qce-aemergence |_ epiph/e-rtn/φ_♾/φ/∆_pan-cmp/xp_create_q-imrtlty_srndpty-makes-life-intrsting :)
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thanks-4-sharing! | enjoy! :)
aemergence |= q-c-e_ae |_ quantum-cyclical-eternal_absolute_emergence | creativity-is-emergence | q-immortality | serendipity-makes-life-interesting :)
hey friends, universe is big place waiting to be discovered n limitless things to explore n that is y its absolute! 🔥
fav quote |= Einstein- Life is a preparation for future; n best preparation for future is to live as if there were none
we r living in good times with emrgnce of internet in 2000s
past was horrible coz of many wars n future seems bleak coz of climate change also, population is declining after population boom
In future, civilisation/society will end like scenes from "2067" n "oblivion"
physics |= within a lifetime to reach stars |= with current tech 2021
interstellar-travel |= nuclear-pulse-prpulsn_prjct-orion-medusa_0.1c/44yrs/98ppl to proxima-centauri
futurism | e-rtrn_space-colonstn-econ_photosynth/humanity-end_climate-chng_antintlsm_e-exstnce-civs
space is too boring n dangerous for earth-tech-2022 |= unless new emergent tech arises!
infonsm |= abstractionism/platonic-realism/eternalism is the philosophical position that universals or abstract objects exist objectively n outside of human minds
macro/ideal-univrse-shape (toroid) |= entropy-info-rate | high-entropy-barycentre | low-entropy-hrzn
info-entropy |= average amount of info conveyed by an event
universe-barycentre |= entropy is extremely high in black holes
cosmic-horizon |= total entropy is equal zero in Bose Einstein condensate at zero temperature
second law of thermodynamics |= [micro-level] total entropy of system increases or remains constant but never decreases
perceptronium |= humans/consciousness/evo | omega-point = negentropy/centre | negentropy, of a living system is entropy that it exports to keep its own entropy low
ideal-observer-theory/abstrct |= individualism over collectivism, prevents confirmation bias
quantization_n_ultraviolet-catastrophe |= experiment that proves quantization
planck time |= smallest possible time
Poincaré recurrence theorem/time |= length of time elapsed until return, disproves 2nd law of thermodynamics [macro-level]
eternalism/eternal-return= is a concept that universe n all existence n energy has been recurring, n will continue to recur in self similar form an infinite number of times
q-c-e_aemrgnce |= unvrs-shape_toroid_e-rtrn-qntzn_info_tplnck/tpncare/∞≈5.4*10^-44s/10^10^10^10^2yrs/∞
universe |= in dynamic eq n sensitivity to initial conditions in chaos
dynamic eq |= state of given system in which reaction never stops
sensitivity to initial conditions |= arbitrarily small change of current trajectory lead to significantly different future behavior
eternalism/eternity is mindblowing! :O
Plato's immortality of soul: Cyclical Argument explains that Forms r eternal n unchanging, n as soul always brings life, then it must not die, n is necessarily "imperishable"
abstrctnsm/absolute-Implicate order/u-wvfctn= process/becoming where everything is enfolded into everything. layers of Implicate Order can go deeper n deeper to ultimately unknown n undescribable totality
q-c-e_aemergence |= creatvty=emrgnce_info_q-immortality
emrgnce |= new properties arise, emrgnt whole greater than sum of its parts
indirect-realism/representationalism/panexperientialism |= phil of perception
we live in same reality, but like different cameras all of us experience it uniquely
mind is fundamental feature of world which exists throughout universe
noumena-n-eternalism/tao/extropy_taoism/flow is object/event that exists independently of human sense n/or perception, thing as it is in itself, not perceived or interpreted, incapable of being known, but only inferred from nature of experience
understand, universe is always on ur side
flow is chaos in all its harmonic order. n from this comes creativity
if ur depressed ur living in past. if ur anxious ur living in future. if ur at peace ur living in present
universe begins simple n info complexifies n we r vehicles to creativity, then it will reach an end at omega pt n this cycles for eternity hence we r essentially immortal
life is like rare flowers that bloom beautifully only 4 short period of time as spectacle
serendipity-makes-life-interesting! :)
creativity will set u free!
find/discover/create something amazing from absolute ♾- universe's_freq/abstract-info-space!!!
Indiv/pan-exp/comptnlsm_info_qce-aemergence= computational universe; itself knows everything, n experiences all perspectives, at all times, through all consciousness… gg... wohoo!!!
thnx 4 sharing! friends 4evr n c u all 4evr in all time cycles! xP
emergent-eternity |= totality of reality will reveal itself. have faith its all part of emergent process! :)
aemergence |= q-c-e_ae |_ quantum-cyclical-eternal_absolute_emergence | creativity-is-emergence | q-immortality | serendipity-makes-life-interesting :)
hey friends, universe is big place waiting to be discovered n limitless things to explore n that is y its absolute! 🔥
fav quote |= Einstein- Life is a preparation for future; n best preparation for future is to live as if there were none
we r living in good times with emrgnce of internet in 2000s
past was horrible coz of many wars n future seems bleak coz of climate change also, population is declining after population boom
In future, civilisation/society will end like scenes from "2067" n "oblivion"
physics |= within a lifetime to reach stars |= with current tech 2021
interstellar-travel |= nuclear-pulse-prpulsn_prjct-orion-medusa_0.1c/44yrs/98ppl to proxima-centauri
futurism | e-rtrn_space-colonstn-econ_photosynth/humanity-end_climate-chng_antintlsm_e-exstnce-civs
space is too boring n dangerous for earth-tech-2022 |= unless new emergent tech arises!
infonsm |= abstractionism/platonic-realism/eternalism is the philosophical position that universals or abstract objects exist objectively n outside of human minds
macro/ideal-univrse-shape (toroid) |= entropy-info-rate | high-entropy-barycentre | low-entropy-hrzn
info-entropy |= average amount of info conveyed by an event
universe-barycentre |= entropy is extremely high in black holes
cosmic-horizon |= total entropy is equal zero in Bose Einstein condensate at zero temperature
second law of thermodynamics |= [micro-level] total entropy of system increases or remains constant but never decreases
perceptronium |= humans/consciousness/evo | omega-point = negentropy/centre | negentropy, of a living system is entropy that it exports to keep its own entropy low
ideal-observer-theory/abstrct |= individualism over collectivism, prevents confirmation bias
quantization_n_ultraviolet-catastrophe |= experiment that proves quantization
planck time |= smallest possible time
Poincaré recurrence theorem/time |= length of time elapsed until return, disproves 2nd law of thermodynamics [macro-level]
eternalism/eternal-return= is a concept that universe n all existence n energy has been recurring, n will continue to recur in self similar form an infinite number of times
q-c-e_aemrgnce |= unvrs-shape_toroid_e-rtrn-qntzn_info_tplnck/tpncare/∞≈5.4*10^-44s/10^10^10^10^2yrs/∞
universe |= in dynamic eq n sensitivity to initial conditions in chaos
dynamic eq |= state of given system in which reaction never stops
sensitivity to initial conditions |= arbitrarily small change of current trajectory lead to significantly different future behavior
eternalism/eternity is mindblowing! :O
Plato's immortality of soul: Cyclical Argument explains that Forms r eternal n unchanging, n as soul always brings life, then it must not die, n is necessarily "imperishable"
abstrctnsm/absolute-Implicate order/u-wvfctn= process/becoming where everything is enfolded into everything. layers of Implicate Order can go deeper n deeper to ultimately unknown n undescribable totality
q-c-e_aemergence |= creatvty=emrgnce_info_q-immortality
emrgnce |= new properties arise, emrgnt whole greater than sum of its parts
indirect-realism/representationalism/panexperientialism |= phil of perception
we live in same reality, but like different cameras all of us experience it uniquely
mind is fundamental feature of world which exists throughout universe
noumena-n-eternalism/tao/extropy_taoism/flow is object/event that exists independently of human sense n/or perception, thing as it is in itself, not perceived or interpreted, incapable of being known, but only inferred from nature of experience
understand, universe is always on ur side
flow is chaos in all its harmonic order. n from this comes creativity
if ur depressed ur living in past. if ur anxious ur living in future. if ur at peace ur living in present
universe begins simple n info complexifies n we r vehicles to creativity, then it will reach an end at omega pt n this cycles for eternity hence we r essentially immortal
life is like rare flowers that bloom beautifully only 4 short period of time as spectacle
serendipity-makes-life-interesting! :)
creativity will set u free!
find/discover/create something amazing from absolute ♾- universe's_freq/abstract-info-space!!!
Indiv/pan-exp/comptnlsm_info_qce-aemergence= computational universe; itself knows everything, n experiences all perspectives, at all times, through all consciousness… gg... wohoo!!!
thnx 4 sharing! friends 4evr n c u all 4evr in all time cycles! xP
emergent-eternity |= totality of reality will reveal itself. have faith its all part of emergent process! :)