Was Darth Plageuis Actually RIGHT? - The FASCINATING Outlook of Darth Plageuis on the Galaxy

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The best part of Star Wars lore was when Darth Plagueis argued to the ghost of Marka Ragnos that ghosts weren’t real until Ragnos got sick of it and left

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrators - Cam
Editor - Giorgi
Writers - Sean


0:00 Intro
0:44 A Scientific Sith
3:02 The Death of Superstition
6:11 Was He Right?
8:22 Outro
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I think Darth Tenebrous' view of the force was even more interesting, his idea was to use the Force in supercomputers to make a post-scarcity society, in addition to using the Force as clean energy. I think Darth Tenebrous has the most interesting idea of ​​using the Force in a scientific way.


Darth Plageuis learned the sith one true weakness: Aprentices.


I just finished the Darth Plagueis novel and I think he is more "superstitious" than you say. He is a lot more scientific in his approach, but he repeatedly refers to "the will of the dark side" as a kind of sentient force or "divine intervention" by the dark side. He believed in fate and destiny to put it bluntly.


"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying." - Palpatine


The Force exists:
Darth Plagueis: It’s science time you theists


I like how Plagueis's character just justified mid chlorians. I know a lot of fans in the 90s hated the concept but I'm really glad that the creators expended it with such a great background and characters like Plagueis


Fun Fact: Did you know that the Pau'ans the grand inquisitor species can live up to 700 years, and the inquisitor at the time of his death was 43 years old.


Interesting thing is that near the end of Plaguous's life his beliefs changed. He becomes terrified that the force is trying to strike back at him for all the terrible things he does with it.

It is actually very similar to Victor Frankenstein in that both wanted to be great, tried to create life through unnatural means, a life is created, and then are horrified by it. Although Plaguous did not create Anakin, he feared that the force did to destroy the Sith. Plaguous is quoted when finding out of Anakin's existence "are we undone, have you undone us?"


I think Plagueis, first and foremost, was a true student of the force. If not for his own hubris and underestimation of his ambitious apprentice, he would've had enough time to unlock nearly all of its mysteries. Not for power, which was a consequence of his education, but for truth and understanding. I never considered him inherently evil like Sidious was, which made him fascinating to me, and would have loved to see an alternate universe with Plagueis at the helm.


Plagues biggest miscalculation was using and passing on the rule of two and teaching sixth lore to his apprentice. He needed a lab partner with his mind set not the ideas of darth Bain


Imagine arguing with a ghost about how he's not real. Imagine BEING the ghost in that argument.


I would gladly watch a Movie about him studying the Force and creating "Pregnancies". I love his view on the Force and reading his Chapter in the Book of the Sith.


I always liked the story's point about him wanting to break the rule of two and to actually take a back seat to Sidius, acting as an advisor. He was willing to teach Sidius how to be immortal, let him run the universe, bring back the sith empire, and just chill learning more about the nature of reality with the Jedi gone... and he was killed by Sidius in his first moment of weakness after telling him all that. Like he was days away from not needing the resperator and was fully behind letting his apprentice take over for good and acting as an advisor.

Like imagine if he was there to say " Instead of a planet killing space lazer why not entice rulers with my eternal life force powers to ensure control?" Also I can fix your post Windu fight body, or show you how to fix it yourself.

The Sith would have been the greatest force of good or evil if they had not been agressively jerks to everyone for no reason.


Kreia: "I hate the Force, I hate that it seems to have a will, that it would control us to achieve some measure of balance when countless lives are lost".


The thing about ghosts is that while Plaueis knew of them and was aware they existed, he didn't take the avenue of becoming a force ghost as a serious attempt at immortality. He wanted to keep his fleshy body alive ad infinitum, not to become a spectre haunting some long forgotten tomb. Unable to interact in the material world in any meaningful way.


Palpatine: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?

Anakin: Yes I read the book


I think it would be interesting to follow this and your one on Darth Tenebrous up with a video on how Darth Sidious's philosophy doomed the Galactic Empire.


Palpatine: "Do you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?"

Anakin: "No."

Palpatine: "It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend."


I can imagine, darth plagueis' reaction to the father would be like donatello's reaction to Castiel in supernatural, "You can't exist... Why because I don't believe in you."


Considering where plagius saw the ghost I don't blame him for believing he hallucinated korriban was known to drive people mad even if he was ultimately wrong
