Lat Stretch

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The lats and posterior cuff are difficult parts of the shoulder to stretch. Dave takes you through a neat little stretch that Adam Dunn turned him on to. Give it a try!
How to Properly Stretch Your Lats
Lat Stretch
Lat Stretch Exercise Demo
The 3 Best Lat Stretches For Lasting Flexibility
Lat Stretch
Improve Lat Mobility
Lat Stretch Flexibility Exercise
Lat Stretch Overhead Mobility Drill - Stick Mobility Exercise
Lat stretch at sink
This is the best lat stretch you can do #shorts
4 Amazing Lat Exercises You’re Missing Out On
Lat Stretch
Fix Stiff & Tight Lats! (THIS WORKS)
Dynamic Lat Stretch
Best Lat Stretch For Low Back & Shoulder Health
3 Simple Lat Stretches
My Top 3: Lat Stretches
Banded Lat Stretch
Band Assisted Lat Stretch | San Diego Chiropractor Sports Injury
Doorway Lat Stretch
Door Frame Lat Stretch Making the Most of Lat Stretches
Latissimus Dorsi Pain Relief - Lats Stretches & Releases
Modified Lat Stretch