Darth Vader fans WAITED YEARS for this - Deleted Scene

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Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith - Deleted Scene
Extended Separatist Slaughter on Mustafar - Deleted Scene

In this Star Wars Episode III Deleted Scene, we would have seen an extended version of the scene where Anakin kills the Separatists on Mustafar.

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0:00 Intro
0:53 Prequel Rant
1:59 Separatist Slaughter Breakdown
2:31 Neimoidian Guards
3:01 Conference Room Slaughter
4:58 Droideka Attack
5:32 Extended Gunray Death
6:29 Lightsaber Giveaway

Instagram: @StarWars_Analyst

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No doubt the missed opportunity to show Anakin/Vader storm the Jedi temple is what we deserved as fans and would've fully shown his decent into the darkside of the Force


Imagine an R rated version of ROTS with Anakin brutally slaughtering separatists and Jedi


Fun fact: Vader’s eyes were glowing yellow in that scene because he was actually enjoying himself while killing the separatists, fully giving into his hate for them starting the war and leading him down this path in the first place… also let’s just get some more appreciation for the incredible soundtrack of revenge of the sith. I think it’s the best of any film.


The novel of Revenge of the Sith was awesome. When Anakin approaches Nute Gunray, Nute goes, "Lord Sidious said we would be left in peace!", Anakin replies, "The message was garbled. He said you'd be left in pieces." It really is a great novel worth a read. Anakin also said other funny Vader one liners before cutting someone down. I don't know why they didn't include all of that dialogue in the actual movie.


This scene in the revenge of the sith novel was amazing & would've truly been epic if they'd incorporated it into the movie.


I actually want to point out that Vader’s “There was a garble in the transmission” line actually fits in with when Palpatine told the Separatists that Vader would “take care” of them. When Palpatine said that, to the Separatists, Palpatine was basically saying “Lord Vader will keep you safe”, but he was secretly saying “Lord Vader will eliminate you”, but he deliberately used ambiguous phrasing.


Remember! There is a 4 hr version of Episode III and also a petition to release that 4 hr version which would probably include these deleted scenes!


The deleted scenes would have showcased Vader's pre-suit badassery so much better! It's really too bad the editing room floor got so much good stuff!


Finally someone that actually has a good monologue cadence. The problem with Youtube is many people sound like a robot reading these scripts, it becomes horrible to listen to. This guy is a rare voice and isn't tiring to listen to.


I would pay of money to see an uncut 4 hour long version of ROTS. I hope we will see some flashbacks to scenes like this in Obi Wan. That would be incredible!


Always funny how anakin crosses his arms and listens to Nute and even tilts his head, then gets bored and slashes him.


I swear anakin murdering these separatists and looking almost like a Nazgul is one of the greatest scenes in the movie, I love how Lucas almost didn't hold anything back in terms of brutality.
I am sure with these extended scenes the sequence would have been even more awesome.


In regards to the Battle Droids, it's true that in Phantom Menace they were the only ones able to come close to giving Jedi a problem. That's why it would have been so awesome to see Anakin/Vader deal with them so casually. Imagine if the Droids show up, and instead of using his lightsaber, he just Force crushes them like they're empty aluminum soda cans.


Would've been nice to see more Vader moments, shame they cut out all the best parts... Keep up the good work dude, love your content!


Pre-suit Vader rules. Well, he's very interesting. More scenes of him in that phase would have been welcome. It was all too short, and showed us another path that Anakin/Vader could've gone down. A favourite what-if is: Anakin falls to the Dark Side but never battles Kenobi on Mustafar. Spared the unspeakable trauma of getting hacked apart and burned, then shoved into a heavy, painful suit, Anakin's outlook would be considerably different. Padmé could've survived, Sidious having lost the convenient excuse for her demise. She'd be in constant danger, though, and Anakin would eventually figure out what Sidious really was up to, and that he'd been played by the Sith lord, leading to the early death of Sidious and..? Who knows. Just fun to occasionally speculate.


We can see Shu Mai's death in the film.

If you slow down the scene where Anakin kills Poggle the Lesser, right after Poggle's head is chopped off, you'll see Shu Mai's head falling down very close to his too.

It's a very quick scene and also different from the original script that intended to have Shu Mai dying in the conference room.


From your description of how this scene was origionally going to go, i had a flashback to the Rogue One hallway scene. Pure terror, chaos, and the knowledge that only one person was walking out of that room. I do wish that they extended this scene or added some other Vader being scary scenes in the films. One that I would have liked to see was a scene where Anakin fought a council member or two, so he would personally get some revenge against being denyed the rank of master. Because other than Mace Windu and Obi-Wan many years later (or Shaak-Ti in the deleted scene), Vader doesn't get to fight any of the ones that he would have hated most.


It's always bothered me that we never got to see Vader kill any Jedi. We've seen Anakin kill sand people and children. The separatists were not a threat. We see him kill rebels in Rogue One but again, not a threat really. Just feels like we don't have anything outside of books or comics where we get to see Vader be an unstoppable force against a formidable opponent.


Us not seeing Anakin kill Jedi in ROTS is the same as us not seeing Gorr butcher any gods in love and thunder
