How to Connect to the RIGHT People on LinkedIn and Grow Your Network

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How to Connect to the RIGHT People on LinkedIn and Grow Your Network

Have you created a LinkedIn connection strategy when looking for people to connect to? Here are some of our top tips on how to search for your ideal target audience.

✔️ Start with people you know: colleagues, customers, suppliers etc
✔️ LinkedIn suggestions
✔️ Your ideal client: people you really want to work with
✔️ People who like / comment on your content
✔️ People on your CRM and existing pipeline
✔️ Key Industry experts

Just remember: The key is being consistent with sending connections!

Visibility Section:
It is important you check that your profile is visible in LinkedIn searches.

Join Groups:
LinkedIn groups provide the opportunity to engage with industry peers, position yourself as an expert, and discover new connections.

There are hundreds of events on LinkedIn. If you are attending an event the attendance list becomes open to you and it’s a great place to find new connections.

Who's Checking You Out?:
Monitor who views your LinkedIn profile. You are more likely to convert visits into genuine connections and even new business relationships.

Personalise Connection Requests:
Let potential connections know why you want to connect and how it can benefit them. Keep it short, it shouldn’t be a sales pitch, just a reason for them to be a part of your network.

Advanced Searches:
Utilise advanced search on LinkedIn to find people you want to, or should connect too, you can break down a lot of variables to find the right people for you.

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