True pricing for coffee

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We are the Futureproof Coffee Collective and we believe in:
- A true price for coffee
- The need for collaboration
- Radical transparency
- Getting started right away!

Companies joining the Futureproof Coffee Collective are Simon Levelt, Moyee, Koffiebranderij Peeze, Blanche Dael, Bocca Coffee, Coffee Quest, Douque, Moyee, This Side Up Coffees, Mocca d'Or, Santas, Single Estate, Kinti, Fair Chain, Hesselink, Boot, Fairtrade Original and Special Roast Coffee Roasters.

The Futureproof Coffee Collective is supported by MVO Nederland, Solidaridad and the Dutch Good Growth Fund.


That’s a fiiiine cup of coffee. Allthough…. It has something bitter to it, hasn’t it? And not the bitter taste you’re looking for. Coffee… is way too cheap!

The price payed to coffee producers is not determined by production costs. No, the commodity price is calculated on the world market by traders, speculators and algorithms. And so we as coffee buyers and consumers are used to the low prices.

That is a problem, especially for smaller farmers. They have earned next to nothing for years now. While they are crucial for the variety in quality and taste that we are all looking for.

If a coffee producer can’t even cover his operating costs, how can he support his family, let alone invest in sustainable production? Worry about the birds and the bees? Good luck.

As a result of this, we are confronted with all kinds of persistent social and ecological challenges in production countries.

The solution? Is simple ... (Yeah!) No, just kidding … Its actually super complex (Aww!)

So far, there have been great initiatives. But in order to really change the system… We need to do more.
We must join forces.

And that’s what we are doing. Coffee producers, roasters and traders work together... to get the true costs of sustainable coffee production out in the open. After that, there is no way back. No more talking... but actually start paying these costs.

So how do we do that?
First… Create a benchmark for the true costs of coffee production. Include eeeeverything. (Fast rattling voice) water use, CO2, land ownership issues, water pollution, forced labor, discrimination, soil quality, fertilizer, biodiversity, pesticide use, safety, etc. We will start with living income, soil quality, biodiversity, CO2 and water.
Two... Develop one open source method, suitable for all companies, especially the smaller ones. Making use of the methods and tools that are already available.
Three… map out the true costs of our own coffee.
Four: Smart interventions like measures to save water, stop erosion, use less fertilizers, and create more diverse landscapes. Reducing the true costs for coffee production.

That sounds great, but who is going to pay for it?
That would be us.. right? Cover the true costs of coffee production by paying the true Price.

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