Is the Moon Real?

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A ordinary journey to the Moon - starring Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, The Ordinary Guy and special musical guests - The Conspiracy Theorists.

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*Ahem* What about the Black Knight Satellite? Some have postulated it has been in orbit around our planet for close to 60, 000 years... - Also, what about the Zoroastrians? One of the oldest religions we can account for? By all accounts, the original practitioners of this religion were incredibly adept astronomers. Even further, the three wise men were all well-versed in the belief system - which they purportedly utilized to find Christ and protect him from the lunatic assassins sent by Herod, insane believer in Yahweh, the Jewish God, who in reality is Ba'al/Hadad, the Storm God. Not even going to touch on these at all?
Also, what about the cyclical Micro-Nova that we've continually been finding evidence of? There are many that state NASA was explicitly created to investigate the moon and other planets to gather data regarding the event. The trips to the moon weren't cancelled because people got bored. They cancelled the moon missions because we found exactly what we were looking for with the few missions we had: Glass Spherules, Iridium, rocks rampant with internal fission tracks, and other traces that could only have been created from a major solar event. Not to mention the fact that the MOON missions were named after the SUN GOD APOLLO. The CIA orchestrated the release of scientific papers regarding moon and sun studies, and if you don't think that's true, then you haven't done your homework.
Oh, and you're not even going to mention the lander that crashed into the surface of the moon, resulting in it ringing like a bell for almost 3 hours? Or, what about the mysterious flashes that have been seen to originate from craters on the moon, since the 1700s, and possibly earlier?? This, in addition to the fact that craters ONLY penetrate to a certain depth, leads to a fairly obvious conclusion - but maybe I'll leave that for your next video?
Oh, and check out Jeff Epstein's temple again. See those strange symbols on the ground? Yeah, he is/was a Ba'al worshipper, as are all of the power-players and elite in this world. Enki's tail, seen in numerous depictions, appears in the exact same coil form we find imprinted around Jeff's temple. We also find a statue of Enki not far from the Temple.

You can brazenly poke as much fun as you want at the "conspiracies", but the world is consistently showing itself to be EXACTLY the bizarro simulation we have all suspected it to be. Pedophile, child-sacrificing Ba'al/Yahweh loyalists are ruling the world, and videos like this only muddy the waters more.


That Animaniac song section was great! Your the real life Yakko!


I learned from a UK documentary that "Everybody knows the moon's made of cheese.". A man and his dog then went up there to prove it, and came across a coin operated cooker of sorts in the process.


One of those channels where I'm legitimately confused why there's less than 100k subs. Soon, soon.


Oh man...I remember when the Challenger exploded. Was in 4th grade and we were allowed to go home early after we were subjected to the trauma of watching it go down in flames during the live broadcast.


This video was too good. Please tone it down next time by adding some bad audio or some crud on your face. Leave some poon tang for the rest of us.


I heard a very reasonable explanation for the full moon causing crimes thing. So basically before electricity it would be pretty dark out at night. So if you were let's say a criminal trying to commit a crime youd do it on a full moon so you can see what you're doing.


Thanks for watching everyone - and apologies for subjecting you all to my singing. Please like, share and subscribe or risk being launched in the moon's chalky face.


I gotta respect bezos just going bald. Alot of billionaires do tons of hair grafting and such trying to fix there balding, but bezos just accepted it and went full lex luthor. Hoping to see superman soon.


"You're too smart for me baby.
I like them stupid"


"After the Vietnam revealed a new interesting twist, that the Americans had been the bad guys all a long". Wow, thanks for the spoilers, jerk.


Wait are you telling me the moon does not taste like cheese? Lies


When I was in high school I found a book titled From the Earth to the Moon, which was written by, Robert A. Heinlein. This was one of his earlier novellas aimed at young adults, and yet it featured Moon Nazis and a firefight on the moon base...BUT, as they were flying their *nuclear rocket* towards the moon, the scientists and the kids had an interesting conversation. "How do we know the moon's really there?" "Well, humans have only ever seen it from the earth, so its entirely possible that it could be a projection, that it's not real." Of course soon their existential fears are put to rest as their rocket touches down on the moon.

(Also Heinlein's idea of a nuclear rocket sounded really cool in the pages of the book but when I think about it now it would have just sprayed radioactive fuel all across its flight path, no wonder we never went that route.)


Can we appreciate how he only has 6, 000 subs and turns out something great like this? Makes me feel part of something exclusive :)


You’re a breath of fresh air on my feed, keep up the great work brother!


Everything about this is just brilliant. Love the writing, the timing, sneaking in references so smoothly, and we even got a surprisingly good and creative song out of this one!

I don't know what kind of future plans you have, but you've struck gold with this series in my eyes. Constantly laughing and smiling at different aspects of the humor and presentation.


The section about the tv series is honestly one of the best things ive seen on youtube!! Well done


These are still good. You are getting funnier and overall, even with a god damn musical number stuck in there, it is flowing better. Looking forward for the next one.


6, 000 subs then 680k now, You’re legit my favorite creator on this platform, consistently amazing videos


"Don't look at the moon" ah yeah, the weather guy told me about that
