What happens if you invite a character that's already C6? Genshin Impact Lantern Rite 2022 FCIF

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In Genshin Impact's 2022 Lantern Rite Event, Fleeting Colors In Flight, you get to choose a 4-star character to add to your team.

My Chongyun already had full constellation, but I invited him anyway because I wanted to know what would happen. Would they tell me to pick a different character instead? No, they give you 5 Masterless Starglitter, which is the same reward if you pull a 4-star from wishes that you already have max-constellation with.

Here are my thoughts on the matter:
curiosity killed the cat. i am the cat. i wanted to know what happens. this was a huge mistake. i regret everything.
Okay i'm fine now I got over it it's not that big of a deal I missed out on C1 yanfei i'm alright with giving that up for science.
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Huh, I guess since it's Lantern Rite 2023 this video blew up somehow. I just read all of the 313 comments that are currently here, and so I have written up some responses to frequently asked questions and frequently seen misconceptions.

Which Lantern Rite is this? In the video is the 2022 Lantern Rite. This video suddenly gained a lot of views due to the arrival of the 2023.

Where is Yaoyao? Yaoyao wasn't in the 2022 Lantern Rite. But she is in the 2023 Lantern Rite. She's the one I'm going to invite this year.

Do I have all these characters at C6? No. I had all of the currently available characters already, but not all of them were at C6. If I hadn't invited Chongyun in this video, I would have gotten C1 Yanfei instead.

Is this my second account? No. This is my main account.

Are you rich? I have not spent any money on Genshin. Everything I have is just from playing since launch. I am planning to get a Welkin Moon once I upgrade my phone though.

300 Starglitter!? Yes, I had 300 starglitter. I'm shocked at how many comments were talking about the 300 starglitter. At this point in the game I never spent any, so I just got more and more. However, I recently cashed it all in to get either Nahida.

Was it worth it? Yes, because a handful of comments were saying that they were curious about this exact thing, and I'm happy that my sacrifice was able to provide knowledge. Also, 'wasting' my invitation wasn't that big of a deal anyway, to me at least. I'm totally fine with it.

What did you think would happen? I thought that after the first confirmation box, it would say "you can't invite Chongyun since Chongyun is already at C6" or something like that. However, I knew that getting 5 starglitter was also a possibility. I was curious and just wanted to be sure.

Also, as other people have pointed out, Yes I am a girl, my name is AhriFangirl, after all.


respect bc he wasted his invite just for this
final edit: keep ur opinions and I'll keep mine


W for taking the bullet by sacrificing his invitation


I usually finish off C6 with those invitations so I get more starglitter for pulls


You’re a hero, thank u for ur sacrifice


Last Lantern Rite I did this too. Reason was because I was guaranteed Ganyu and desperately needed fates. Luckily Yun Jin was the only character I'd not c6'ed at that point so it didn't hurt as much lmaoo


Man, I love how I have C5 Barbara and C4 Xiangling, the highest two Constellations of my whole team. Gotta love 4 star characters, sometimes they outshine 5 star characters!

PS: I have C1 Jean, and that's the highest I have for a 5 star character.

Edit: holy moly, 1000 likes?? Thanks, that's the all time high for me.


Thanks i needed to know what ill get if i get a character from wishing that I already got c6 for


i’m choosing chongyun because he hates me and doesn’t want to come home. so i’m forcing him :)


I was a new player around that time 💀💀 Didn't realize that you'll get one of the characters, so I accidentally got a Xiangling constellation 😭😭 Instead of getting a new character


FYI if the character is 5* then you get 25 starglitters.



edit: oh nvm thats last years lantern right ;-;
edit 2: I MEANT LANTERN RITE- wait but also right yes


i got yaoyao on the banner (after 2 yun jin cons...) then i used my invite to c6 yun jin cause i already had her c5 after those 2 pulls. hoping to get chongyun on his banner!


I did this just so I get closer to a 5 star honestly worth it 👌 😌 and now guaranteed hutao >:)


So fischyl nd xiangling are on the paimon wishes. You can actually get 2 constellations if you go for them.


I picked xingqiu. I didnt have one. I mean, i dont have a lot of characters from pick, but i find xingqiu the best out of them all


Imma use this for Xingqiu... C4 Xingqiu by then


Respect to this person who did this for demonstration purposes


wow its been 1 year and today is 14/09/2023 time flys


ahh i like it when youtube gives me an unskippable 15 second ad for watching a 27 second video. but it was low key worth it tho
