Excel Magic Trick 1153: Unique Count For Name & Date: Array Formula, 2013 PivotTable, More…

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See how to:
1. (00:08 minute mark) Problem Set Up
2. (00:55 minute mark) Excel 2013 PivotTable and “Add to Data Model” to get Distinct Count Formula
3. (02:38 minute mark) Remove Duplicates, Screen Tip Trick and COUNT function
4. (03:42 minute mark) Array Formula with MATCH, Concatenated Columns, FREQUENCY Array Function, IF and SUM function. Learn that because we use FREQUENCY function to generate Array, we do not need Ctrl + Shift + Enter when we put FREQUENCY in IF and SUM functions.
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Excel Magic Trick 1153: Unique Count For Name & Date: Array Formula, 2013 PivotTable, More…
See how to:
1. (00:08 minute mark) Problem Set Up
2. (00:55 minute mark) Excel 2013 PivotTable and “Add to Data Model” to get Distinct Count Formula
3. (02:38 minute mark) Remove Duplicates, Screen Tip Trick and COUNT function
4. (03:42 minute mark) Array Formula with MATCH, Concatenated Columns, FREQUENCY Array Function, IF and SUM function. Learn that because we use FREQUENCY function to generate Array, we do not need Ctrl + Shift + Enter when we put FREQUENCY in IF and SUM functions.


Thanks for the video. Really helped me out. Is there a way to do the count for a NamedRange where I have included the whole column so that it automatically updates the count when a value is entered into the next cell? Currently I get an N/A if I use either a NamedRange for the whole column or just $Column :$column in the formula. Thanks again for the tutorial!


What if I would like to add criteria to that formula? If there was a 3rd column with a category for example and I would want to know how many unique values I have for each one of them?


What an awesome and detailed tutorial, i am stuck in a similar kind of a issue but a little different. Hope to get some help when saw this video so thought of requesting for help.

In my bump I have huge data column A is names which has multiple duplicates and column B has dates again multiple duplicates. In sheet 2 is it possible to find the count of unique dates for each unique name using a formula....


Great video!  I need to read up on the frequency function...didn't really understand that part.


Dear I Have a problem regarding counting formula. please help me.
I want to search a unique count with date for example
A1:A50 relevant with verious name and in column B1:B50 there is mentioned dates.
I want to get the result of unique name of required date. like how many names falls in the given date. Is it possible.
Mehar Ali Khatri


Hi I don't know if this is the right video or not but I'm going to submit my question here
I have 300 data in dates ranging from 2016 do 2004, and I want co count how many of this dates is from 1.1.2016 to 31.12. 2016 (one year), and ten for each year I want t the count how can I do this .


I want unique ID in names like. example Shekar Kumar. I want unique ID
