INVERSION - Advanced English Grammar | Learn how to INVERT your sentences and the CONDITIONALS

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inversion | conditionals | adverbials | advanced English grammar

In today's lesson I am going to teach you how to invert your sentences. Inversion is used to make what we say and write more formal and emphatic. But! Be careful. Overusing inversion will sound too dramatic and out of place. Many times this grammar is only seen in literary contexts.

Other helpful videos:

00:00 intro
00:45 What does “inversion” mean?
01:42 standard sentences and questions
02:48 adverbials
04:08 Rarely | Seldom
05:15 Why do we use “inversion”? Part 1
06:59 At not time | Not once
08:08 No sooner…than | Hardly…when | Scarcely…when | Barely…when
09:19 On no account | Under no circumstances
10:13 Not only…but
10:44 Only then |Only later | On in + place / season
12:00 Not all adverbials can begin an inverted sentence
12:43 TEST
14:09 Exceptions!
15:57 Why do we use “inversion”? Part 2
16:18 Inversion in Lord of the Rings (*The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002))
17:50 Inversion with the conditionals
18:21 First Conditional
19:31 Second Conditional
20:36 Third Conditional

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I hope this lesson is helpful! Thank you very much for watching 😊

Рекомендации по теме

00:00 intro
00:45 What does “inversion” mean?
01:42 standard sentences and questions
02:48 adverbials
04:08 Rarely | Seldom
05:15 Why do we use “inversion”? Part 1
06:59 At not time | Not once
08:08 No sooner…than | Hardly…when | Scarcely…when | Barely…when
09:19 On no account | Under no circumstances
10:13 Not only…but
10:44 Only then |Only later | On in + place / season
12:00 Not all adverbials can begin an inverted sentence
12:43 TEST
14:09 Exceptions!
15:57 Why do we use “inversion”? Part 2
16:18 Inversion in Lord of the Rings (*The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002))
17:50 Inversion with the conditionals
18:21 First Conditional
19:31 Second Conditional
20:36 Third Conditional


Had I not listened to Arnellie's lesson on inversion, I wouldn't have had a clear understanding of the topic


Every time I watch one of these lessons of yours, I regret that I have not searched enough for a best teacher like you earlier


Your teaching style is much more easier than any other teachers


Amazing lesson.I can't thank you enough.I feel so confident right now after learning it.Under no circumstances will I ever miss your lesson.🤗


As a teacher of the English language for 32 years, I can say that your presentation is beyond spectacular and that you really are super creative and amazingly talented. I have really enjoyed your lesson, dear Ms. Arnel. Thanks a million.


I am en English teacher, and I want to tell you, you are an amazing teacher!!


Never before had I watched one of your lessons. Now, I have become obsessed with your way of explaining things and with your video's edition! 😌


Were I not to see this video, I would not known about the Inversion. Thank you so much.


Hi Arnel! Very good and challenging lesson! You rock! Here are some example sentences: 1) "On no account can you borrow my laptop", 2) "Not only can exercise make you feel good but it is also good for your health".


From all the teachers I have ever come across on youtube, you are the best in terms of explanation and i can tell that you are so interested in making people around the world know speak english correctly. Keep the way you are and may God bless you!


Impressed by how you transformed such a complex topic into an easy one. Kudos to you!


Hi Arnel. I've been seeing your videos. And the way you teach is amazing. I'd never heard about the inversion, but thanks to you now I know how to use it. Even when it looks very difficult to understand.
But there's another topic with I really struggle: Subjunctive is really hard. I would really like to see you explaining it.

Lots of Hearts from Guatemala ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️


Hi Arnel!! I just want to tell you I love your videos, I hope you will continue to teach topics to reach an advanced level in English.


Thanks a lot, Arnel! Your videos are always refreshing and useful.


Enjoy your teaching! You do a lot of effort to prepare these videos. It's an art in itslelf.


I want to say that you are one the top teachers I have ever seen in my life! all of your lessons are not just useful and educative but also very interesting and full of positive humour!


I have got the answers for many of my grammatical questions in connection with this topic through this single lesson. Thank you, Madam.


For a long time I was going to revise this topic and, lo and behold, your video.
Thanks a lot!
You are a miracle!


So happy to see your new lesson. I have checked your channel out almost everytime i come to Youtube lately to see if there are any update. I really love your lessons and the way you teach. It has been helping me to make a lot of progress on my English learning journey. I really appreciate it Arnel. Have a good day.
