Golden Dawn for Beginners: Navigating the Neophyte Grade

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This video explores the transformative power of Golden Dawn Magick and guides you through the foundational practices of the Neophyte Grade.

🌟 The Purpose of Golden Dawn Magick

Golden Dawn Magick transforms the psyche, enabling spontaneous manifestation in your life without forcing change. It’s about remapping your mind, sharpening senses, and shifting habits—an evolution that gradually transforms your experience of reality.

⚠️ A Note on Material Manifestation

If you're here hoping for quick spells to gain wealth, this journey might surprise you. The essence of Golden Dawn Magick is about inner change. Over time, material and spiritual manifestations may occur, but the journey is about transforming how you see and experience life itself.

💫 How to See the World Through a New Lens

The Neophyte Grade teaches you to build a “sphere of sensation”—an imaginative framework that defines your perception. Think of it like reshaping your inner “lens” to perceive the world more vibrantly. Imagine a person born blind who suddenly gains sight. This profound change opens up possibilities once unimaginable, reshaping their reality. Golden Dawn Magick helps you create that shift within your consciousness.

✨ Key Topics Covered in This Video

Breath Work – Starting with the Fourfold Breath, learn proper breathing techniques to maintain focus and relaxation during ritual work.

Essential Rituals – The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) and The Middle Pillar Ritual are foundational to the Neophyte practice. These rituals establish a strong, clear mental and spiritual space.

Daily Practices – The Neophyte Grade requires a mix of reading, meditation, breathwork, and silence exercises. Follow the structure to build a solid base in the tradition.
📚 Recommended Reading & Resources For a deep dive into these concepts, explore these texts:

🧘🏻‍♂️ Additional Exercises

Daily Tarot Meditation – Draw and meditate on a tarot card each morning to highlight daily themes.

Silence Exercises – Cultivate focus by practicing deep listening and topic restriction.

📘 Assignment & Implement Suggestions You’ll also find suggestions for written assignments, daily diaries, and creating personalized tools like the Neophyte Temple Diagram, magical motto, and daily ritual gear.

🎬 This video is an introduction to a much larger journey, with more in-depth guides to come. Subscribe for more MageSpace content, and if you have questions, leave them in the comments—we’re here to learn together.

Thank you for watching and welcome to your magical journey.

#goldendawn #neophyte #magick #sorcery #thothtarot #esoterica #kabbalah #gnosis #paganism #astrotheology #mindfulness #carljung
Рекомендации по теме

Yes, I have both The Golden Dawn and Kabbalah books. I love, that there is a video, for The Golden Dawn, as I find it, the most difficult read; that I have ever had.
All the very best
Shaun🦉 of NYC🗽


Recently discovered Lyam Christopher over a month ago now, he really knows his stuff !


man this channel is gonna blow up the visual and explanations are on point.


Youre on the road to 1 mil. I can tell. Fantastic video. Your whole channel is a gold mine!


Been a while, Perfectly Timed Upload ! 🧙‍♂️


1:51:00 I was cleaning a house the other day (not even like a week ago) and I was talking to this client about being blind and what that would be like because you have no physical substance. It us not by coincidence that I am here right now, Thank you for all of your insight and wisdom.


Literally, the first thing you said is my life lol I used to think I wanted all these days and after randomly having an awakening experience and gaining my natural energetics abilities and practicing the Franz Bardon tradition for five years and mastering it I literally have only one problem and it is the fact that I really don’t want anything!


I am receiving this eagerly. I have studied occultism for several years now including the Golden Dawn. Obviously being second hand information I got a distorted and extremely limited perspective of the Golden Dawn. I actually found your channel quite some time ago but I never got around to diving into it. I found the short about this video and it reignited my curiosity in the Golden Dawn.


Congratulations on your new home brother


This is very cool. I remember young me discovering the Golden Dawn through the Call of Cthulhu rpg then buying the Regardie book to go deeper.


In Topic Restriction you listed literally all of my interests! Practice restraint in speaking about everything I love. Got it. 😆


First, I would like to to thank You for all the good work, which I m discowering now. Im a complete beginner...excuse my Slovene English😅.
For around ten years I was OSMTH knight, and I finished all 3 Yoga courses, and Im practissing, not dayly ...mounthlly? The point is I do Yoga for 20+ Years. So I have my body under control, and know the terminologi...blah, blah...
Im new, year 73' werry inthusiastic...and ready to follow. Our Templar comande was closed, and since our country only have only 2 mil. People I lost chances to stay engaged cause our priorat was in naighboring Italy.
Wel, since I was flirting with OTO, since Golden dawn was officially no more. But I find You.
Is it, like if I fallow yours and (please for a book tip) is sort like I m a member of the great GOLDEN DAWN ?...doing all stages, e xercise...learning, learning....btw. Im 51old painter...real painter. Loving life, books, history, a bit mistical alchemy, sorry again fof the language of mine....Im so manic, that I could write and write...
Best wishes,
Thank You again
Hopefully, the corespondece will follow.
Your sensirely


Yeahhhh I have been worked through Modern magick and I have just finished reading kabbalah Magick, and now I am working my way through it and the golden dawn by Isreal Regardie.
Thanks so much on the part about the gods. I'm doing research on the Egyptian gods and it asks where the gods would best be at home on the tree of life, I was missing this info so thank you 🙏


Wow this is perfect, I'm currently doing all of the practices that u mentioned in ur videos regardless of the golden dawn grade, but I have read Si by ciceros and do want to undergo the curriculum, thankyou any suggestion is welcomed


Thank you ❤️! Awesome video! I have been practicing for about 10 years. I also like Donald Michael Kreig. I have all of Damien's books. I worked with Damien. He's great! I'm so glad to see you back!!


Incredible work - I noticed you mentioned takes few years to adapt to magic … I do find I connected sooner to it


Holy crap your production value went through the roof.


This is big.


Great video brotha!!! Didn’t know about the scents being connected to the spheres, very interesting!!! 🙏🏼


I love how you explain easy to understand thank you


Great video kind sir. Intro was FIRE! It's very inspiring to see the magick working with you.
