The true cost of coffee.

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In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at the true cost of coffee. Specifically, I look at how shade-grown coffee and sun-grown coffee are cultivated in order to understand the environmental and social consequences of consuming coffee. Worldwide, coffee is the second most popular beverage next to the water, and the large majority of it is produced in the Global South and imported into the Global North. As a result, the environmental destruction caused by sun-grown coffees pollutes and deforests producing countries in order to satiate the thirst for caffeine in Europe and North America.



#Coffee #ShadeGrown #SustainableFarming
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What kind of coffee do you usually buy/drink?


My family has grown coffee for over 150 years we have done shade grown coffee financially some years it doesn't make sense you need to diversify your production. But there's some pride in the type of coffee you grow. One funny thing about the shade grown coffee it's that the coffee takes notes from the fruits they grow close by and viceversa like an orange or tangerines will be really bitter. What people should know that you buy a Starbucks coffee for $5 but producers from that probably will get less than $0.50 and workers a fraction of that that's why you should try to make your own coffee instead of buying Starbucks or getting a Keurig or Lavazza Blue. Thanks for reading if you make it this far. English its not my native language so sorry for the grammar


My aunt in El Salvador grows coffee in fincas (shade grown, basically), where there are other fruit trees and plants growing alongside the coffee. First, the coffee is picked, then it is slightly roasted, then the shell is pulled off by hand (a very labor intensive task, as the shell does not come off easily), then it is roasted again and put into big sacks that only sell for $2 each. I did not believe her at first when she told me that was how much they paid, but considering how cheap a cup of coffee is about anywhere, it was quite infuriating to know that she and many other coffee farmers are not given enough to sustain themselves.


Can you please make a video about tea too


next video idea: The true cost of alcohol?


My parents will be furious if i show them this video...

Which is why i’m going to show them


Long time viewer here! The amount of research that goes into these videos is insane, it’s like a mini essay in video form! Keep it up!


I love your videos even though they make me depressed af lol and I don't think one can be exhausted of hearing your voice hahaha


I'm never exhausted of hearing your voice, you're great! This should be shown in every cafe.


“If you’re exhausted of hearing my voice”
Bold of you to assume that I wouldn’t listen to a 1-hour podcast narrated by you. Stop that self-deprecating attitude, OCC


As an active coffee consumer, your video shed light on a very important topic that we try to avoid. There needs to be a demand for change if we wanna continue at this rate of consumption!


Loved this video! So informative! Could you do a video on the cost of chocolate?


This needs to be broadcasted on national television in every single coffee consuming country in the world!!


Quit coffee years ago to get rid of my caffeine dependence. After having watched the video, I'm glad I did. Though it would be interesting to try out shade-grown coffee to taste the difference.


* Mutes audio while watching *

Wow, coffee is awesome


I just bought my first bag of single origin, more ethically priced/grown coffee and came back to this video. I’m aware it’s a social privilege to afford what this product is, and merely consuming isn’t a solution to a problem. As good as the coffee is, the knowledge you share is more important. Thank you for making this video.


Your channel is amazing! Thanks for the great content and such important work that you are doing. I’m from Brazil and I want to congratulate you for emphasizing the responsibility of North countries in changing their consumption habits and pressing the government to change policies.


What about climate change and its effects on coffee production? I've read somewhere that by 2050 coffee on daily basis will be available only for a limited group of people (because of its price).


buy from coffee roasters who are publicly open about transparency in their supply chain - this often means they are committed to paying the farmer a living wage either through fair trade certification or a direct partnership with the farm. It doesn't solve the entire issue but it ensures financial support to small farmers rather than the industrialized coffee industry which is driving the C-price so low farmers can't get by.


You're a steward/saint/gem! Thanks for these videos. Could you consider doing a video on the true cost of a grass lawn and the benefits of rewilding spaces, please!
