What Type of Fish Swallowed Jonah?

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#shorts #giveityourbestshort #whale #jonah #bible #history #supernatural
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Hold fast to Christ so we are not swallowed up by the evil of this world. ✝️


In case anyone finds this helpful or is interested in praying for our Christian like Joe Kirby:

16 prayer points you can pray for them:

You can pray that they will always have a good walk with God (that they will not forget their first love), that God will bless their daily private Bible reading and prayer life, and that they will have good sound doctrine.

You can pray that they will be full of the Holy Spirit and that God will bless their ministries so that many more people will come to faith in Jesus for God’s glory, and that they will feed God’s sheep and disciple them properly.

You can pray that they will be humble, that they will remember how many Christian leaders in the past have fallen, and that they will have a very healthy fear of the Lord.

You can pray that God will protect them and the ministry God has given them from:
Love of fame
Love of money
Desire for the approval of people rather than the approval of God
Being worried about offending people
Compromising God’s Word
Sexual temptation
Demonic attacks
Persecution (from outside the Church and inside the Church)

You can pray for their PHYSICAL HEALTH and that God will heal all their health problems.

You can pray for their MENTAL HEALTH. Pastors and Christian workers often have stress and battle discouragement and depression. Please God touch them and heal them of all mental and emotional problems and distress.
They can also sometimes be hurt by the people they serve or by other Christian leaders - so we can pray that this won’t happen but that if it does that God will heal these wounds and strengthen His servants to forgive each other and that God will restore unity for His Glory.

You can pray that God will bless and protect their families.
Satan often attacks Christian workers by attacking their loved ones.
So you can pray that their family members will all have a good walk with God, have good sound doctrine, that God will protect them all from demonic attacks, that God will also bless and protect their physical and mental health, heal them of all infirmities, and that God will bless all their family relationships so that there is peace and love in their families.
You can pray that God especially blesses and protects all areas and parts of their marriages, so that they will not be tempted to look elsewhere.
Also please God bless their marriages especially so that they can be a model and example for other Christians.

You can pray that God will abundantly bless and protect the finances of the ministries and also the personal finances of God’s servants (especially finances needed for health or medical expenses).
You can pray that they always have abundant finances so that they can always do every good work God wants them to do.

You can pray that God blesses and protects the relationships between Christian co-workers in ministries - so that no jealousy or strife or bitterness takes root. That they will all have Christian unity and that their focus will be on God getting all the glory and rejoice in any and all work for God.

You can pray that God prevents any technical or logistical or legal or any type of problems for their ministry, but if they have any such issues/problems that God will help them resolve/fix and totally solve and remove these problems.

If it’s an internet (e.g. YouTube) ministry you can pray that God will help the videos spread on those platforms and get many views and that God will use the videos to bring many people to repentance and faith in Jesus.

You can pray that God will help Christian leaders be good shepherds of Jesus’ sheep and continue to feed Jesus’ sheep, and that they will not only convert people, but also disciple new converts so that they can grow and develop and mature in a healthy and supported way.

You can pray that God will give them the heart of a servant.

You can pray that God gives them wisdom and helps them and powerfully guides them when making all decisions and plans.

You can pray that if they make mistakes or sin that God will grant them humility and repentance and restore them.

You can pray that more Christians will pray consistently for Christian

You could make a list of pastors/ministries you want to support and pray for them regularly.

Jesus said:

“ when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
Matthew 6:6


They ignore you because they're not in the belly or the abyss. Jonah can't explain this either, because he didn't see his life at all. Dry land or dry bones.


Either if it was a whale or The Bloop.
It's a good thing he survived So God bless his soul.


No man will enter God's presents till they REPENT book of REVELATION no repentance no see God.
Lord Christ Emmanuel forever&ever/God is with us


Is there a longer version of this video?


Hey joe keep making more videos! Thank you for serving God


It doesn't matter he didn't live inside the whale, it's more believable that God resurrected him.


One thing I know for sure is It wasn’t a blue whale. As big as a blue whale is it’s throat is only 10 inches wide


Doesn't matter what swallows you believe in the Lord Jesus 🙏✨️❤ theres only 1 outcome ❤❤❤


Recently I've heard that a Cetus swallowed Jonah whole.


Daniel went into the lions den...Moses into the wilderness...


That’s actually a very interesting Question. I don’t know if it could’ve been a Meg or not but he got out either way because God saved him 🙏❤️


blue whales just straight up can't swallow humans even if they wanted to so whale that swallowed jonah wouldn't be able to wouldnt be able to swallow jonah because whale's throats were and are too small and they can't chew cause jonah would just be dead in that case


It just goes to prove that God is ALL POWER!


Hey brother, can you do a video involving LUKE 19:41-48
I feel i should ask you...


It was always a whale. At least that's what some people say, but it might have been THE BLOOP!.


when i learn about islam mythology, i found an article about the fish. in here the fish called nun fish. a fish said to be so enormous in size that the width of its mouth alone, from one end to the other would took 3 month walk distance

the fish also appear in solomon story when solomon requesting upon god that he wanna try to, for 1 day only, to be in charge for meal of all creature on the sea. however, the food solomon has been prepare for months to gather all gone in one bite when nun fish appear. which proceed to tell solomon that it eat 3 time a day and what solomon had prepare only 1/3 of his meal. only then solomon kneel upon god greatness as he thought he could fed all ocean creature for a day, turn out he cant even serve enough even for 1 of its dweller

another thing to take notes, legend say that nun fish still alive to this days, lying dormant somewhere down in ocean floor


Jonah is one of my favorite bible characters. Why a big fish was used instead of just saying he went to hell is a mystery to me. But because of his disobedience, Jonah ended up in one of hell's dark cells, begging for God to lift him out of there. After three days and three nights in the belly of the fish (hell) Jonah was brought out of death and went straight to Nineveh. Although the text says he was swallowed by a fish he describes drowning pretty accurately. I'm sure God had his reasons for using this illustration.


I thought you were talking about Jonah Hill for a second 😂
