Quantum Physicist Erwin Schrödinger Thoughts on Upanishadic philosophy | Eternal Talks |

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Welcome to Eternal Talks! In this episode, we delve into the profound insights of Erwin Schrödinger on Upanishadic philosophy, one of the foremost pioneers of quantum mechanics.

Schrödinger had a profound interest in philosophy and was influenced by the works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Baruch Spinoza. In his 1956 lecture "Mind and Matter," he stated, "The world extended in space and time is but our representation." This echoes the opening words of Schopenhauer's main work. Schopenhauer's writings also introduced Schrödinger to Indian philosophy, particularly the Upanishads and Advaita Vedanta’s interpretation. Schrödinger once pondered: "If the world is indeed created by our act of observation, there should be billions of such worlds, one for each of us. How come your world and my world are the same? If something happens in my world, does it happen in your world, too? What causes all these worlds to synchronize with each other?" Schrödinger explored topics like consciousness, the mind–body problem, sense perception, free will, and objective reality in his lectures and writings.

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Video Credits:
Voiceover: Arijit Chakraborty
Written by : Viraj Kulkarni
Edited by: MKN

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today i found the most underrated video on youtube. pls continue the journey sir


Came for Schrödinger; stayed for Upanashads ... fascinating. Subscribed.


Thanks a lot, I am born in India but, born Hindu, the sanatani but unfortunately the political leaders who governed this country for last 66 years cut me off from the true knowledge heritage and taughts me wrong history, so sad I am jailed in the ignorance which is the criminal act of politicians, I will do my best to ensure this truth is taught in schools across India


"Media" told me this more than 50 years ago. There's no conspiracy to hide this. Many renowned physicists found great significance in scriptures. Oppenheimer quotes Bhagavad Gita after Trinity. Pauli had a decades-long discourse with Jung. Heisenberg developed an interest in mysticism.

The idea you state in this video is one of three ideas central to the Upanishads and Vedanta. You describe non-dualism. However, Vedanta also includes dualism and qualified non-dualism.

If you haven't already, you might like to check out "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra. Good stuff...


When I read the Upanishads I knew there was something very special about them. The book is a keeper. But not many people seem to know about them, which is sad. Be so wonderful to share and talk to another with the same passion. I hope you will put out many vids on the Upanishads


This is the type of knowledge the world needs to know and understand fascinating stuff


Aham Bharmasmi ( I am Totality )
Thank you for this beautiful video.
You Earned New Subscriber.


I know I shall never be able understant all that knowledge with this 'mental-me' ' that I own in this life and yet, since I started to read about oriental philosophies I knew I had found the way I had been searcing for. Then with book 'The 'Tao of Physics' something even deeper and wider entered in my readings. This video was so enjoyable to listen, so clearly explained. Thank you, I'll look for more videos from you.


I am so humbled and feel uplifted to hear "Hello eternal beings"🙏🙏🙏


I really love the way you explain/describe. It hurts that some people in India makes fun of gita and vedas


The links between the development of modern science and religion are astonishing


*Schrödinger was struck by the remarkable similarity between the views expressed in the Upanishads and the theoretical principles of quantum physics. He felt that the Upanishads represented an early understanding of the unity and interrelationship of all existence*




One important addendum you should be aware of is that science is coming back around to accept this idea. "Panpsychism" is the theory that the core constituent element of the universe is not matter or energy, but rather consciousness itself. It's getting a lot of resistance, naturally, but I haven't seen anyone raise any solid objections to it. Wonderful video. 🙏


Ancient Sanathana darmam Vedas, Upanidas it's our Gnanam, Ramayanam, Bagavadgitha ✊🚩🙏


The little space within the heart is as great as the vast universe.
The heavens and the earth are there, and the sun and the moon and the stars. Fire and lightening and winds are there, and all that now is and all that is not.
Thank you.
Need more content like this.



All there is is Consciousness. Welcome to the Dream.


Fascinating, and indeed profound. Great presentation.


Brother really i love you ....here in India they don't want to read these books 🥺


I love the Upanishads.

Also each individual can only have their own experience. One can never have the exact experience of another. We can always try to see something from anothers perspective, but it'll always only be through our own filter. This also means that none of us truly knows if there're actually other individuals than ourselves. Of course we all very much experience so, and if you'd ask somebody else if they're real or not, then of course they'd tell you that they're real. But the same have happened to me in a very vivid dream ones. I asked one of the caracters if they were real. He just looked questionable at me, laughed and said "of course I'm real!". So just because someone else tells you so, doesn't prove that they're an actual individual. But they're a part of the whole experience none-the-less. Though there's only "you". But if no individual exists, then not even you does, because you'd need everything else to be individualized for you to also be so.

Spacetime is the course of individualism and contrasts. And without it we wouldn't have any experience at all. There'd just be infinite of white light. But since there'd be no contrasts or definitions, then we wouldn't experience anything.

Imagine zooming in on any edge or boundary to find the exact point where something starts and ends. You can't. It's just one constant gradual transition from one thing to another, and at some point things starts to break up, because everything is made up of something smaller. And you can't actually have nothing. Only the experience of it. The problem with the words something and nothing is that they uses the word thing in them, which would point towards something tangible. But just because something isn't tangible doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It could just be extremely small for instance, or exist at an frequency where we aren't able to experience it. Like some animals can see or not see certain colors. Even empty space isn't actually empty, because there's no such thing. Only the experience of it.

Past, present and future are only experiencial as well due to Spacetime. The experience of a past and a future exists because of our memories and imagination. Everything is just one big moment, even though it's not experienced as such. But since anything that wants to go anywhere also needs to use time and not only space, then the experience of a linear time happens.
