HUGE CLOSET DECLUTTER | Transformation from messy to minimal

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Always ask myself. Do I love this enough that if it got ruined would I rebuy that exact item or would I shop for something?


I was also recently diagnosed with MS. And I just have to say, thank you. Thank you for your honest description of your experience. Thank you for increasing the visibility and understanding of this strange illness. I struggle to explain the unpredictability of energy and concentration levels to friends and family and it always helps to be reminded that I am not alone.

I wish you all the best with your channel, creative interests and MS journey!


Recently did a wardrobe declutter and my tip would be as soon as you have a reasonable amount of definite 'no's'- take them to goodwill/charity shop.
Return to your wardrobe a few days later and you will easily declutter all the 'maybes' ( as these will now have become definite 'no's')
Items you love but were previously 'saving for best' you will have now given yourself permission to wear and your slightly less loved items can be your back-ups (if that makes sense)
If you are faced with a huge amount of clothing to work through it is advisable to work through in stages - otherwise you will continue to put off the task- this is my experience anyway!
Nothing is more rewarding than a clean, tidy closet with everything in its place ❤
Thank you for this video 😊❤


I used to have an incredible amount of clothes…we’re talking 100s easily over 500. I never got rid of stuff in a serious manner, and my mom n sister would give me their clothing items that they didn’t want It was truly horrendous. I’m down to 170-180 ish excluding sleepwear exercise and winter coats n jackets

So glad you made this video. Thank you. It’s got me thinking again about how to tackle the remainder.

Best wishes for your life journey from Nova Scotia


I have Long Covid/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I find your content both helpful and soothing! I think your combination of minimalism with chronic illness plus psychology PhD creates such useful insights. (And no, you don’t talk to much… I literally LOL’ed at that comment…your job is to communicate!).


I think the ‘modular’ approach works so well because it also helps to see how many of any one type of clothing I have. It also helps to be able to compare items ( in that category) against the others like it. As we know, we almost always just grab and wear our top 2-3 favourites in any category so any more is usually just not needed and therefore not worn. I think it is also very valuable to really look at mindfully the items that don’t get worn ( aren’t favourites) and really analyze WHY they don’t work the best. Is it the color, fabric, feel of material, the fit? Etc. This helps to prevent future errors in shopping reducing future clutter. I was surprised you were able to get rid of so many jeans, well done.


Clothing is one of my most challenging areas in my minimalist journey. I have been regularly decluttering over many years and each time I seem to be able to let go of more without accumulating more. I really enjoyed your honest video about decluttering this area and I liked your approach. Watching you has given me some new insights and encouragement to let go of more so that I only hold onto the items that I really need, use and that make me feel my best.


I have me and heds and am really grateful to see someone with a chronic illness and energy limitations make a declutter video! I have found streamlining my belongings really helpful- easier to get dressed and keep things clean, but I definitely agree with you that big declutters are often too much to do at once. Thank you so much for sharing ❤


your the second person i hear say they debate with themselves…. your page is so comforting and down to earth and real. no extra fluff and stuff!!!!


I love the modular idea. I work full time and don't want to spend ALL day on my day off decluttering anything. This way I can do a little before work or in the morning on the weekends and still have time to do something fun. Thank you ❤️


Although I call myself a minimalist my clothing rack fell of the wall last week 😂 got a new one (which stands on the floor) and used the chance of change to declutter all my clothes and build a spring capsule :)


I do modular declutters too, for much the same reasons as you. I keep a big box by the front door for donations and add to it as I declutter. One thing you might want to try, for those items you love but don't wear for whatever reason, is to group them in an outfit so you can just grab it and go. If you cannot make an outfit you are excited about because you don't have the right pieces, it gives you information to make an informed decision. I also have started making monochrome outfits, if I have a red top, I make sure I have a red bottom, they go with each other but also my other clothes in neutral tones.


Good work! It’s also helpful to look at the items you are decluttering and identify the common reasons why you don’t like them, to avoid making the same shopping mistakes in the future. 😊


Perfect timing for me! My closet is next on my list! I just love your style, calm voice, and connection to the humanness of decluttering. It’s not always easy and I love that you address that in an authentic way. Thank you!


I am new to your channel and I love your honesty and openness… it is refreshing!


I have Fibro, and I can tackle only so much at a time. I didn’t remove everything from my closet - I removed what I did t like or wear first, then organized according to type of clothing, then tried on things that were left and realized a lot didn’t fit so then it went to - I’ve removed about 60 percent of what I had


Thank you for being authentic. I struggle with adrenal fatigue and depression so it is hard to get things done really quickly like some other YouTubers. Love your channel by the way ❤


Please don't shame yourself. You're just right the way you are. My closet is a total mess, and I will get to it here in a month or so. We all need to chill out about the race to "minimalism".
My best friend has MS, and she has had to really learn how to adapt.
COVID tiredness also is enough for anyone! 😂


Thank you for your videos and ideas. I have issues that drain my energy as well. I also get neurological symptoms that get worse the more tired I get. Unfortunately, my mind always underestimates how long or how much energy it will take to do something. So, like you, I need to just take a little nibble at a time. I can always go back for more. Thank you for the reminders and tips.


Way To Go So Proud of YOU. And once again, Thank YOU for sharing! I really like the modular strategy!!!!
