How to make Jamaican Ital Soup! (Vegetable Soup) | Deddy's Kitchen

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Today we're learning how to make Deddy's famous #ItalSoup !! There's LEVELS to cooking delicious #JamaicanItalSoup and now that you're learning Deddy's're about to set your meal apart from the rest! Welcome to Deddy’s Kitchen!

I hope you all enjoy this detailed walk through! I know many of us are used to the IG TV versions during this #Quarantine​​​ , but we’re so glad you’ve all pushed us to make YouTube our new home! We appreciate you EVEN MORE for following us here!

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You guys are gonna KILL IT! We can feel it! Until the next meal.. #NyamAhYuhYawd​​​ 🇯🇲🇨🇦STAY HOME & STAY SAFE! 🇯🇲

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I'm cuban and my family would call me a traitor for saying this in front of them but, I LOVE JAMAICAN CUISINE MORE THAN CUBAN!!! Everything from the way its prepared to the spirit and soul put in to it. It's like Costal Africa meets Southeast Asia in its taste and design. Deddy is truly a master of his craft and an icon on the cooking genre of youtube. Looking for the day when this channel hits over a million subs. Wait a go guys! Mucho amor po mis amigos jamaiquinos 🇨🇺❤🇯🇲


I made ital soup today with sweet potatoe chocho(chayote squash), butternut squash calabasa(pumpkin), potatoe, carrots, light red kidney beans, scallion, garlic, vegetable bullion, scotch Bonnet pepper, ginger, onion, all purpose seasoning, coconut milk, thyme and allspice.Spinners are the only dumpling I love and that’s what I made.I love your cooking.


Shalom Brethren Peace and Blessings
Enjoying the videos, my wife is Jamaican, she sees me watching the videos now she’s expecting me to put these dishes together….., I’m ready now thanks to your videos

Keep up the Great cooking!


I love How Deddy cook. That's the old way, That's how I learn to peel with a knife. He is so clean, he wash everything . That's my kind of cooking.
Please keep doing it your way Deddy. I love watching you guys. 😁👍👍


Soup is my favourite I remember back a yard my grandma use to make some dangerous gungo pea soup. She use to cook it outside in her massive pot. I swear cooking soup outside adds to the flavour. And by the way thanks for catering for us vegetarians big up Deddy.


..good morning..our 15 year old daughter made Deddy's steam okra/fish 🥣soup yesterday!! was delicious!!..


The way Deddy peels his veggies is the same way my Parents taught me. U may get nicked but u will survive 🥰🤣🤣 #NothingLikeOldSchoolWay #Tradition


I really love the relationship with your dad and sharing his talent with us


Greetings from Chesapeake, VA USA
I enjoy watching you I'm of Jamaican and Panamanian decent I love this and you guys.
All praise and honor to God. ❤️ 💋


Those dumplings really looked delicious in the soup, along with all the other healthy veg's. Thanks for sharing! Yummy... Reminds me so much of standing in my grandpa's kitchen and watching him cooking, miss him so much, thanks "Deddy" for filing in the gap (for me)... You are so fun to watch and so Relaxing!!! I enjoyed spending a moment (of my birthday) with you and your family today! Thanks again!!


Biggup to this channel!!! Nuff nuff blessings from The Almighty God. I found your channel by accident I think two weeks ago and fell in love with it. Firstly, I love that you all give God the glory which He deserves. Secondly, the family aspect and the way you all interact just makes me feel at home. Oonuh bring back memories of yaad. I recommended your channel to my son who loves to cook and he's excited to check it out. Your recipes are mouth watering to watch and I can't wait fi try mummy spin pon bread puddin (and others of course) It's an honor to support your channel. Keep up the good work. Much love my country men ❤🥰🙏🏽


I can literally taste this soup right now! It looks incredibly devious! 👍🏽🍲🥰👊🏽👏🏽


man man man!!! new subscriber here! I've watched almost 5 videos now and i just love love you guys and I love above all that y'all are people of Christ and yall cook with the LOVE of GOD and i love that!
I am for sure going to try the OXtail stew and the beef patties very very soon!
i love yall thanks for sharing your kitchen goodness with us


Yes Deddy this soup look soooo Delicious, also with this summer coming up we need to be eating Healthy. This soup is worth trying. Thank you Deddy and Family. PEACE AND LOVE❤


Very good I am Jamaican british living in England I make my ital soup just like yours. So pleased to see you cut the seeds out from scotch bonnet I do that my son get upset but it's far to hot so I was saying yes I do just the same thank you for sharing this amazing soup I will be making it tomorrow 👍❤


Yes Mark. It's amazing how a vegetable soup such as this, can smell like there's meat, even thou there's none.
Simply because there's such beautiful flavours and seasonings, such as every pot with or without meat.
So it will always smell and taste amazing.


🖤🙏🏾🖤This so delicious to the point where meat is not missed! 👍


This is one of my favorite videos, I literally watch, make and repeat. Thank you so much for sharing a vegetarian friendly meal❤❤❤


I’m making this today.. My husband is Haitian and he’s gonna love this.🙏🏽😋


Awesome Deddy! My daughter Sydney is turning 10 on June 9th she is asking Sasha to wish her a happy birthday. Sydney watched deddy’s kitchen every night before she goes to bed. Sasha you are her favourite because she said you are like her don’t stop talking lol 😂
Love you guys!
