The Last House Wife RANT Review ~ HEAVY Spoilers

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Welcome back to book reviews, let's start off with a bang! I saw some folks loving this book and that should have been my first red flag. If it's popular right now, it's probably not my cup of tea. Granted, this wasn't my cup of anything. Not even my cup of mud. This book is what we call a "no thanks!" So watch me rant about it!

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“Mary Sue joins a sex cult to confirm that ‘the one she loves’ got murked.”
That should be the back blurb.


This sounds like a worse version of the movie Promising Young Woman where a woman tries to "avenge" a dead friend who (k1ll3d) herself after authorities refused to investigate her R4p3 by humiliating would-be r4p1sts, but it is more of a tragedy exploration of trauma and the failures of the system of allowing women r4p3 victims to suffer to prevent the destruction of "promising young men" who shouldn't be punished for a "small mistake" then a revenge fantasy.


Wow, that's incredible. Not in a "I want to read that" kinda way, but in a "I'm so glad someone put themself through this absolute shit-show so I can enjoy this delightful tirade" kinda way. 10/10


When you were reading the blurb I experienced "Oh the blurb's over- wait fuck why is it still going?" At least ten times.


One of my favorite book characters falls into the "I'm gonna charge in head first without a plan/do something stupid" trope, but she at least gets her ass handed to her by her friends (who usually help get her out of the trouble she's in) by telling her off for her stupidity. She learns from her mistakes. I hate the brand of "feminism" that is just "Me strong woman never ask for help! Never plan! Everything magically works out for me, and if you try to tell me I'm wrong or offer help, you're sexist!"

Plus, this author did a good job of alienating any male readers by making every man either evil, an asshole, or so meek they barely qualify as a person.


"Is it well written, at least? NO, no, it is fucking not."😂

By far, my favorite book review!😄


How did they screw up a culty murder mystery so bad? 😢


The amount of thrillers branded as “feminist” that are rife with misogyny is scarier than any book will ever be 😅


There is the icky stench of "I'm not like the other girls" except the other girls are into submission, pop music and pretty clothes.


You should read or audiobook the Devotion of Suspect X a Japanese novel translated to English which is less of a who dun it mystery but how dun it mystery as a physic scientist tries to expose the method of murder and the cover up by the suspects, one of which is a former college of his. It isn't overly violent except the murder part which for a murder thriller mystery is not that violent. It is more of a mental thriller as physic scientist tries to outsmart the suspects.


This books has too many ideas, but none of it explored and why did Shay need to be married if the book would not bother exploring her dynamics with her soon-to-be ex-husband. Or why in thrillers (or stories in general) can a protagonist have a stable(lish) support(ish) marriage/long-term romantic relationship of some sort where the spouse/partner is not the "enemy" or just a "prop" for the protagonist to have as backstory material to worry about in the background (not unless the antagonistic marriage/relationship is the whole driving force of the story like with Gone Girl). Or just have both parties just have an amicable break up at the end like mostly normal people or be just single in the beginning.


Also it sounds just as bad as 50 Shades in terms of exploring BDSM where the lady lead both hates/rejects the BDSM, but it's okay because trauma and freewill or something she doesn't know any better.


Thank you! I felt like I was alone in hating this as everyone on bookstagram was singing its praises. Shay was truly a Too Stupid To Live character and luckily she has tons of plot armor so nothing really bad ever happens directly to her. Minus the branding, that can't have been fun. I died at the scene where she just happened to find a window to sneak in through and can join the party without anyone asking any questions! Seriously? These are supposed to be powerful men with money, surely security would be top-notch and not something Harriett the Spy could crack.

I also did not love her whole marriage plot point. Why? He served no purpose. Couldn't she just be a well-made woman in her own right?

I agree that the book was giving mixed messages. One minute we have, "Be proud of your sexuality and kinks!" And then the next, "But, not like that! You must be broken!"

Rachel was a terrible sales woman/recruiter for this cult. They all thought she was weird and awful but then all go willingly to hang out with her and her "dad?"

Winstead had a decent idea here but cared more about shocking readers than writing anything realistic. Reading this was like watching a car crash. You know you should look away but you just can't help yourself.


Oh, this sounds like a book I would hate in every aspect!


It oddly reminds me of Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter, except it sounds like a worst version of it. I love cult horror stories but I don't understand what is going on here...


I had to sit in the car while my wife listened to the audiobook, and the only things I could think were how stupid the lead was, and how contrived and mixed the messages were. I don't get how people like thrillers, even the good ones, but this one REALLY made me gag.


This not NXIVM cult is so powerful enough to openly control so many people somehow??? That is so silly. The only thing that could have made it better/worse is that the not NXIVM cult was trying to summon the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster all along and Shay has to magical girl transformation into her Shining Glory Starlight form to defeat the monster with the power of lesbian love or friendship.


This book sounds like it needs to be 4-5 books long. Like it's not a bad idea, but other than character development, it feels like it's going way too fast. BFF bank rolling the cult she once escaped isn't that bad of a plot twist, but this book sounds too short.


5 minuets in... So far unlovable genuinely caring male very relatable....


These kinds of books make me doubt there ARE any good thrillers. Though I will never read one regardless because I have ALL the anxiety!
