The Scary Truth of the Russia Ukraine War

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We need a regime change, the USA


It was never about Putin….it was always about profiteering….


Their regime changes haven’t failed often at all. In nearly every case the corporations or billionaires who wanted rights to resources or to otherwise capitalize in a target nation, have gotten just what they wanted. It appears to be failure if you believe they wanted democracy or relief of some kind for the people.


Regime change in the US and the disbanding you of the CIA would be more favourable to the security of the world


Russia doesn't even seem close to having a problem in dealing with Ukraine and the West, at least according to Scott Ritter and Colonel (Retired) Macgregor, who both appear to be credible and well informed.


Thank you, Tulsi, from a United States Army Veteran. Aloha


Using tactical nuclear or depleted uranium or chemical weapons is not Russian style of warfare. Its UK-US-NATO style. I know this conversation you 2 had is half a year ago or so, but I do not think we shall fear that Russia is losing but I do agree with you 2 what will the loosing part do? Because today I do not think anyone well-informed earthlings think that this war can be won by us( the west) the military industry in Russia is more productive than all our countries together they have all the stuff they need inside their country of materials, top education free for all, that gives many scientists and well educated work force on all levels. An economy that is blooming the worlds biggest countries are their best friends. So what will the west do when they desperately lose? And again what was the end game in their fantasy? That the Russian people would be govern by the west? divided in 5 pieces? And all is well? All the wealth being stolen like in Iraq perhaps? No way! The Russian military would have avoided this to happen even if Putin was gone for this or that reason, this is not a weak nation, it´s one of the oldest country we have. How can we be so stupid!?


War, there are no winners. The elites walk away and the common people suffer.


Jordan Peterson has no clue about what is going on on the ground in Ukraine.


Jordan has a brilliant mind and a great talent to put thoughts into words.
But his knowledge of Russia is full of negative myths based on everything from exaggerations to misinterpretations to outright lies created by the West in it's geopolitical fight against Russia. Which is true for many westerners. And many russians too. West was always good at using the local population to spread and enhance those myths.
These days many people kinda wake up, look around and see that the current talking heads are spreading ridiculous myths about Russia, but they still take at the face value what they "know" about Russia from conventional (rusophobic) history.
And in 40 years the new generations will be the same. They will think "our current government lies to us, but what happened 40 years ago is evil Putin stole ukranian babies for his nefarious goals, we have official ICC documents!".


I'd love to see Jordan Peterson and Tulsi both on Joe Rogan together asap to discuss these extremely important matters. Joe has the largest broadcasting format on the planet and I know Joe would be more than willing and happy to have two of his most favorite people on his show to discuss this situation in a long intimate and informative discussion. It's very needed and necessary IMHO! So, who's gonna make the call?


Russia is kicking the crap out of Ukraine now.


Frankly, from where I’m sitting compared to the west, Russia and the statesmen within it seem far more serious and collected in their processing and tactical thoughts. The U.S is sadly delusional and is no longer the power it use to be, but they just haven’t woken up to the realisation.


The best outcome would be peace and the end of the military industrial complex worldwide.


While following this conflict for a little while, I can say that those individuals in D.C. should be grateful, that guy in charge in RF is Vladimir Putin and not somebody else, because he is only peacemaker in Russia. On the positive note, it's a good thing that Russians not particularly like war, but if someone trying to push them, they happy to oblige. From Russia with love.


How dare Biden or Graham speak of taking out Putin .


What is astounding to me that the loss of life from the Ukrainian-Russian conflict goes unnoticed by the world at large. We're talking about 250K young men and women DEAD in on year. Compare that to the USA deaths under 10K over 2 decades. It's shocking, the callousness of the world not to try to reach some sort of peaceful agreement.


Thank u TULSI for speaking the truth<3


Every dime of our aid goes to the Pentagon


The simple way to understand the war is to understand the security dilemma, which states that it's impossible to tell defensive from offensive intentions when there is an arms race between two nation-states next to each other. The other thing to understand is the role of neutral buffer states or geographical barriers like mountains and bodies of water, which act as giant moats around your nation assuring its security. With the absence of natural geographical barriers, Russia basically needed Ukraine to continue being a neutral buffer state to avoid the security dilemma. The crux of the matter is that NATO, a military alliance of many states, was expanding into Ukraine (below Moscow and serving as a land bridge to Crimea and the Black Sea), and you can't underestimate how far a great power would go to protect its security interests. Ukraine only needed to adhere to neutrality, which means not favoring NATO countries over Russia, and vice versa. However, this is further complicated by ultra-nationalists who unequivocally take an adversarial stance to Russia, and by the West who kept their arms open to the idea of accepting Ukraine in NATO. This story is basically one of disaster where Ukraine could have remained whole and even become more prosperous if it was able to prioritize its security interests with Russia's red lines in mind. It needed to be smarter.

Now that Russia is committed to demilitarizing Ukraine, both sides basically need to see the war through. The West faces the consequences of a reputational loss so it is highly unlikely that we'll see a diplomatic solution. The best we can do as part of the West is to start the ball rolling on a diplomatic solution to prevent Ukraine from incurring more damage. Trying to aim for a frozen conflict by providing military assets may not go the way we want, and Ukraine may become fully neutered and dysfunctional.

Any propaganda you read about Putin being an imperialist is just perception management from the West. Even if Putin wanted to rebuild the Soviet Empire, Russia does not even have enough military power to conquer even all of Ukraine. If Putin wanted to pursue conquest, he would have pursued this via the economy and diplomacy. 8 years of trying to make the Minsk Accords work was unfortunately not enough to convince Ukraine and the West to respect Russia's vital core strategic interests.
