Excel Magic Trick 1307: Conditionally Format Multiple Non-Adjacent Cells in Cross Tabulated Table

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Create Logical Formula to conditionally format only certain cell sin cross tabulated report using a Boolean Array Operation inside the SUM function:
1. (00:13) Problem Set Up
2. (01:25) Look at Logical Formula using AND and OR functions and individual cells.
3. (02:02) Look at Logical Formula using individual cells in Boolean Formula
4. (02:33) Create Boolean Array Operation inside the SUM function and paste it into Conditional Formatting Dialog Box
5. (04:23) Learn about F9 key and Ctrl + Z and Esc key when formula is in Edit Mode.
6. (07:00) Paste Array Formula into Conditional Formatting Dialog Box
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Really good--especially the tip for making the formulas in a cell before moving to the conditional formatting box.


Thanks for the videos made me understand macro recording. Actually i learnt so much from you. I have made a macro enabled file for( Library managing system)and i have to protect certain cells which contains
So the question is :" How can i protect my sheet only for user interface?"


Mike: Thanks for posting how to conditional format different cells in a table. I have been intrigued for the last 2 days on what formula to use for the conditional formatting. I tried the AND function but the array multiplication was brilliant and easier to understand. Could you have used the M.Mult function also?


Permission to share this on Facebook, Mike.


Hi Mike. Nice video as usually. The problem with the formula is next. You have and no comparison sign. The result of the sum could be 0, 1, 2 etc. Why not to ask in the dialog formula that What is funny it is working without comparison sign and I do not get it why. In fact the formula is the same for the whole matrix.


Some confusion here, about the term "non-adjacent" in the title.
