5 Secrets to Rank Up Faster in CODM!

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The new ranked series 5 is here in season 10. Learn the secrets to rank up faster and get to legendary!

About this video:
Hey guys, welcome back to another video! As you all know, the brand new ranked series is here and it’s time to rank up again in cod mobile. With the release of season 10, cod mobile has reset the on going ranked series 4 and have released the brand new ranked series 5. It is time for us to rank up again in cod mobile season 10 and play more competitively. For this reason, I have talked about the fastest way to rank up in cod mobile season 10 or ranked series 5. You can easily get to legendary by following these tips and tricks. With these tips and tricks, I have managed to rank up all the way to legendary in the previous ranked series 3 and 4. I have shared from experience all my tips and tricks which I used to rank up fast in cod mobile season 10. With the release of the brand new ranked series, we have also gotten some awesome rewards in the ranked rewards section of the game. To unlock these rewards, it is important to rank up to those higher ranks. Ranking up is usually a very slow and competitive process. With the tips I have mentioned in this video, you will be able to rank up a lot faster in cod mobile ranked series 5. I have talked mostly about multiplayer tips and tricks to rank up faster as battle royale doesn’t require too much of a hassle to get to legendary. If you use these secret tips and tricks, you will be able to reach legendary rank in cod mobile season 10/ rank series 5 in no time! So enjoy the video as I show you the fastest way to rank up in cod mobile rank series 5!

About this channel:
Hello! I am Sam from Samiul gamer. In my channel you will find a lot of how to videos of games like cod mobile, Apex Legends Mobile, pubg mobile, free fire, coc, etc. I also do walkthroughs and gameplays. If you are into those types of videos, i am sure you will like my channel. So what are you waiting for? subscribe! In this video I showed you “5 secrets to Rank Up Faster in SEASON 10! (CODM)”

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#codmobileranked #rankseries5 #rankedcodmobile #codmobile #codmobileseason10 #codmtipsandtricks #codmobiletipsandtricks #codmtips #codmobiletips&tricks
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If everyone watches this video, we’ll all be playing in the morning 😂😂😂


You right about what time to play, last season I would play early against not really good players but midnight is when the knocks come out


Yo man watched your video yesterday and played a match with your agility and attacking tips and it's helped me a lot. Keep making such videos so we can all play codm wonderfully.


Good tips for sure, another tip is having good map position like strafing while in and out of cover to make myself a smaller moving target


My opinion
1: use meta
2: dont rage
3: play SnD it gives you more points compared to hard point and domination


No trash talk only imp tips thank you brother ❤️😄


I keep getting players who afk/throwing the game on my side. And they have the audacity saying “man y’all suck, why aren’t y’all doing better” with their 0 objective capture/points and 1-21 k/d.


I just ranked up from master 4 to gm1 in just 2 hours by using the daily bonus xp i got 190 points in a domination game im so happy i can just reach legy in 3-4 days


I'm like a night owl! Played for 9:00pm to 3:00am and yet didn't found any bots! I think I should go for 4-5am🙄!


Thank you bro I'll do it and keep the good work with all your videos ❤


when you showed the master level i was like, bruh im litterly the same of rank, MASTER IV what a coincidence


Thanks man now when I pull an all nighter gaining my progress back I'll have some knowledge


That's so damn true, I notice even before I've seen this video 😂


Lol seeing this video at 4 am in the morning and will definitely try it out 😂😌 thanks for the tips brother


I’m always number one literally I’m on level 42 now they still got me as rookieIII


I just got master 1 yesterday but the new season came and i was back to elite😞


i got hard stuck at GM 3 so this helped


Nowadays bots are actually doing like us real players, their movements, weapon switching, even bots places bomb and also defuses in SnD😂😂 developers have drunk too much😂. Although its becoming nice way to fill the squad in Rank.

Anyways does UAV and hunter drone gives more points.. pls let me know


I use headphones but just to listen to music and it helps me
