Born of Water and the Spirit (John 3:4-8)

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BEST comprehensively treated SERMON on this passage!!! Thank you!!!


Thank you, dear LORD God, for this message! Glory to God, AMEN!


The best interpretation I've heard of John 3:5 is found in David Pawson's book titled The Normal Christian Birth. Everyone should read it. There's a wealth of knowledge found in that book. Hope you'll be blessed by his teaching.


I believe too, we shall all have a new body like Christ's. This body is the mansion that Jesus mentioned that He will prepare for us after His death and resurrection and ascension.


Word and being born of the spirit

To make her holy cleansing her with the washing with the water through the word.


Praise God for the true good news that Jesus Christ died for every person and provided a way of salvation for all. He desires all men to be saved and is not willing that any should perish! The Calvinism gospel is from the devil preaching that God is a respecter of persons, choosing favorites. Believe and trust in the true Jesus and what his real heart is!


Does anyone think that there could be a correlation with Genesis 1:2

“The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This is accounting for the beginning of creation. Since we must be born again then that should equate to being a new creation in Christ. Just a thought.


@37.22 Is Absolute TRUTH - truth cannot regernerate a person. This is so true. Hope listeners eyes will be opened to this. Most christians keep on reading the Bible without being regenerated


My opinion only: "water" in john 3:5 means The Word of God. You need the "Word" and "Spirit" to be born again. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Romans 10:17 We need to hear the Word, then believe the Word, then we are sealed. "...after that ye heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy spirit if promise" Ephesians 1:13. "When you received the Word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the Word of God which also performs its work in you who believe." 1 Thess 2:13.


Semah Acts2:38 repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of (Jesus Christ) for the (remmision) of sins and you shall receive the baptism of Holyspirit.
I have the promise do you?


On this rock I will build my church. Jesus was speaking to Peter. The Rock. On Pentecost Peter spoke. Jesus said Perter, Rock, church, What did peter say on Pentecost? Water and spirit. so water is moms womb? . . . So Jesus said you have to be an alive human to be born of the spirit. Huh. I think thats an obvious one dude. water is then something besides moms womb. . .


John 3 (KJV) Jesus and his disciples, and John all baptized people.
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

22 After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judaea; and there he tarried with them, and Baptized.

23 And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were Baptized.


I have problems with this. I am not a pastor just a believer but I think you are missing something here.
John 3:3 Jesus is talking about being born again. Jesus says unless you are born again you will not see the Kingdom of God.
Nicodemus was not able to see the kingdom of God because he did not believe Jesus is the son of God and had not confessed it with his mouth as it says further on if you that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Rom 10:9.
Nicodemus could only see the signs of the Kingdom and not that it was actually The Kingdom of God. We today are amazed by God’s work in our lives but before you became a Christian we don’t recognize it as God working in our lives. It is only after we become a Christian do we see or recognize God's work. Most of the time we say it was coincidence or fate or karma or the like.

Now as to the next verse or two where Jesus goes on to say in verse 5, Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Check out the Greek, Hebrew and most translations of these verses you will find verse 3 says see, verse 5 says enter. Jesus makes a clear distinction between seeing and entering the kingdom. Why?
Because there is a difference between seeing and entering. I like to put it like this.

You can go to a football game and be in the crowd. Your there! You get to cheer on your team and stir the opposition team and supporters. You feel the atmosphere and the highs and lows of the game. You’re doing your best for your team. It’s great. It’s wonderful. But your influence is minimal.

What if you were a player on the park? You have entered into this game in a physical way. You get in the lineup. You make some tackles and sometimes you carry the ball. The crowd see you but don’t know who you are. But you are on the park. In the game. Taking the knocks and giving them back.

Now I don’t just say this because it sounds feasible. Read Romans. It is a book of very lateral thinking. It explains everything very clearly. It makes a statement then expands it. 3:21-26 is being born again. Romans continues then it talks about water baptism in chapter 6. Then continues on and talks about baptism of the Spirit in verse 8.

So God’s Kingdom is here with us now. Sometimes we don’t see it for what it is but it is here. All around us, and we can choose to live in His kingdom or this worldly kingdom. Follow His rules or follow the world’s rules. We can be a supporter or a player on the field. Using His gifts and abilities for His kingdom or not.

When you look at Jesus he was a man. He was baptized by John. He was crucified. He rose from the grave. When the disciples saw Him He was sometimes recognized and other times not recognized straight away. He had His physical body that had been changed into a spiritual body. He would walk with them or just appear with/to them. He was able to be in one place and then moments later be in another place.

I believe this is what it will be like in Heaven. If we are born again we go to heaven. If we are baptized in water we can have a physical body. If we are baptized in the Holy Spirit we can have this mortal body that people know and recognize. Romans 8:11.

It is a little out there I know and the main thing is to get to spend eternity with God. The rest is entirely up to you how much you do. It is not better or worse because you are with God for eternity.


I know in john 3:5 kjv our Lord Jesus Christ say you must be born of water and of the Spirit. But my question is in this verse when he says water what is Jesus refering to? Is Jesus refering to the living water in John 4:10-14? Or is he talking about us being baptised like the baptist denomination? Like being submerged in water and coming back up signifying the new birth in Christ? Does anyone know a answer to these questions because i am unsure of what our Lord Jesus Christ is using water in John 3:5 kjv like what does he mean by water and of the Spirit in this verse? I think he is talking about the living water in John 4:10 kjv does anyone have any input or answers to this? Thank you guys in advance and may God continue to bless you all,

Your brother in Christ
Galatians 6:9


At 10:15, you said that 'Christian baptism was non existent while Jesus was talking to Nicodemus'.
What about Jesus being baptized? What about John the Baptist baptism. Did all this disciples, get baptized, second time after the death of Lord Jesus?

Where did Jesus use a word, which means something else! You are a specialists watering down the word water, to mean anything other than water.

Strange hermeneutics at play!



//Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born [a]again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”//

At this point, Jesus is saying a person cannot see the kingdom except he is born again (ie. born a second time).
This strongly suggests that the person has first been born via the first birth which is not sufficient to see the kingdom,
hence the second birth is required. It is this second birth that is "mysterious".

//Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”//

Nicodemus understands the first birth as Physical birth from the mothers womb, but wrongfully assumes the second birth is would be a repitition of the Physical birth.

//Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. //

At this point, Jesus confirms what the 2 births are; distinct from each other.
And To correct the misunderstanding of the 2nd birth, Jesus goes on to say...

//That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.//

Clarifying that the fleshly physical birth is of the flesh and the 2nd birth (which is needed to see the kingdom) is of the spirit.
Then Jesus goes on to explain the "mysterious" second birth.

//Do not marvel that I said to you,
‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and
where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”//

Here, Jesus again confirms that being born again is a reference to being born of the spirit.


Before I even hear what Pastor Curtis says what "water" actually means in that verse, I believe it actually means the word of God. Or, more specifically, the Teaching of God.
Back to the video to hear his answer.


Just to interact with the point you made at around 56mins regarding a spiritual body. I heard a talk you gave a while back and was suprised to here you say the 2 Cor chap 5 v 1-4 was a body of a corprate nature which I didnt quite see myself as, through my own studies, always understood those verses and the other few that follow to mean that in this tabernacle (our earthy bodies) we GROAN desiring to be clothed with our house (permanent) which is in heaven (reserved for me and made by God) then Paul says if so that being clothed (with our permanent house made by God) we shall not be found naked (dead in the grave sleeping without the earthy tabernacle OR the permanent house reserved in the heavens) for we that are in this tabernacle (earthy body) DO groan...NOT for that we would be unclothed BUT clothed upon... Paul WANTED this permanent body immediatley at his death so as to be "changed within a twinkleing of an eye" and not to be sleeping in the grave without either. Paul does not want to be the "bare" grain (naked) thats sown into the ground that DIES to become what it itself WILL be when its springs to life (Paul said in 1 Cor chap 15 v 36 "Thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickened (or brought to life) except it die, which is what Paul did not want, then goes on to give those well known words in 51-58) but he wants to be in the twinkling of an eye changed clothed upon that mortality might be swalled up of life but then finishes with the fact that its not up to him but to God so whether with or without that body we may be accepted of Him.
Thank you brother David for your AMAZING insight into the word that God has given to you. I am blessed of your knowledge and love you have for our Father. I believe that when God said "each star He knows by name" its because WE are the picture of those "stars shinging in the darkness" Salvation is truly announced to us in the firmament. The sun, Christ lights up the darkness or rather darkness flees from the light that which Christ is and even in the darkness the moon reflects the light and still we see, albeit more darkly, but in that darkness the moon's shown to its fullest extent because its backdrop IS darkness in which we also in darkness shine. WE are the light of the world to those in darkness but we as Gods children bask in Christ always.



He sounds so much like Thomas Haden Church. It’s not letting me focus :/


John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He That came down from heaven, even the Son of man Which is in heaven."

Here now is the second witness to those things given, as to how you must be born from above. There is no way that you can make baptism out of this verse. It sums up the whole matter of being born from above.

No man, no one goes to heaven, but that he first was born from above. That soul must first be born of women, where the soul entered the womb at conception, and when the flesh body dies, it is returned to the father. There is not a living being on this earth, that did not come down from the Father first, and at death shall return to the Father. That is just plain common sense.

This doesn't mean that they are all going to have eternal life, but heaven is where the Father is, and that is where the judgment takes place. But what is meant here is in reference to obtaining salvation for their soul, or eternal life. All souls return to the Father, and many of those that do return will be condemned to destruction. The judgment takes place at the time of the great white throne judgment. Until that time, those sinning souls will stay right there in paradise where there is a great gulf between God and the sinning soul This is stated in the parable of the rich man, in Luke 16. There has been no soul destroyed to this date, that has passed on after death.

So what this thirteenth verse is saying, is about being born again. It means that you must be born from above. You can't be as those fallen angels, and take short-cuts, but it must be done according to God's plan of salvation.
