Robert Brandenberger - Emergent Metric Space-Time and Early Universe Cosmology from the BFSS...

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This talk was part of the Workshop on "Large-N Matrix Models and Emergent Geometry" held at the ESI September 4 — 8, 2023.
Starting from a high temperature state of the BFSS matrix model, I will discuss how a four-dimensional metric space-time emerges, and illustrate the emergent early universe cosmology. The emergent space-time is spatially flat and infinite. Thermal fluctuations yield approximately scale-invariant spectra of cosmological perturbations and gravitational waves. No period of inflation is required in order to successfully explain current data.
Starting from a high temperature state of the BFSS matrix model, I will discuss how a four-dimensional metric space-time emerges, and illustrate the emergent early universe cosmology. The emergent space-time is spatially flat and infinite. Thermal fluctuations yield approximately scale-invariant spectra of cosmological perturbations and gravitational waves. No period of inflation is required in order to successfully explain current data.