Reach Legendary Faster in CODM! (6 Tips)

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Season 1 of COD Mobile is finally here! Krig 6, Holger, Peacekeeper, what else? New CODM Meta? Here are the Best Gunsmith builds for peacekeeper, SVD, SKS, kilo, CBR4, KRIG 6, and more weapons to use in your loadouts for Call Of Duty Mobile Ranked.

Researcher: Zi, Kaiju
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been sick for past few days, hoping to be back to a 100% by next week 🔥

happy grinding everyone!!


Top tip from my experience if you're solo queuing: Dont play for long periods of time. Have shorter ranked sessions and be consistent every day or however often you play. Your sanity will appreciate it.

1 year edit: Damn guys thanks for 1k. May we all continue to take care of our mental health with shorter ranked sessions 😁 (otherwise gl 💀).


i have been playing call of duty series since 2012. And i one of those who only played domination and hardpoint.
Some tips:
1. In Hardpoint, try to flank your opponents from behind.
2. Always have trophy system, while defending point B (Enemy trying to capture it from ur team) in dominaion, and while in hardpoint.
3/ .To capture point B have sheild skill, and capture B, with trophy (Smoke is not that effective). Defender can only stop bullets not molotovs/thermites/nades.
4. Hive is really good skill for small hardpoints. (Place it at doors of room which is hardpoint, get free kills).
5. When in hardpoint like the 3rd one in summit, make sure to capture the spawn, so the enemy spawn far from hardpoint. (Highly effective in nuketown, summit, etc)
6. Use care packages and Golaith when u r highly sure that no enemy is near. Also u can check this buy noticing teammates spawing near u.
7. If u r about to get a scorestreak. Dont play agressive, camp for some time and have the scorestreak.
8. Dont play if u r having a bad day.
9. Never ever leave the match, even if ur team is losing (Try to get kills for ur team, so u lose less XP)
10. always remember be at a hardpoint till the last second (If it worth it), i have lost hundreds of matches with scores like 150-145.
11. Stick to a gun, I used AK-47 this time. In previous season i used Krig-7.
I could have been a But never tried, also will never try.


Number 1 tip
Have a strong mental No flaming teamates approach loosing and winning as a opportunity and learn from those big or small mistakes
If you get angry drop the game for a while do something fun
Remeber most Proffesional Esports coaching is life advice you might have a bad sleep schedule going throughba break up
Your peace and mentality are important both in game and outside


My Tip for ranking up faster is waiting for literally 2 or 3 weeks to pass before playing ranked. There's a lot of sweaty players competing on Master, and once you reach Grandmaster everything's gonna go harder than you usually play on. But this one is optional.

My Tip is taking advantage of the bonus points when picking multiple modes. I pick all 5 for a Speedrun to Grandmaster and only SnD when reaching GM 3 to Legendary. Also Stim shot is insane so might wanna add that to your loadout when playing smg, lmg, sg aggressively. Trophy System is another great substitute for passive players holding objectives in HP. Have fun grinding and don't get too toxic ✌️


If you're not a active player ( like me) or you get bad at the game around master rank, I recommend playing rank at the beginning of the season or at the end of the season. At the beginning, they we'll be less players that have updated there game and a lot of people in low ranks. At the end of the season, sweaty players start to play normal matches after getting a high rank level, so it gets less harder and stressful when you play rank. Trust me, around the end of the season it's gets harder to play normal matches.


My #1 tip to rank up fast is to also pick at least 2 game modes, you get slight Rank point boost for picking 2 gamemodes, and if you pick a lot of them, this boost can help to add up more points and help you rank up faster

Another tip I have is to play the game mode with that certain icon in corner of it, this is due to how it will give you can XP boost if you win your 1st match of the day in that game mode, so why not take advantage of it


For hardpoint my trick is to capture the nearby spawns and camp there. So even if I don't seem to contribute to team anyway by kills or hilltime, but it helps the team to win because even if they are eliminated they spawn near the hill and recapture it before enemy can.


Everytime I enter rank match, my hands are sweating. Thanks for the tips kith ❤


Hey Kith. Thanks for such high quality and highly informative videos. I've gotten back to playing CODM after a few years, and watching your videos made the transission much smoother and taught me a lot.


Now that I think about it, I realized that I did not have a clear plan/idea on how I should play and which role I will take during Ranked Matches, thanks for the tips!


Another learning session from kith
Omg I love this channel


My personal number one tip would be to play according to the pace of the game and have a squad and a fixed time at which you play at, so then you can co-ordinate and win the game easily. Jut today in a random game of domination I met two people who were really good so we teamed up and set a fixed time to come at, I am already at grandmaster.


for me my best way to rank up is either around the beginning or end of the season. either play from the beginning where a lot of players haven't updated their game or at the end of season where most of atleast high skilled players are in GM or Legendary rank. playing in the middle of the season can be hard mostly for casuals since you'd be competing with other players that are ranking up too. also another tip if you can stay awake mostly around midnight you could try playing some rank. not a lot of people atleast high skill players are active in those times unless they're grinding out hard. you should take the opportunity to easily rank up. and don't stress yourself too much in rank. try to take breaks from time to time


I play respawns in rank most of the times by myself and what I've learnt is weather you are winning or losing try not to die a lot...don't give away a kill make the enemy work for it 🇹🇹🇹🇹


Thanks for always posting quality content, Kith! This is awesome!


My mom while im watching this : You Only Have 20minutes left


My Tips :-

1. Play daily bonus ( trophy games )
2. camp and get kills or play objective.
3. try to be mvp.
4. Use smg like qq9 or lmg like chopper.
5. If you are losing in a row then stop playing for the time being.
6. Play with cool mind and dont mind getting killed in the game and lose control of your moral.

Pro tip :- play like you are alone ( dont rely on teammates


You are the reason I'm a good player that drops 9 kills minimum in SnD.You are my go to guy when I wanna know something.I will also try respawns with your tips now.Thank you, Kith


I'd say I'm doing pretty good. By using purely the meta (Holger Krig CBR), I'm close to Master 4. My goal is to reach Grandmaster today, wish me luck
