The 100% Natural FREE Pest Control Method for Your Vegetable Garden

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Right before the new season really kicks off, I thought I would make a video outlining my strategy for natural pest control in the garden and provide plenty of tips and actionable steps for you to start implementing too. The best thing about this method of organic pest control is that you don't sacrifice space for edible crops and you don't need to use any chemicals at all!


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Introduction 0:00
The Goal of the Garden 0:13
Attitude to Nature 0:47
Supply & Demand Principle 1:20
Minimal Intervention Pest Control 1:50
The Trick to Reduce Pests 2:59
Two prime examples 3:45
What Pests & Diseases Really Are 4:35
8 Fantastic Plants 5:38
Why it's so simple 9:09
Slugs 9:25

#permaculture #pests #gardeningtips
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I recently found the perfect slug destroyer, as some toads colonized my garden pond. They don't just kill slugs, they pleasantly sing at night as well...


I've had great success in my garden with regular mustard seed from the supermarket spice aisle. The cabbage moths prefer it over any other of my brassicas, and when scattered around or planted in a ring before planting seedlings or other plant seeds, the slugs and snails seem to prefer the mustard seedlings and I have higher success in keeping my veg/flower seedlings alive. The surviving mustard plants are chopped and dropped as mulch as they mature, with some going on to flower for the bees and hover flies. The flowers are delicious in salads, and I put them into potato salad as well for a little bit of interest. Mustard, borage, comfrey, calendula, clover (various types) and nasturtiums are my absolute must-grows, wouldn't be without them. I never had much interest in growing flowers because I saw them as a waste of resources - but now I adore having them interplanted in my garden.


Love the permaculture approach of dealing with pests. Balance is the key in everything. When we observe wildlife we can see nature at work and learn a lot. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of this.


I really loved the simple explanation about using sprays: when we use sprays we tell the nature that we are the predator here so other predators are not needed. That is building up the problem with every future pest hatch and we basically sign up for this role for life lol.


Love how you care about nature balancing, it's really important.


I have gophers and rabbits eating my brassicas so I bought some wire baskets from the dollar store to cover them up! Keeps cabbage butterflies off as well!


Such a great video! We grow our food to feed our family and knowing what is going into our food is so important to us. We are planning on keeping our garden chemical free as well.


Another inspiring video. I like how you explained the correlation between predators and their prey and that changes will not happen over night. Two years ago, I had coddling moths in my apples. Therefore, I created habitat for their predators last year - and it worked perfectly. No need for pasting rings 🙂


Great video Huw!! Thanks for inspiring young gardeners like me! I’m 15yrs old and I’ve been gardening 8yrs now! And I have a channel called Ultimate Gardening where I teach to grow your own food & flowers! Amazing video keep up the great work💚


Love this video. I'm such a garden geek, I love talking about beneficial insects. In my first year of gardening I made the mistake of using those yellow sticky traps to trap flies. Out of curiosity I started to look up all the other insects that I caught with the sticky trap and found out I had trapped far more beneficial insects than harmful ones! I know better now.


I had no idea coriander seed was edible at the green stage. Another addition to my edible fflower plot.


Thankfully there has been a huge revival of home seed saving and it is wonderful to see many gardeners facilitating the veg plants full life cycle instead of ripping them out when they were deemed to be past their 'prime' and no longer good to eat. Also a growing interest in perennial veg and leaving some annual veg to self sow adds to the completeness of natural cycles in food production, benefiting us and wildlife. It also cuts down on all that seed buying, plastic and bought in compost and labour.


They're often hated around the yard, but I have found yellow jackets to be one of the best predator insects. They completely cleared out a terrible aphid infestation I had. I find if you're calm and give them water and food they never bother people.


Rabbits, cabbage moths, vine bore beetles, and my dogs are my garden bane. Oh, and something that keeps eating the base of my trees, just the bark.


Cynoglossum is my favourite flower for attracting bees into the garden. I went to pull out a self-sown plant a few years ago and realised it was alive with bees. Since then I have encouraged it to grow all through the garden. Bees love blue flowers.


that stick in the river sand visual was very clever good job... personally I've had great success by planting onions and garlic right in the middle of brassica crops with no intention of harvesting large full sized bulbs from them but using their pest repellent attributes... another great plant is Calendula and Marigolds seem to work the same way as Nasturtiums...


I don't know what birds you have there. We have wrens, hummingbirds, etc and they're awesome for taking care of small insects that harm your garden. Make sure you have a bird bath, a nesting area and other bird friendly things. The birds will also add to your garden's pleasure, especially when they're feeding their young.


I've been planting mostly native flowers for years now, along with some proven flowers for the food garden, and knock on wood, my pest problem has been minimal. What a good video - thanks for sharing!


Biodiversity of flowers:
Borage, leeks, onions, chives, nettles, dandelions, nasturtium, coriander, brassicas, dill, etc

to encourage pest control species:
hover flies


O have nasturtiums growing wild throughout. Each season is wonderful. We use the leaves n flowers in summer on salads, collect the young berries in spring and use them as preserve like capers. Amazing, and give away young crops of new sprouting to friends. It is such a great companion plant bring in d right bugs n bees n looks lovely. Especially in winter when there are less flowers around
