubic feet. Now the ark was said to be approximately 450'x45'x75' in size, so if we consider it a rectangular prism and conveniently ignore that some of this volume would be lost due to the curvature of the bottom of the ship, the narrowing at the front, space occupied by internal structure and reinforcement, etc, we have a volume of 1518750 cubic feet. This may seem like a lot of space but the volume required just for the 2 elephants' food represents 1.54% of the total available volume of the ark. That may not seem like a significant number but that is a huge portion for just 2 of the many animals that are reported to have been on the ark. There doesn't seem to be any consistent answer as to how many animals were on the ark but I've seen a lot of comments about it being around 16000 pairs. So if .00625% of the animals require 1.54% of the available volume just for their food, there clearly will be some issues accommodating all the rest (the ark could not have carried enough food for just 65 pairs of elephants). Now I know people will claim that the animals could all have been really young, or that not every animal eats as much as an elephant, but remember, these calculations give an idealized volume to the ark, don't account for the volume that the animals will physically occupy, and don't account for the amount of freshwater required to have been stored as well.
In case you are curious, If I had considered a sauropod dinosaur its about 1000 lbs of food a day so it comes out to be 3.8% of the total volume just for 1 pair of animals. The food for 26 pairs of sauropods would be pushing the ark to its limits.


It isn't a boat its a building made with modern technology and hundreds of workers.


“This really happened. This is plausible” - Ken Ham while someone is using a powered hand saw behind him


This comment section is great!

Im late for work now


So Christians wasted billions of dollars to build Noah's Ark, instead of using that money to help homeless people and Veterans.

That's really smart of them to spread the word of the gospel. (sarcasm)


My cousin & his wife got to see it about 3 1/2 yrs. ago & I enjoyed seeing their pictures... I would love to see it's impressive size & marvel at a sincere biblical recreation of Noah's Godly instructed handywork....


Ironically there is a "Creation Museum" in Branson, Mo.
The building is cut into layered limestone filled with hundreds of millions of years of fossils from the Mississippian era. Criniods, Blastoids, coral, shells, sea snails, etc. (BTW; Limestone & flint is dead sea creatures.)
The truth about Earth's history is much more awesome and amazing than any 'Bible' tale.


I am so thankful for this exhibit. what a blessing!


For any of you that believe this was an event that actually occurred, I have a bridge in San Francisco for sale.


Built a 5th century ship to prove it was real and built with 21st century technology


Damn, he could've built tons of hospitals with that $100mil.


I Love the fact that most popular measure of length in America is Football feilds!


It is funny to imagine 12 people furiously using buckets to bail out water for a year while yelling, "Whose turn is it to feed the T-Rex!"


This place is AWESOME!! We enjoyed it thoroughly last week- 1st class 👏 😀
